
clash between dimension

I don't know how it all ended like this, my name is Bryan and I'm just a normal guy with no ambitions, but now I was forced to agree to protect the dimension in which I live. And now I'm on my way to becoming a dimensional god with my leveling system and whatever I get along the way. And I just wanted to live in peace watching anime... (simple description because I don't know what else to put)

MiguelCreative · Others
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

"Huh? Huh? Where I am?". – I asked while looking everywhere and only seeing a blank space completely different from where I was before.

I was supposedly lying in my bed trying to fall asleep since it was late, but at that time I felt something strange so I opened my eyes and what I saw was that I was in a space with different shades of white.

"Welcome". – I heard a girl's voice talking to me, I looked to the sides and didn't see anything, then when I looked back I saw him.

Sitting on a chair that wasn't there before, there was a dog looking at me.

'Weird' - I thought as I saw the little dog who appeared out of nowhere.

I didn't know what to do, that is, appear in some unknown place without knowing how you got there and suddenly a dog sitting on a chair appears behind you, I really don't know how to feel.

Not knowing where I am, why I am here and why a dog suddenly appeared behind me, has me right now in a state between scared, bewildered, curious and angry.

'I want to go home' - I thought, wishing that this was really a dream, although deep down I knew that it is not...

"I'm really sorry for bringing you here without your consent, but I did it because seriously, this is of the utmost importance." – The dog spoke to me with the same feminine voice that I heard before.

"…" – I no longer even know what is real and what is not.

"Why?" – I asked, I am enough of an otaku to connect the dots of my situation, although my logical mind still cannot accept it.

"First I will introduce myself, my name is Airisse and I am the goddess in charge of this dimension" – She started to speak, but she made me more confused.

"Yes, this dimension, I was not mistaken." – She said when she saw my confused face or maybe she has read my thoughts, I don't know what to think.

"Well, you must be wondering why you're here, right?" That's simple... it's because I need your help." – She said while she lowered her head a little next to her ears, giving a clear expression of sadness on her doggy face.

"Okay… then what would a goddess need from me, a mortal." – I asked with clear sarcasm in my voice. Why seriously I never believed in those isekai animes where a god reincarnates a mortal just because.

"I know, I know you don't believe me, but I really need your help, or well, this dimension and the ones close to it do" – She said, picking up on my clear lack of trust in her.

"…" – Now I did get lost. – "Can you explain to me what is happening, please?" – I said trying to sound as kind and sincere as possible.

After thinking about it for a bit she started to speak. – "Vera… at this moment, the great upper dimensions are in a large-scale war between the new gods and the old gods. Which is causing many dimensions to be destroyed and although theoretically we are at a very remote end of the war zone, we are not safe. Since the war is causing the multi-dimensional dimensional space to interconnect in a bad way. Which leads to many beings and things from different dimensions appearing in others causing a lot of chaos. But that is not the worst, since if the clash between dimensions continues to happen too frequently it may cause the dimensions to merge or destroy each other." – She said, speaking very seriously and then paused so that I could understand what she said.

Seriously... couldn't you have said something not so bad? Like, I don't know, some demon king is trying to eradicate humanity or something? Why did you directly jump into a war of dimensional proportions?

"…" – I simply stayed silent while she killed my will to live. I may be exaggerating, but that's how I feel right now.

"So before something extremely bad happens to this dimension, I took charge of reinforcing the dimensional space of this dimension to prevent it from merging or being destroyed." – She said, seeming very proud of what she said. Well I don't blame her, not everyone could do that...

"So…if you did that, why am I here?" – I asked, trying to think that she just wanted to tell someone and that everything was already resolved… of course not everything can be the way you want.

"Well… theoretically speaking I managed to prevent those two situations from happening, but now… I'm not exactly very powerful and my feat can only last for a while and only prevents the dimension from being destroyed or merging with another. But that does not prevent beings or things from another dimension from appearing in this dimension...". – She said now looking embarrassed.

"It's surprising that you say that only referring to this dimension" – I murmured very quietly, but it seems that he heard me.

