
clash between dimension

I don't know how it all ended like this, my name is Bryan and I'm just a normal guy with no ambitions, but now I was forced to agree to protect the dimension in which I live. And now I'm on my way to becoming a dimensional god with my leveling system and whatever I get along the way. And I just wanted to live in peace watching anime... (simple description because I don't know what else to put)

MiguelCreative · Others
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5 Chs

chapter 2

In a spacious room, our protagonist was lying awake but still half asleep, with no desire to get up.

'Status' - He thought half opening his right eye.


[Name: Bryan Alistair] [Race: Human] [Age: 20]

Title: [The First Chosen]

Level: 0 (0%)

Starts: [HP: 10][MP: 5]

[Strength: 0.8][Dexterity: 0.3][Durability: 0.9][Vitality: 1]

[Intelligence: 0.5][Wisdom: 0.4]

[SP: 0]

Techniques: (+)

Skills: (+)

'So it wasn't a dream, huh?' - he thought with a sigh as he looked at the blue screen that had appeared out of nowhere.

"Let's see what techniques and skills I have..."- He muttered while mentally "pressing" the + signs.

[<... >]


[Beginner Cleaning Technique: Level 9]: Improves efficiency and speed when cleaning. It allows you to slightly detect the places with the most dirt.

[Intermediate Cooking Technique: Level 2]: Improves efficiency in food preparation and taste. Prepared food slightly increases regeneration.

[Beginner Acting Technique: Level 7]: Improve acting skills. Gives a small control over facial gestures.

[Basic Hunting Technique: Level 8]: Improves efficiency when hunting and slightly improves senses when hunting. It allows detecting traces of prey.

[Beginner Breathing Technique: Level 9]: Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood, decreases blood pressure, heart rate, and reduces muscle tension. Increases the regeneration of physical resistance and reduces physical fatigue.

[Basic Parkour Technique: Level 8]: Allows you to move efficiently on difficult terrain full of obstacles. Slightly improves reaction and movement speed.

[Basic Stunt Technique: Level 4]: Slightly improves balance, reaction speed and movement speed when performing stunts.

[Beginner massage technique: level 4]: allows you to reduce stress, tension, pain and inflammation, muscle tension, heart rate and blood pressure. Increases tranquility and relaxation. Improves circulation, energy and the immune system. Alleviate the pain. Improves blood and lymphatic circulation. Helps with anxiety and depression. It slightly helps eliminate toxins. Promotes tissue flexibility.


[Language: Max level]: Allows you to speak and understand other non-magical languages after hearing them once.

[Shadow Extraction: Level 1]: Allows you to extract shadows from enemy corpses and add them to your army. Current capacity: 0/10.

This version allows you to add shadows even if they do not have mana in their body; instead, it uses the user's power to revive them.

It also allows demonic, spiritual, elemental and divine beings to be revived as shadows as long as the physical body is maintained long enough to revive them.

Shadow Extraction can only be used three times on a single target and cannot revive beings with chaotic or abyssal energy as shadows. Nor can it revive beings much stronger than the user as a shadow. Beings with a strength equal to the user or slightly greater can be revived but they will be weaker than the original. weaker or much weaker shadows will still have the same strength they had when they were alive.

[Shadow Preservation: Level 1]: Allows you to store created Shadows within your own shadow, as well as summon and reabsorb them at will. Current capacity: 0/5.

[Shadow Exchange: Level 1]: Allows its users to use shadows as portals to travel great distances in an instant. Current capacity: 1M x 1MP.

[Domain of the Monarch: Level 1]: Allows you to cast the user's shadow to create an area where any Shadow will gain a 50% status boost while fighting. Current capacity: 1 meter and 10 Seconds x 1 MP

[<... >]

"Wow" - he said surprised as he read the techniques and skills he had.

First of all, what surprises him is that cooking, cleaning, parkour, acrobatics, hunting and massage are techniques and not skills as they typically would be.

Then there was the [Language] skill.

'I think this was taken from DxD' - He thought after reading the skill description.

But what really surprised him the most was the edition that had shadow extraction.

"Pretty much everyone except the chaotic and abyssal beings, huh?" - He thought out loud.

"Unfortunately I won't be able to abuse the shadow exchange." He murmured as he sighed at that, he moved his left hand and grabbed his phone that was next to his pillow and turned it on.


He grumbled a little after checking the time since he didn't want to get up, but today he had to "work" since it's the day of his weekly massage appointment with one of his clients.

"(Sigh) Grandma Li, what I do for you..." - He murmured after taking a sigh and finally got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth, among other things.


After leaving the bathroom he headed to the kitchen to make morning coffee, but when he entered the kitchen, the same dog from last night was sitting on one of the chairs and was staring at him.

"I was just about to go pick you up." - said the dog in a woman's voice while staring at him.

"What are you doing here?" - He asked surprised.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm here to continue last night's conversation" - She said rolling her eyes and shaking her head at the question.

"No, I mean, why are you in here?" -He said upset because she doesn't like people entering her house (the house belongs to her parents) without permission.

