
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Necromancer vs Lena

The noise from the pistol took the attention of the zombies. They immediately chased after them and their quick decision in that situation was a great call; the distance between them and the pursuing zombies gradually widened.

However, just when they thought they could escape from the pursuit of zombies, ahead of them, more zombies came out.

"In front of us!" Kendra warned.

Lena also noticed them, but she was wondering where these zombies came from. When they were heading here, there weren't any zombies around the area.

Lena frowned. If nothing was done, they would get swallowed by the storm of zombies sooner or later. Even an Awakener like her could not survive if that were to happen.

"What are we going to do?" She asked. Perhaps Miss Kendra had a better solution.

"I'll lift us up."

Kendra replied right after she finished asking. Lena didn't hesitate to nod.


"Then pardon me."

Suddenly, Kendra grabbed her from the waist. Then after doing that, she pointed her right hand above. Lena noticed a device attached to Kendra's wrist. She shot it above. Something came out which was connected by a thin cable. The hook hit the edge of the 2nd-floor balcony and lifted them. They arrived at the 2nd-floor balcony of the 2-storey building in just an instant.

They were now safe, or so they thought. As Lena and Kendra caught their breath, they heard the sound of zombies growling and shuffling below them.

Looking below, they could see the two groups of zombies reunited and now they were crowding around the building below.

"We are surrounded," Lena muttered. And Kendra answered while frowning behind her helmet, "Yeah, and now we're trapped."

"We need to figure out how to get out of this situation," Lena frowned.

They both knew that they couldn't stay in this building for long, as the zombies could easily break through the windows and doors.

The normal ones might take time to do that, but the Mutant Zombies were different. They were stronger and quite intelligent.

"You're right."

Kendra and Lena quickly scanned their surroundings and they noticed a fire escape ladder on the side of the building. "We need to get to the roof," Kendra said to Lena. "It's our best chance of survival."

Without hesitation, the two girls made their way to the ladder and climbed up to the roof. As they reached the top, they could see the streets around were filled with zombies, and it seemed like there was no escape.

"We can't stay here for long," Lena said.

Kendra nodded in agreement and started searching the roof for any possible exit. They noticed a zipline on the roof that led to a nearby building. 'We have to use the zip line,' Lena said, pointing to it.

Lena's eyes shook in worry. She had never done anything like this before, but she knew that it was their only hope. "I'll go first," she said, trying to sound brave.

Kendra helped Lena secure the harness and gave her a reassuring smile. "You can do this," she said. Of course, Lena couldn't see her smile, but she could feel it through her words.

With shaky hands, Lena grabbed onto the zip line and pushed off the edge of the building. She let out a scream as she flew through the air, but as she reached the other building, she landed safely and unclipped the harness.

Kendra heard a loud clutter from behind. When she looked there, she saw the zombies rushing towards her. 'Wha— already?!' Suddenly, those zombies flew everywhere when a heavy object fell on the roof right in the middle of the swarming zombies.

'Mutant zombie!' Kendra exclaimed in her mind.

"GWAAARR!!!" The mutant zombie let out a deafening roar.

Seeing the Mutant Zombie hurriedly rushing toward her direction, Kendra quickly mounted the zip line. And like Lena, her figure flew through the air towards where Lena was. But before she arrived on the other end, she noticed the zip line lost its strength. As a result, she was about to fall below.

"Miss Kendra!" Lena shouted.

It turns out the Mutant Zombie broke the object that serves as the anchor of the zip line.

Hastily, Kendra aimed the device on her wrist towards the rooftop. An object flew that hooked on the edge of the rooftop. The hook lifted her up and brought her next to Lena.

"Miss Kendra, are you okay?"


Lena helped her stand.

"GWARRR!" They heard the Mutant Zombie yell once again. It was probably angry that its intention failed.


The two widened their eyes because the Mutant Zombie suddenly threw the anchor at them.

Looking at the trajectory, there was a high probability that it would hit them if nothing was done! However, the anchor seemed like it was hit by an invisible force. It suddenly bounced back without any sound. It fell below, and there it caused a loud clatter.

Kendra saw Lena extend her hand in the direction of the anchor. Probably, she used her ability to save them.


"No big deal. Let's find a way out before they come up here as well."


They immediately looked around. They saw a closed door that they believed led downstairs.


They run towards it.