"This dimension in which you live is very important, since it is a prime dimension. This dimension is of utmost importance for the other surrounding dimensions, since in a way it could be said that it is their mother. And if this dimension is destroyed it would cause a chain reaction and all the other dimensions would also be destroyed. So yes, this dimension is of utmost importance that is why I am here." – She said, seeming annoyed by what she heard me say. Well, I should have stayed quiet.

"Okay, so… why did you want my help?" – I asked and although I already know what she wants, I just want her to say it.

"Well... I, I need your help to prevent this dimension from falling into chaos or being destroyed because of the beings that manage to cross the dimensional space." – She said while she made puppy dog eyes, never better said. Because he is a dog... Do you understand?

"No, you chose the wrong person, I don't want to do it. It looks like there are going to be a lot of problems and I prefer to wait for everything to go to hell… It's not like I have to lose anything." – I told him as I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. Seriously, what does she think she thinks?... She comes to me and expects me to just accept a burden as big as protecting this dimension?... No thanks.

I'm not some kind of hero of justice or something, I'm just a normal person. I can't just accept protecting this dimension.

"Please, you are my only hope, I have no energy left after I reinforced the dimensional space. Look, I'm even in this weakened form because of it." – She said and I looked at her, she seemed so tragic… but well, there she was, I turned around to leave, but I remembered that I don't know how.

"So… how can I leave here?" – I said with a little shame in my voice, well who wouldn't be, I literally refused to help her and now I need her help to get out of here.

"Wait please, I really need you, you are the only one who can help me." – she said sounding nervous.

"Listen, I'm not one of those people who helps just because, there are many humans in this world, why did you just have to call me?" – I said as I sighed and shook my head again. So many humans exist and she calls one who doesn't want to help, her luck is really bad.

"I didn't exactly call you, with the little energy I had left I just looked for a person who had the best potential and affinity with the energy that will be given to fulfill her mission and you are that person." – She said making me sigh again.

"…" – I remained silent and I will not deny it, hearing that really made me feel a little special, since among all the existing humans I was the one who was chosen… but well, it was only a little.

I looked at her with a look that said: "When can I leave?", but she looked at me with one that said: "Help me."

That face made me sigh.

"Okay, let's do this... I'll help you, but while I do it you'll have to find more people to help and once there are enough people to not need my help, I'll leave." – I said, trying to reach an agreement since… well, I can't get out of here alone and she apparently won't take me out without me accepting.

I saw how her mood changed quickly, she went from having her head down and looking like a sad puppy to raising her head with a happy expression and wagging her tail with happiness.

"I already had that in my plans, well everything except the last thing. You are the one who has the best potential and affinity, but of course you can't do this alone, protecting an entire dimension is not easy if you can't be in multiple places at once, in addition to being physically and mentally tiring." – She began to say while I forced myself not to grimace. I don't plan to do this until death.

"But, okay, once there are enough people to prevent the world from being completely destroyed, you can leave… well, that's what I would like to say, but your help would be necessary to stop extremely strong beings. As much as I want to free you from this, I cannot give the energy that I will give you to others and you are the one who has the best potential and affinity for energy, therefore, you would become the last line of defense of this dimension." – She said making me sigh.

"Okay, I can live with that, now can I please go?" – I said, really wanting to leave, I can already feel all the future pains I will have.

I know I'm being a jerk here, but you can't blame me, for someone to suddenly come and tell you all that, that you would be what would be considered the last line of defense of a dimension is a big burden. An extremely large and annoying burden.

"Well, not yet, I still have to give you the things that will help you in your mission." – She shook her head, making me sigh again and nod my head.

I won't lie, I'm surprised at how understanding she is being, that shows that I'm her last hope and she doesn't have her powers at their maximum. If not, I don't think I have managed to live as long as I have with this attitude that I carry.

"Okay, here, don't be scared" – she said as a ball of light appeared in front of her that shone in multiple colors, like a rainbow. The ball of light began to head towards me, I wanted to get out of the way, but I resisted the impulse and stayed where I was while I watched the ball of light enter my body.

