
clash between dimension

I don't know how it all ended like this, my name is Bryan and I'm just a normal guy with no ambitions, but now I was forced to agree to protect the dimension in which I live. And now I'm on my way to becoming a dimensional god with my leveling system and whatever I get along the way. And I just wanted to live in peace watching anime... (simple description because I don't know what else to put)

MiguelCreative · Others
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5 Chs

chapter 5

[third person point of view]

In his room, Bryan was asleep while moving erratically and bathing in sweat and mumbling things.

Within his dream, he could be seen on his knees with a scared face as he looked at the dagger-wielding goblin standing in front of him with a bloody dagger.

"WE ARE GOING TO KILL YOU, HUMAN!!" - said the goblin with a crazed look on his face accompanied by a bloodthirsty smile.

Bryan tried to move, but his body did not respond and he could only watch helplessly as the goblin approached him with obvious intentions.

When he was close enough to Bryan he raised the dagger and pointed it at his face,

"NOOOOOoooooo!!" - All Bryan could do was scream as he watched the dagger that was going to kill him descend.

But when the dagger was only a few centimeters away from passing through Bryan's head, everything went dark and Bryan opened his eyes.

"Haaa, haaa, haaa" - breathing hard, Bryan sat on the bed and realized that he was bathed in sweat.

"It was a dream... I never thought he would have such a realistic dream..." -Bryan said between gasps while he covered his face with one hand and looked at the other.

"And... Here I am thinking that the only trauma I would have would be the one I got that time I saw my parents doing it..." - he murmured in pain and without knowing how to feel.

But then while Bryan was trying to recover, out of the corner of his eye he looked at the figure of a dog that made him freeze when he saw it.

"I'm so sorry" - Airisse after seeing that I realized her existence spoke. - "If I hadn't wanted to give you that difficult test then this wouldn't have happened"

"..." - he fell silent after hearing her. He really wanted to be mad at her and deep down he was, but that fight gave him the slap of reality in the face he needed.

He took this very lightly and if a few simple goblins can kill him, then how is he going to protect the planet from greater threats?

"I'll understand if you don't want to do this anymore." - Airisse spoke heavily while looking down.

"..." - he remained momentarily silent, the truth is that if I had made this proposal before he would certainly have accepted it, but now.

"I'm going to continue." - Brya said without looking at her face, but he realized out of the corner of his eye that she finally saw my face.

"I'm not going to give up just because some goblins almost killed me, many people go through worse things and still keep going, so yes, I'm going to keep going." - He told her and while he finished speaking, he turned to see her.

[Bryan's point of view]

"That's great!! Fuu~~ I was scared you know, I thought if you accepted." - She said and I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow at her quick change of attitude.


"Youuuu~~!" - I said while giving her a look of disbelief making her turn to look at me again and tilt her head in confusion.

"This was one of those stupid psychological tests!" - I said, not as a question, it was clear to me that it was one of those tests.

"Ah! Haha, yeah... Sorry about that, I really wanted to know how bad you were so I thought it would be a good assessment." - She said although then she quickly spoke again. - "Although of course, if you had said that you didn't want to do this, I really would have released you from this responsibility. I really didn't want to traumatize you, but the test got out of hand."

"..." - again, I remained silent as I looked at her blankly.

"Let this be the last time you do that to me or else I'll really stop helping you." - I said slowly so that she would get the message, those stupid psychological tests really bother me.

"Yes, I'm sorry." - She said as she lowered her dog face and her tail stopped.

I just sighed as she shook her head, I looked for my phone to check the time.

[12:30 pm]

Seeing the time, he can't help but open his eyes when he realizes that I'm late for my appointment with Grandma Li.

"Fuck, I'm late!" - I said as I got up and ran quickly to the bathroom.

"I don't recommend going out at least for today, you just went through a traumatic situation, you need to rest." - She said from the room.

Traumas? Now there is no time for trauma, I have work to do.

"It was just a nightmare because of recent events, I'm fine." - I said downplaying it, I know I'm half traumatized, but that's not going to stop me, I have to move on if I want to get rid of him.

Plus, the trauma isn't going to pay for this week's food.

"...Well, whatever, you're an adult." - She said after seeing me for a while. - "Hey, by the way, shouldn't you be changing in the bathroom? You don't remember I'm here or what?"

She said it while watching me change my clothes into tighter clothes to go out.

"...You're a goddess or whatever, seeing a naked mortal is the least of your interest." - I snorted at his comment.

"Yes, but I'm still a woman, shouldn't you be ashamed or something?" - She said.

"I think you're in the wrong country, if you want to see men who are ashamed of everything then go to Japan or some other country. Also, you look like a dog, I'm not a furro." - I finished with a snort, without wanting to listen to her anymore I left the room.

"Hey, wait!!" - I heard her talking loudly, but I already stayed too long, I need to get there as quickly as I can.


"Oh right, I didn't have breakfast..." - I muttered after hearing my stomach growl with hunger. - "Well, today it's time to hold on."

And without further ado I headed towards the garage to look for my motorcycle. When you enter the garage, take out the motorcycle.

My motorcycle is a Scooter, I bought it myself when I was 16 years old, I use this motorcycle only to ride around the town, but outside I use my parents' car.

