
clash between dimension

I don't know how it all ended like this, my name is Bryan and I'm just a normal guy with no ambitions, but now I was forced to agree to protect the dimension in which I live. And now I'm on my way to becoming a dimensional god with my leveling system and whatever I get along the way. And I just wanted to live in peace watching anime... (simple description because I don't know what else to put)

MiguelCreative · Others
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5 Chs

chapter 4

[bryan's pov]

It didn't take long before the rest time was over. Now I was back in the same position as before, although this time I moved even further away from the circle where the goblins were, I don't want the same thing as before to be repeated. Also this time I had the goblin's sword and shield, of course I don't plan to use them much since they would hinder me more than they would help me.

"Alright, are you ready?" - She asked and I nodded. - "Then I'm going to release them in 3... 2... 1... Now!"

After she finished the countdown this time the barrier did not release any of the goblins but instead directly disappeared. After the barrier disappeared the goblins quickly noticed me, but when they saw me with the sword and shield of the leader goblin they began to look to the sides until they looked at the place where the dead leader goblin was.

"BROTHER!!" - the smallest goblin shouted and the other goblins followed him.



The goblins started yelling at me, but the loudest were the goblins who carry daggers with them. I hardened my heart, even though I knew what kind of goblins they were, I still killed someone's brother, it affected me a little.

"BROTHERS IN POSITION!!" - The largest goblin with dagger shouted as they took another position.

The one who screamed remained in the middle with almost the same position that I had at the beginning, only he had both his arms around the waist and took the dagger from the smallest one.

The two goblins with clubs stood one on each side while the smaller one stayed behind, I don't know why, but I will keep an eye on him.

'Well, actually I'll keep an eye on all of them, but you get the idea.' - I thought, but then I shook my head slightly and became serious.

"ATTACK!!" - The goblin shouted again making the two goblins with clubs run towards where I am very fast, although with a slower speed than the leading goblin so they are more manageable.

Although I was surprised when the goblin behind began to speak in a low voice so that I couldn't hear what he was saying, but when he finished, two orbs of light shot out of his hand and headed towards me.

They are so fast that I didn't have time to avoid them so I had to use the shield to protect myself. Luckily the power behind the orbs wasn't much so I was able to withstand the impact without moving.

When I lowered the shield again I realized that it was letting out a little smoke. But I ignored him as I began to look towards where the goblins were.

I realized that the middle goblin had disappeared, that scared me, but I quickly recovered. Getting scared in the middle of a battle is very damaging for someone inexperienced like me. (Not like I wasn't already)

Without saying anything, Captain America style, I threw my shield as fast as I could towards the club-wielding goblin on the left in the direction of his feet.

After doing so I ran while seeing the goblin's failed attempt to dodge it and falling to the grass. As I was approaching the goblin on the right with my sword ready to try to cut him, out of the corner of my eye I saw the goblin with daggers reappear too close to where I was.

Without thinking much and awkwardly, I quickly swung my sword to intercept the goblin's dagger.

[-5 HP] [-4 HP] [-0.1 hp per bleed for 30 seconds]

I received a small deep cut from one of the goblin's daggers, but before I could do anything else, I received another blow from the club goblin.

Before I could attack one of the goblins and fortunately for me the goblin with daggers and the one with the club moved away. The first after seeing that his attack failed and the second after seeing that his blow didn't hurt me that much.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I stood back a little while I analyzed the situation as best I could.

But I didn't have much time to do it since I had to dodge the other club goblin that was coming towards me with the intention of attacking me. I also noticed that this goblin had thrown the shield at the smaller goblin.

'Okayyy....' - I thought as I moved further and further away, now I had the goblin with daggers on my right side and the goblins with clubs, one in front of me and the other on the left.

"[Impulse]" - I murmured and then felt more powerful again. The goblins no longer stood still and began to run in my direction.

I quickly moved to the left side as I wanted to take out one of these club-wielding goblins. With my superior speed, it didn't take me long to get to where he is. I took advantage of the fact that he was still surprised by my speed and in a quick movement he launched a thrust with the sword.

He tried to protect himself using his club, but I was faster so the sword managed to reach his throat. And being quick and without remorse I pulled the sword from his throat and swung it to draw the blood from it.