"What was it?" – I asked after the ball of light entered my body and I didn't feel any change.

"Before I ran out of energy, I created a leveling system, although it is a simple one, but it will fulfill its function of making you stronger in a short period of time and then I can recover faster too." – She said as she once again had a smug look on her face.

I just nodded while I waited for him to explain how it works.

"You have to say or think "Status" and a hologram will appear with your statistics and other things, it's like in system-style novels." – She said, seeming familiar with what she is talking about.

'Status' - I thought why I wouldn't say it out loud.


[Name: Bryan Alistair] [Race: Human] [Age: 20]

Title: [The First Chosen]

Level: 0(0%)

Starts: [HP: 10][MP: 5]

[Strength: 0.8][Dexterity: 0.3][Durability: 0.9][Vitality: 1]

[Intelligence: 0.5][Wisdom: 0.4]

[Stat Points: 0]



Strength: Control your attack and lifting strength.

Dexterity: control your movement speed, reaction speed and the dexterity of your movements.

Durability: Control your durability against attacks.

Vitality: Control your HP and regeneration.

Intelligence: control your mental abilities and the amount of energy you have.

Wisdom: Control your decision making and energy regeneration.

"Okay, most likely you are not familiar with this style of numbering, so I will explain it to you."

0.1= 10. 1= 100. 10= 1,000. 100= 10,000. 1,000= 10,000. 10,000= 100,000. 100,000= 1,000,000.

"A 0.8 point in strength means 80 kg of lifting force and 0.3 points in dexterity would be 30 km/h of movement speed." – She explained herself and in a way I understood her, but she still left me confused as to why she did it like that.

"It can be a little confusing, but I decided to do it that way because I wanted my system to be different from those series." – She said as always, looking very proud of what she did.

"Okay, last things before you can go. Have this last" – she said while two things appeared between us again.

The first is a red crystal and the second is a purple one.

"What are they?" – I asked while I was trying to find out what they were.

"The red crystal is the Sacred gear [twice critical], you should already know what it is and does." – she said and I nodded.

Twice critical is one of the Sacred gear created by the god of the Bible in high school dxd, a low-level Sacred gear created using the flesh of one of the celestial dragons and that allows you to increase physical and magical abilities x2.

"Oh yes, I remember that anime, a lot of ecchi." – I said, I saw the anime, but not the novel, I'm not one of those who watches light novels, they bore me super quickly reading so many words.

"Yes, well... continuing with the purple crystal, it has the four abilities of the shadow monarch, I don't think I need to explain it either." – She said so that I nodded again, surprised by what she said.

The four skills of the shadow monarch are, shadow extraction, shadow preservation, shadow exchange, and monarch mastery. With these skills I will literally have my immortal army and it will be very helpful for this task that I was forced to accept.

If I had known that I would obtain these skills I would have accepted faster without making so much trouble....

"I got these two after I reinforced the dimensional space, they were what made me see that things and beings could still appear in this dimension. Fortunately the portals are still very small, so only small objects and beings pass through." – She said as the two crystals entered my body and disappeared, but shortly after I could feel a connection with them.

"Although I think some objects are still scattered around the world, but I only managed to grab those two" – She finally finished speaking.

"Okay, then please send me back." – I said and I think I aged a few years with everything I heard.

"It's okay now if you can go, tomorrow I can continue giving you the missing information" – She said after giving a sigh, I sighed about that too, but I decided to leave the worry to my future self, for now I just want to sleep to to be able to assimilate all this.

"Okay, then see you tomorrow." - She said.

There was a light that made me close my eyes and when I opened them again I was back in my bed.

"…" – I didn't even say anything while I settled down and fell asleep, since I was already very sleepy and now after hearing all that I am even more tired.


A fanfic I wrote a long time ago, after seeing one with the same theme, but after writing the first chapter I put it aside.

I would very much appreciate it if you could tell me characters and objects to add, I will try to be varied, but I don't know many objects and I can only think of female characters to add and the male characters that come to mind are villains.

I don't have an upload date for the next chapter.