Getting on the scooter and putting on the safety helmet, I turned it on and headed towards Grandma Li's house.

It didn't take long to arrive, just a few minutes later I was already in front of her door after having parked my Scooter.

*Bell ring*

"I'M COMING!!" - I heard Grandma Li scream so I stopped ringing the doorbell.

*Open door*

"Oh, good afternoon Bryan, I thought you weren't coming today." - Grandma Li greeted me.

Grandma Li is an elderly woman of about 70 years old, she was my first client when I started doing work as a masseuse. Luckily for me, she liked my massages so much that she scheduled a weekly appointment with me and that was a year and a half ago now.

"Hello Grandma Li, I'm really sorry, I was going to come earlier, but something happened that prevented me from sending you a message to inform you that I wouldn't be able to come early." - I greeted her and then apologized, I really didn't think that when I fought against the goblins it would be so complicated.

There is another reason why the blow of reality hit me hard, me with no experience thinking that I could wipe out the goblins as if nothing had happened, when for some reason they are a bigger plague in all the worlds.

"Oh? Is everything okay? If so then you shouldn't have come and we would have scheduled the massage for another day." - She spoke with concern, she knows me, she knows that I wouldn't say something like that if it weren't really important.

"Don't worry, everything is already resolved." - I told him while smiling a little trying to calm his concern.

"Now the important thing is, are you going to want the massage or do you want to schedule it for another day?" - I asked, really before I left in such a hurry that I forgot to call her and I came without knowing if she was busy or not.

"Well... You already came so it's okay we can do it today. Come, I think we've stayed out here long enough" - She said after thinking about it a little.

"With permission." - I entered the house, but then while we were walking a woman's voice sounded.

"Grandma, who was at the door?" - A beautiful woman asked as she left the kitchen. She has beautiful light blue eyes and blonde hair. Her body, she is full in the right places neither too much nor too little.

Although looking down I realized that behind her was a girl, extremely similar to her, a cute face, blonde hair and blue eyes, although darker than the older one.

"Oh, lea, this is the masseur I told you about." -Grandma Li said as she turned to look at the woman named her. -"Bryan, this is my granddaughter and my great-granddaughter"

"Oh, hi, I'm leandra. And this is my daughter Arianna, nice to meet you." -She introduced herself and her daughter before I could speak. - "Say hello daughter"

"H-hi." - the daughter greeted.

"Hello." - First of all, I greeted the girl with a small smile and then turned to see the mother, with a more neutral face.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Bryan and I'm your grandmother's masseuse" - I said it with a serious face, but inside I was smiling since I always wanted to say something like that.

"Oh, same. My grandmother always talks about you." - She said and it made me wonder if I got it from the book.

"I hope they were good things" - I responded using the typical response with a smile.

"Of course they were, Bryan" - This time Grandma Li responded with a snort. - "I'll go get ready"

"It's okay, Grandma Li" - I responded as I watched her leave and leave me alone with her granddaughter and great-granddaughter.

"So, would you like a cup of coffee while you wait?" -Leandra asked after seeing that her grandmother left.

"If it's not too much trouble" - I humbly responded to his offer...

"No, you follow to the kitchen." - she responded with a smile.

"After you." - I responded as a gentleman would and for a moment we looked at each other until she started laughing and I followed her.

"Hahaha, come this way" - she said still laughing as she walked towards the kitchen.

"Sure" - I said as I followed her and for a moment, I had forgotten that the girl was there. Fortunately, she quickly followed the mother.

"Do you want it with a sugar cube or two?" - She asked with a smile on her face and I think she and I connected somehow.

"Two clods, please." - I said and she made them in coffee and gave them to me.

I took a sip and couldn't help but think that this was what I needed to give me strength to last until I return home to eat.

"So, how long have you been my grandmother's masseuse?" - she asked suddenly as she lifted her daughter onto her lap.

"A year and a half ago, she was my first client, actually." - I responded while enjoying and at the same time drinking my coffee quickly, it won't be long before Grandma Li comes out.

"Mmmm, grandma said you are good at giving massages" - she said and I really don't like this kind of conversation, the beginning was funny, but please already, let me enjoy my coffee.

"Well I try." - I responded, starting to run out of answers from the book.

"How much do you charge? Maybe one day I'll hire you" - She asked and I'm already looking forward to Grandma Li's return, this girl is one of those who doesn't know how to appreciate a moment of silence.

"$15 an hour, although I give seniors a 25% discount" - I responded, I live in a town where the majority are elderly, that discount makes many of them hire me.

"Oh, it's cheap, in the city I lived in it was more expensive" - she said looking mildly surprised.

"Yes, well this job is a hobby and besides, life in a town is cheaper." - I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh..." - she was going to continue talking, but fortunately for my salvation, Grandma Li returned.

"Bryan is all set." -she said as she entered the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, I'm coming. Well, work calls, see you later" - I said as I got up from the table.

"Well bye" - she said goodbye to me.

'It's hard to be sociable' - I thought as I took a mental sigh.

'Well, time to work' - I thought again as I followed Grandma Li.


I hope you liked today's chapter.

I tried to do the dialogues between Doña Florinda and Professor Girafales, but when I translated it, the penultimate part did not translate as I wanted, so I had to add a few words.

The most likely thing is that this week I will release another chapter and if not, well, it will be for next time.