"(Snort) To wait for you, of course, or what? You expect me to stay outside your door all morning while you get up and open it for me?" - She said with a snort while looking at him as if he was stupid.

'Well yes...' - He thought, although he didn't say it since he sees that this conversation is not going to go anywhere and he prefers not to bother.

"Whatever. Let me make coffee first and we can continue last night's conversation." - He said while shaking his head. She nodded and let him make the coffee.


"So?" - After preparing the coffee, pouring it into his cup and having sat down, he asked as he took a sip of coffee.

"Okay, listen carefully." - she said as she prepared to speak, Bryan nodded silently waiting for her to speak.

"As you must have understood from what we talked about last night. Your mission is to protect the planet..." - she said and he nodded, but before she could continue he spoke.

"But... what about plants, animals and humans?" - He asked, it's a stupid question, but it had to be asked.

"As long as they don't go extinct, everything is fine." - She said without caring that they had interrupted her, rather inside she was a little happy that at least he shows interest in participating.

As Bryan nods, he was thinking that luckily he didn't have to worry about everything ending just because some people died. Call him without feelings, but you can never save everyone, he watches superhero series, movies and comics, although sometimes they don't show it, every time a crisis happens, many people die.

"Now, last night I had to make some adjustments to the barrier." - She said suddenly making Bryan look at her confused.

"The thing is that since you don't have the ability to travel quickly to other parts of the world, once something crosses the barrier, I had to weaken the barrier a little in a nearby area." - She said and paused for Bryan to understand what she meant.

"That is, you weakened the barrier in that area thus increasing the possibility of more things appearing in that area while decreasing the possibility of them appearing in areas very far from where I am." - he said, it wasn't very difficult to understand, but it still worried him.

Doesn't that mean that if something dangerous crosses the barrier, this area will be the closest to be affected?

"Of course, the beings and objects that appear will not be very powerful, although as the barrier gradually weakens the beings and objects that pass through it will become even more powerful." - She said trying to calm him down, succeeding halfway.

"But how will I know when something passes through it?" - He asked, hoping that she had a solution to that since he doesn't want to spend all day every day looking for anomalies.

"Don't worry, when I made the barrier I connected it to me so I will know if something crosses the barrier, although I won't know what it will be, but I can know the amount and power of what I cross." - she assured, making him sigh with relief at that.

"So where is the place?" -He asked, hoping he was far from her house. He doesn't worry about the distance because if he manages to get some shadows and gain a few levels in the [Shadow Exchange] skill that won't be a problem.

"The forest that is in the direction of the nearest city." - She answered.

"Mmm" - he thought and if he remembers correctly, that forest is about 25 kilometers away from the town.

This town is quite far from the cities and the nearest city is about 180 km away, he has no idea who thought of making a town so far from the city.

"Also, I weakened the barrier so that the closer you get to the center of the forest, the greater the chance of something strong passing through the barrier. So you don't have to worry about something strong appearing on the edge of the forest." - She added and he couldn't help but be grateful that the road that goes to the city is not inside the forest.

"Then why haven't you tried summoning the sacred gear?" - She asked while watching Bryan finish his coffee.

"Well, last night I was too sleepy to think about that and this morning after checking the system all I wanted to do was drink my morning coffee." - He said, but last night his rational side thought it was some hallucination from the dream.

"So, what are you waiting for, try it" - she prompted and Bryan couldn't help but raise his eyebrow at that.

"Okay... So what should I do?" - He asked, he doesn't know if he has to do something different from the anime.

"Same as the anime, dah... Since you already know what sacred gear you have, imagine summoning it, it shouldn't be that difficult." - She said looking at him as if it were obvious.

"Well..." - he rolled his eyes and raised his left hand, closed his eyes and began to imagine that he was invoking the sacred gear. If he remembers correctly the boosted gear appeared in that hand so he will try it in that hand.

Airisse didn't say anything as she watched Bryan concentrate on summoning the sacred gear.

It wasn't long before a green light illuminated the back of Bryan's hand. A jewel formed in that place and then a red glove formed around it and two golden spikes materialized.

[Sacred gear [twice critical] unlocked] [you have gained minor weakness against magic and items with dragon slaying attribute]

[Twice critical: level 1]: An artifact created by the bible god using the flesh of the celestial dragon ddraig. It allows the host's physical and magical power to be doubled for a certain time. But it also grants minor weakness against the dragon slaying attribute.

[impulse]: 1 mp to activate it and 0.1 mp for 10 seconds of use. (The usage time will increase and the amount of energy required to activate will decrease as the mastery of the sacred gear increases.)

[minor weakness to dragon slayer attribute]: By possessing a weak artifact that grants you the dragon attribute, you have gained a minor weakness against the dragon slaying attribute.

Bryan opened his eyes, looked at the screen of his system that appeared and after reading what he said, he turned his gaze to the sacred gear. I completely ignore the weakness since it was expected.

"Standard color, huh?" - he murmured after seeing the sacred gear. He won't deny it, he was expecting a black one, but he doesn't complain either.

"Well, now that you've summoned the Sacred Gear, why don't you use it tests?" -She said excitedly after seeing Bryan summon the Sacred Gear.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea" - He said nodding while continuing to look at his sacred gear.