The goblin on his part, after he pulled out the sword, tried to grab his neck with both hands, but he was already starting to fall to the ground.

"NO!!" - The goblin with daggers shouted angrily, I ignored the [Ding] of the system and returned my gaze to the other goblins who were looking at me paralyzed.

But they didn't last long and they came to their senses quickly, the goblin mage began to speak in a low voice again, but this time I was not going to allow him to cast another spell.

So without wasting any time as I jumped backwards, I grabbed the sword with my left hand and with my right I pulled my father's knife from its sheath.

I didn't think much and threw the knife towards the goblin mage before he finished chanting his spell.

"NO, PROTECT YOURSELF!!" -Shouted the goblin with daggers as he stopped and watched as the knife flew towards the goblin mage.

Unfortunately for me he stopped singing quickly, but nervously he protected himself using the shield, if he hadn't the knife would have stuck in his head.

"Tsk" - I clicked my tongue at that, but I didn't stop, the dagger goblin and the club goblin had also recovered and realized that the other club goblin had died.

"YOUR HUMAN WILL PAY FOR THIS!!" - The goblin with daggers shouted furiously just like the goblin with clubs. I rolled my eyes at that, this is the second time he's said it.

I returned the sword to my right hand and watched as the goblin mage tried to pull the knife from the shield.

Of course I wasn't going to allow that so I was going to run to where the goblin was. But before I could do it I saw the other club-wielding goblin acting strange, I noticed his eyes turned red.

I prepared myself while watching the goblin increase his muscle mass and speed.

'Berserker, huh?' - I thought after seeing it and being grateful that I killed the other one quickly because now I only have to worry about one of them.

The goblin quickly came at me while swinging his club, I of course dodged it and kicked him in the head. No matter how fast and strong he became, he lost all sanity and is now the closest thing to a beast because of how he growls and moves.

The goblin fell to the ground and I took the opportunity to stomp on its head hard, without showing mercy I stabbed it hard with my sword where its heart was supposed to be.

I took out the sword and it didn't take long to hear the [Ding] of the system.

Looking around I see that the goblin with daggers had approached where the wizard goblin was. The two of them were looking at me, which made me frown since they weren't attacking.

"Listen, human, I have a proposal" - Suddenly the goblin with a dagger spoke while raising his hands, making me frown even more at this change in behavior.

"How about we leave this behind and let us go. You've already killed three of us and I don't want to lose anyone else, what do you say? I promise we'll go as far away as possible." -The goblin said while he spoke softly as if trying to calm me down.

I narrowed my eyes as he looked at him and took this opportunity to steady my breathing, I really need to get this over with quickly so I can rest.

I snorted and for the first time spoke. - 'You are a goblin and goblins are vengeful, if I let them go then they will come back to take revenge.' - And surprisingly I spoke like them, with grunts that I didn't think I could do.

I watched as the dagger-wielding goblin frowned and the wizard tightened his grip on my knife, that last bit bothered me, but I tried not to show it.

"Fine. If that's how you want it to be, you human filth, fine, we'll kill you and feast on your flesh." -He spoke very rudely and cruelly.

Not wanting to listen to him anymore, I imposed myself and ran as fast as I could towards them.

The goblin with daggers did not move, but the goblin wizard raised his hand and began to chant a quick spell. Seeing that, I prepared to dodge or protect myself from anything I threw.

But then the goblin with daggers also began to run and with just a few meters left to get close enough, the goblin magician finished chanting his spell and closed his eyes and a very bright light became present.

I could only stop while trying to cover my eyes, but I only had time to half-close my eyes before the light became so strong to the point of dazzling my vision.

I concentrated and when I heard the heavy footsteps of the goblin on the grass I could only wave the sword forward trying to prevent the goblin from approaching me.

At that moment I felt my wrist being grabbed by a hand, thus stopping my arm, and then I felt something crossing my abdomen.

I opened my eyes wide and with what little I could see, it was the silhouette of the goblin with his right hand grabbing my right arm and with his left hand he held the dagger that was stuck in my abdomen.

I felt my legs lose strength, causing me to fall to my knees.

