
clash between dimension

I don't know how it all ended like this, my name is Bryan and I'm just a normal guy with no ambitions, but now I was forced to agree to protect the dimension in which I live. And now I'm on my way to becoming a dimensional god with my leveling system and whatever I get along the way. And I just wanted to live in peace watching anime... (simple description because I don't know what else to put)

MiguelCreative · Others
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5 Chs

chapter 3

Before I start I want to say that I'm not good at writing fight scenes, so I did the best I could, although it didn't turn out the way I wanted, but that's how it will stay since it's too many words to delete it and it's not exactly bad enough to make me want to do it again.

[bryan's pov]

Approaching where the goblins are, I can't help but notice something strange.

"Hey, a question..." - I said as I stopped a few meters from them.

"Tell me?" -Airisse also stopped while she turned to look at me.

"Why do those goblins and especially the one in the middle look so... Tall and muscular? Aren't they supposed to be skinny and small like that one in the back?" - I asked as I pointed to the five goblins.

According to my understanding, goblins are the size of a small child. But these goblins must be 1.3 meters tall and the middle one is 1.4 meters tall. You can also see their muscles, except for one who is thin or two others who are fatter than muscular.

"Oh, that? What happens is that these goblins were not many levels away from evolving. From what I can see, these goblins will evolve to become elite goblins." - she said as if it didn't matter.

"Hey, hey I don't have the observation skills, but even I can see that they are stronger than me" - I said. It is assumed that in all games goblins are weaker than humans, but it is clear that if they are not stronger than a human, they are at least of equal strength.

"Don't worry, you have the sacred gear that doubles your strength, right? You'll be fine." - She said trying to calm me down, but I'm still nervous, this would be the first time I've done this, I didn't even fight with someone at school.

"Yes, but..." - I tried to speak since I'm not sure I can face the five, they seem to be used to fighting, they're even in formation and everything.

The two fat goblins each have a wooden club, the other two each have an old and rusty knife and the last one carries an equally old and rusty sword and shield.

"Okay, let's do this, I'll free the leader so you can face him separately and then you can face the remaining four at once. What do you say?" - she said and I can't believe that she was going to make me fight all five of them at the same time being my first fight.

"I would prefer to fight one on one, but it's okay, I think I can do it." - I said while taking a sigh. Well, looking at the positive side, at least while fighting the leader it will give me time to get a little used to using the sacred gear.

"That's the spirit, now get ready because I'm going to free the leader goblin." -She said as she walked away from where I was and sat down.

"Wait!... Here, take care of my phone, I don't want it to break." - I said as I quickly ran to where she was and left my phone. I quickly returned to the place where I was before.

'Ok, now I'm ready.' - I said while getting into position. I spread my legs, left foot in front and right foot back, hunching my body forward a little, raising both hands, the left raised to my chin, I plan to use it as a shield as it is covered by the sacred gear glove and the right at the height of my waist with the knife facing forward to stab.

I've never fought, but I'm an Otaku, there's not a day gone by where I haven't tried a fighting pose from some anime I watched.

"Okay, I'll get it out in 3...2...Now!" - She said and while she was counting I felt my body tremble with nerves, but I held on.

I saw how the circle of the barrier expelled the goblin with sword and shield outwards, and when it was outside the goblin got into position, the shield protecting his torso and the sword pointing forward, all while looking at me.

He took a few quick glances back, I suppose to see if his companions had come out or it was just him, when he saw that it was only him who came out, he looked at me again but this time with an intense look.

The goblin didn't say anything as he charged towards me and quickly came within a few meters of where he was standing.

Surprised by his speed, I dodged the attempt to stab me with his sword by moving to the side. The goblin, without wasting time, quickly moved his sword to the side where I moved, trying to cut myself, but I put my glove in front of me to block the sword.


I managed to block it and quickly moved back.

"Haa, haa, haa" - I was trying to catch my breath, I felt the sweat running down my face, I can't help but think that this is more stressful than that time when I had to shoot a gun.

The goblin this time did not move as he looked at me analytically.

'It seems that those two attacks were just to test me.' - I thought and although I am thinking relatively calmly, my body on the other hand is having slight tremors due to fear and nervousness.

"..." - the goblin spoke for the first time, although more grunts perished.

{Skill [language] activated; Goblin language learned}

"....Don't think you can stop my brothers and I from reuniting with our tribe" - although I didn't understand the first few words, the [language] skill acted quickly and made me learn the language from him.

"..." - now I feel bad, these goblins seem to be smarter than I thought and are they good goblins? And here I am trying to kill them? I thought that and it made me feel worse, but before I could speak the goblin spoke.

"I don't know how we got here, but I and my brothers will return to our tribe and continue with the plan to loot that human village and r*pe the women, but before that I will kill you and steal everything you own, it is a human promise. " -The goblin said as he tensed and prepared to continue attacking.

After listening to it I felt like a bucket of water was falling on me.

'You bastard and I'm here feeling bad for you!' - I thought annoyed as I put myself on guard again and tensed my body more trying to make it stop shaking.

"Here I go human!" - the goblin shouted as he moved faster than before, surprising me momentarily, but I quickly recovered.

The goblin raised his sword to attack me with a downward slash.

"[Impulse]" - I murmured, the crystal of the sacred gear shined a little and I felt like a wave of power enveloped me. Now I could see the goblin's movements slower, which allowed me to defend myself better.

Moving to the left side without fear this time I used the knife to deflect the goblin's sword and before I could do anything with my left hand I hit the goblin in the face so hard that I could see several teeth coming out of its mouth.

The blow was so strong that it lifted him off the ground and sent him flying as he dropped his sword and shield.