"Well then come on, let's test the sacred gear in battle." - she said as she jumped from the chair to the floor.

"Wait! What!?" - He said, turning to see her so quickly that it seemed as if his body was going to make a complete turn.

"What you heard, the best way to test sacred gear is in battle." - She responded as she turned to look at him.

"No, no, no and no, the best way to test it is in a safe place without danger." - He said shaking his head while thinking that this girl was missing some screws in her head to think that this was the best option.

"Okay, but then... Who will take care of them?" - She said while pointing her head towards the window.

Bryan looked at Airisse confused and got up from the chair, walking towards the window and as he did so he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen.

When he looked out the window, he saw that in his backyard there were 5 green beings in what seemed like a formation and looking around, he realized that they were inside a circle that shone in a faint blue light.

"WHAT THE HELL!? Why are there 5 fucking goblins in my backyard?" - He practically shouted the first thing and then looked at Airisse and asked her.

"Well, while you were sleeping these 5 appeared not far from here, so at first I just went to see them, but then I thought, they will be a good test for you, so I brought them and put them in a barrier to prevent them from out. Oh and don't worry I also put one that prevents them from seeing them." -She said, seeming very proud of his action.

"Aren't you supposed to not have much energy left, how could you do that?" -He said feeling cheated, he didn't want to ask before since he thought she had left some energy behind to make all those adjustments, but now.

"Your perception of quantity is different from mine. Also don't be an idiot, I can't spend absolutely all my energy without worry, what if something powerful somehow manages to break through my barrier and you're not ready to stop it?" - She said shaking her head and then looking at me like I was an idiot, seeing that look on a dog so many times is strange, but that's not the problem here.

"Of course I have some reserves for those cases. Although let me tell you something, you don't expect me to help you all the time. You need to grow up, so you can help me recover my energy faster, preventing me from using it too much. Of course That way I will be able to recover enough energy to be able to find more people to help in a short time." - she said with a serious voice.

"..."-He remained silent after listening to her, he sighed since she was not lying. If she regained enough energy then she would be able to look for more people to help her and thus his burden would also decrease.

"Okay, but do you really want me to just kill them? I know they're monsters and all, and I've killed some animals before too, but I've never killed anything humanoid in shape before." -He said not feeling safe about this, killing those animals made his stomach turn, he doesn't know how to feel knowing that he has to kill some humanoid beings.

"It's true, but you also have to think that the faster you get used to it the better it is. I can't say that absolutely everything that crosses the barrier will be good. A good example are those goblins, in most worlds they are known as the biggest pest that needs to be eliminated." - "Nor can I let you not do it, that would be counterproductive. I don't like it but it is something that has to be done." - she said while shaking her head sadly.

[bryan's point of view]

I sighed at that, I understood his reason, if I hesitated when I was about to give the final blow to an enemy and he took advantage of it and I died it would be bad, both for me and for the planet, but most of all for me since the planet would still have Airisse to protect it. I know that if I were in a dying situation, Airisse would save me since it would also be bad for her if I died, but there is still that possibility.

I clenched my left fist feeling the sacred gear in that hand and closed my eyes, a moment later I sighed releasing a little tension that allowed me to think better.

'I'm not going to let this stop me, I already accepted this, so I can't just chicken out, so I'm going to face this with my head held high!' - I thought as I shook my head trying to calm down and after saying that I opened my eyes that shone with strong determination.

(While that was happening, Airisse looked at the look of determination that Bryan had on her face and couldn't help but think that she was lucky that Bryan was her first choice.

She was at first very scared that he would decide to back out after seeing the reality of things, but after seeing that look she was able to breathe a sigh of relief since she won't have to look for someone else without knowing if she can get someone. with as much affinity for his energy as bryan.)

"Okay, let's do it." - I said after getting out of my thoughts.

"Okay, let's go" - said Airisse walking very happily towards the door to the backyard.

"No, wait, before that, let me look for a weapon." - I said while I stopped her. I can't do that with my bare fist, even if I have the sacred gear, I prefer to finish that as quickly as possible.

"Uh? Oh, yeah, that would be nice." - Airisse said, turning her head to the side, looking embarrassed. I guess it seems like she had forgotten to tell me that she could use weapons to fight.

"Ok, I'll be right back"-I said as she walked quickly towards my parents' room.

Opening the door I looked for my father's hunting knife. My father liked to hunt, he took me several times when he was a teenager and he taught me the basics of hunting.

Opening the drawer of my father's nightstand I take out the knife, then quickly head towards the back door. When I arrive I see Airisse sitting next to the door.

"Okay, now, I'm ready" - I said while adjusting the knife sheath in my pants.

"Okay, let's go" - she said as she got up.

'Ok, here we go...'-I thought as she grabbed the doorknob and opened it.

'(Sigh) Someone wish me luck, because I'm going to need it...' - I thought after opening the door and seeing the goblins not far from where I was.



I really didn't know how to write it and in the end it ended up like this, I think it's passable, but I still hope you liked the chapter.

Again I don't have a date for the next chapter, I may upload it this week or next.