As they were approaching it, they came to a sudden halt while protecting themselves with their arms. The door for some reason suddenly flew away after a loud thud. Lena and Kendra looked dumbfounded. Then from that door, some silhouettes came out.

"Ehehe. Where are you going?" A person in a black mantle with a hood spoke up in a mocking tone.

Lena and Kendra widened their eyes behind their helmets. Their shock was not due to the appearance of that person, but because that person was accompanied by two towering figures which they believed were Mutant Zombies!

"Who are you?!" Lena shouted.

"It's not important who I am. But you guys, you're from that shelter, right? Then I'm going to crush you here and feed your corpses to the zombies! Hahaha! Attack!"

After saying his command, surprisingly, one of the Mutant Zombies charged at Kendra and Lena.


"Eh?!" The person wearing black mantle attire gawked. He saw the Mutant Zombie fly back and crash on the wall. It was as if an invisible force hit it.

He glanced at Lena who was extending her arm forward. "You! Is that your ability? Interesting! Ehehe!"

Lena closed her eyes and exhaled. When she opened her eyes again, she said, "Say… you're the Weltfeinde, am I right?"

She noticed the person wearing a black mantle widened his eyes.

"Why do you know that?"

"That means you are indeed..." Lena said in a cold voice.

"So what? You're going to die anyway! Come forth, my armies!" More zombies came out of the door, and the Mutant Zombie that crashed on the wall earlier stood up as though it didn't receive any damage.

"Is he controlling them?" Kendra asked in a shocked tone.

Contrary to her, Lena remained silent. Then, she opened her mouth. "Hehe. This is good. I don't need to go and find you."

"Ha? What are you talking about?"

"You have caused a lot of trouble for him. Now it's on me to make you pay. I'm going to crush each one of you."

The man wearing the black mantle frowned. He could not understand what she was talking about. "Are you crazy?! Ah! Damn! Kill them!" He had no idea what she was talking about, so better kill them quickly.

The zombies marched forward. There were atleast about 30 of them and two Mutant Zombies. Looking at the Mutant Zombies, they were level 1 only. But being that they were Mutant Zombies, was already bad news.

"Let me handle the ordinary ones!" Kendra shouted and put up a stance. She was ready for combat.

Yet, "There's no need, Miss Kendra," she heard Lena say that in a calm tone.

Before the zombies could approach them, the zombies exploded silently. Their bodies turned to mincemeat one by one. Not only the zombies but also the two Mutant Zombies.

"What… happened?!" The man in black mantle looked dumbfounded. "Y-you! You're not an ordinary awakener, aren't you?!"

"There's no need for you to know. You're going to die anyway."

'Tsk! She uses my words against me,' the man thought.

He did not expect to encounter a high-level awakener. Tsk! He couldn't die here! When he noticed the one in black suit pointing her hand at him, cold sweat trailed his body.

This person is bad news! What kind of ability did she have? Rupture? That's crazy.

Lena was about to end him, but right at that moment, at the corner of her eyes, some silhouettes flew towards them.

When Lena glanced, she noticed the Mutant Zombie on the other rooftop threw the ordinary zombies at them. She quickly pointed her hand at the flying zombies and used her ability.

Seeing that, the man in black mantle used the chance. He quickly put his fingers inside his mouth and whistled.



A black shadow flew and passed by. It turned out to be a gigantic bird. The next moment, they saw him mounting it.

"I am Necromancer. Remember that name because I'm going to come back and kill you!!!"

They flew away.

"He is escaping!" Kendra took a pistol and fired.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bird swayed left and right, avoiding the bullets.

"Tsk. He got escaped."

She returned her gaze to the thrown zombies and saw them bloomed into mincemeat a meter before they could reach them. Kendra couldn't help but shiver at Lena's ability. This was the power of the strongest awakener in the shelter.

From below, they heard a loud screeching. When they looked below, they saw a car running over some zombies on the street before it came to a sudden brake.

"Kimetsu-kun?" Lena muttered in surprise.

"Wyte-san! Miss Kendra!" Dante poked his head from the window and looked above. He called their names.

They quickly went down.

Entering the car, Dante immediately sped the car away.

"What happened to your eye?" Lena, who noticed something in Dante's eye, asked that.

Dante's left eye was closed, but blood trailed down from it.

"It's a long story. Before that, let's escape from here first."

"You're right."