He fell face down to the ground and before the goblin could finish recovering I moved to stab him with the knife.

When I arrived I threw myself on the goblin and used my left hand to prevent the goblin from getting up and rest my legs on his arms.

The goblin squirmed as I held it, but I without thinking used the knife to stab it in the side of the neck.

"I'd say I'm sorry, but after listening to you I hope you go to hell, you ugly bastard." – I said and without remorse I pulled the knife from his neck making the blood come out faster, and it didn't take long before the goblin stopped squirming.

[You have obtained 862 EXP for killing a level 8 goblin]

[You have leveled up] x3

[You have received 0.1 in all statistics and 1 extra point] x3

[Sacred gear [twice critical] raised to level 2]

"Haa, haa, haaa, haaa..." - I could only read the system notifications as I tried to catch my breath, I was so tense with fear of failing that I didn't realize I was holding my breath as I moved to kill the goblin. I feel like the hand holding the knife is shaking, fortunately I don't have a problem with blood otherwise I would be vomiting like crazy right now.

"Well done, the first half could have been better, but the second was good. You will improve." - Airisse congratulated me, making me give him a blank look.

'What are you waiting for, I'm thankful he didn't cut me, who knows what illness I'll get if that sword cuts me.' - I thought while looking at her expressionlessly. I staggered up from the dead goblin's body and moved away a little.

"(Sigh) Okay, I'll give you ten minutes of rest to continue, I recommend that you stop using the sacred gear if you don't want to run out of MP." - she said and that made me realize that she was indeed still maintaining the twice critical momentum.

Deactivating the impulse I could feel the drop in strength and adrenaline I had. I staggered and fell on my butt to the ground, breathing even more tired than before, now I really felt like vomiting.

[MP: 2.6] (I changed it to 1 mp for sacred gear activation, plus 0.1 mp every 10 seconds of use.)

"Yes, it wasn't much, but it's the first time you feel the energy expenditure so it's normal, you'll get used to it." – she said as she approached where I was.

I didn't speak as I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. I feel like I've run a marathon and I've been in one.

[Beginner breathing technique raised to level 10]

[Beginner breathing technique leveled up; Beginner Breathing Technique became Intermediate Breathing Technique]

After the [Ding] of the system, I felt my breathing calm down faster and my urge to vomit lessen.

I opened my eyes and saw the reason for those [Dings], I realized that although the description did not change, the effects of the technique increased.

"Well, before starting another fight, I'd better add these extra points." - while I opened the system screen and before I could do so, Airisse spoke.

"And I don't think so. It's not the best." - she said and I can't help but raise my eyebrow at that.

"Why?" - I think the best thing is to add these extra points and thus finish them quickly. Not only because I want to rest, but also because at 12 I have to go to my appointment with Grandma Li.

"2 reasons, you don't have enough body control to put them into some physical stat like strength, dexterity or durability, that affects you not only in combat but also in your daily life." - She said while giving a short pause and then continuing.

"I also do not recommend putting them in intelligence or wisdom since your body and soul are still getting used to the energy I gave you. Adding more energy without having adapted and knowing how to control it will be detrimental for the future." - she finished while looking at me, then I asked.

"Then what happens if I add them to vitality? Will it be okay?" - I asked, normally if I were in a game I wouldn't ask, but this is real life and after listening to it.

"Okay, although keep this in mind, adding it to vitality will not only increase your HP and HP regeneration, your appearance will also change, although slightly of course. What I mean is that your appearance and physique will change as you earn and add more points. If you add many points to either strength, dexterity or durability these will change your physique to one that is stronger and more resistant or one that is more agile and flexible. Although this will end after having 50 points in vitality. - she explained while I listened attentively.

"Okay, although keep this in mind, adding it to vitality will not only increase your HP and HP regeneration, your appearance will also change, although slightly of course. What I mean is that your appearance and physique will change as you earn and add more points. If you add many points to either strength, dexterity or durability these will change your physique to one that is stronger and more resistant or one that is more agile and flexible. Although this will end after having 50 points in vitality. - she explained while I listened attentively.

"Ok, I understand, I have to maintain a balanced state, but what about vitality? Why does reaching 50 points in vitality change it?" - I asked understanding and at the same time confused.

"Although I did not add classes or jobs to the system, I did add an "advantages" system, when you reach a certain amount of points in some statistic you will obtain a skill related to that statistic which can help you be even stronger than your own level " - She said as she raised her head as if to say "yes, I know I'm great, praise me."

"Mmm... Okay, then I'll add the points to vitality." - I said, nodding and then adding the three points to vitality.

I felt a current of refreshing energy running through my body, after the feeling ended I somehow felt more relieved, healthier.

[Vitality: 1.3 - 4.3] [HP: 13 - 43]

"Well, you better rest a little so you can continue, you still have 4 more to go and this time it won't be so easy." - she said and I nodded.

"If it is the best, 4 against 1 will not be easy at all." -I agreed with what she said.

"No, you don't understand me, it won't be easy like before because after seeing that you killed their leader, apart from getting angry they will also take you more seriously." - She said and I couldn't help but frown at that, I agree with her comment.

The leader wasn't fighting seriously before, even I can see it, in the first half he was just testing me and in the second he took me a little more seriously. If it weren't for the impulse and being taken by surprise, that battle would have been different.

'Sigh, it's not worth thinking about it so much, this time I won and that's it, I just have to improve if I want to keep winning.' - I thought while taking a sigh.


I divided the chapter into 2, I was going to upload together, but I decided to adjust some parts of the second fight, I won't change it much, but I will try to see what I can do to improve it.

I will not change the note at the beginning since it will serve for the next chapter as well.

I hope you liked today's chapter.