[-10 HP] [-0.3 HP per second]

"Hahaha, you should have accepted the previous proposal, hahaha now I will kill you and eat you." - said the goblin and I could see him, although very unfocused, smile, then he slowly turned the dagger causing him to clench his teeth in an attempt to resist the pain and the urge to scream.

I tried to grab his hand with my left hand in an attempt to pull out the dagger, which only caused him to laugh and exert more force inward.

"Hahahaha don't even try it human" - The goblin laughed at me while I leaned my body back a little.

I clenched my teeth as hard as I could and swung forward hard.

"What?... Aaargh!" - the goblin could barely say as he watched me headbutt him with enough force to make him drop my hand and the dagger.

"AARGHH! STUPID HUMAN!" - He grunted while holding his forehead in pain, meanwhile I moved away as far as I could while enduring the pain in my abdomen.

What surprises me is that the goblin mage hasn't done anything yet, but he didn't have time to think about that while he was trying to think of some idea to get out of this.

I stood still watching the goblin recover and now his eyes looked at me with intense hatred and before I could think about what to do I heard Airisse's voice.

"Okay, the test is over" - Airisse's sudden voice scared me enough to make me shudder, making the stab wound hurt even more.

But then while I was resisting the pain I saw how the goblin that was looking at me with intense hatred fell to the ground as if his ropes had been cut.

"Well, I could have been better, I give you a D+ for effort." - She said making me turn my gaze to look at her with barely contained fury.

I gritted my teeth and tried to calm myself, I know that if I start moving and screaming a lot my wound will hurt more.

"(Sigh) Sorry, I'm not good at this." - she apologized after seeing that her words made me even angrier than I was.

I didn't say anything while holding the wound, I feel like if I move the pain will attack me and I really don't want that.

"Calm down here, let me heal you, but don't get used to it" - She said and after that I began to glow slightly in light blue, I could feel how the pain disappeared, the dagger came out and the wound closed.

I undid the impulse of twice critical making my body relax enough for me to pass out, since I had already reached my limit.

[Third person point of view]

Watching Bryan faint, Airisse couldn't help but feel guilty and in awe of him.

Guilty because well, she was the one who led him to face quite strong and moderately experienced enemies in his first fight without any previous experience and training.

And amazed that he was only able to fight and kill 2 of the 4 goblins she faced.

Although he was stabbed in the end and if it weren't for her intervening he would most likely be killed, he still did very well.

Unfortunately he couldn't kill them all (It's not like she expected him to, since this test was only to test her talent and battle instinct.).

In the end, her body couldn't take it anymore, causing her to have to intervene to save him, although it was a surprise that she remained conscious so long after he was stabbed.

"Well, it was better than I thought, I thought he wouldn't even manage to kill one of the 4 goblins." -she thought, but then sighed as she did her "magic" and cleaned all the blood from Bryan's body and the grass, stored the goblins in her dimensional storage and finally teleported Bryan to her bed.

"You deserve it." - She murmured, normally she wouldn't have done it since she doesn't want to waste energy, but this time she will make an exception.

"Well, let's hope he wakes up." - Airisse murmured again as she walked towards the house, but not before grabbing Bryan's phone.


Hello again.

To clarify, Bryan is supposed to have no fighting experience, but the way I look at it, it wasn't that bad despite how unrealistic the situation was.

In the way I see it and how I will try to create Bryan. He is the type to keep a cool head in difficult situations. Although his body betrays him and shows his true feelings.

Now I don't know how someone injured by a stabbing acts, but I did it that way taking into account the adrenaline he had at that moment and his willpower. I wrote it like this.

And above all, the goblins were not as if they had much experience or were very intelligent, they are cunning, but not very intelligent.

They are F-rank monsters - even an inexperienced party of adventurers of the same rank could take down the four of them head on fairly easily. Now that would change if they had evolved, had more experience, or had fought with their leader.

And in the last part, as Airisse mentioned, he did not realize that his body stopped reacting because his attention was more on the goblin and thinking about how to get out of that situation.

Last thing, for those who didn't realize, they couldn't see anything inside the barrier.

And well, there's not much more to say, I really hope you liked today's chapter.