
Channel Guide Reincarnation

The MC was bored after a hard day facing the Channel guide with dozen of shows and movies anyone who often watches tv in their down time has seen a dozen times or more as he does he hears a large sound behind him just as he reads the first three names the next moment he finds the screen blurring the edges of his sight consumed with darkness as soon as everything goes dark the lights switch back on just as quickly but he finds he is lost in an unfamiliar circumstance and soon finds out he was transmigrated into a world eerily familiar world I own nothing except my mc

Andrew_Alsbrooks · TV
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6 Chs

Back In Black


The next time it seems I wake up. It's much different than before. I'm not even sure I'm completely me A new set to memories lie in my mind ones of an 8 year old boy named Ronan Black, For a single second I worry about if I had killed this kid maybe I'm some evil spirit but then I kind of review the memories and I can't explain why but I'm pretty sure that this is me.

I know that this is more of a reincarnation unlocking past life's memories scenario, I don't know if that is because based of the memories the kid was a lot like me in my past life as a kid or something deeper, but I felt completely connected to his memories, his feelings.

At the same time my old memories they seem kind of distant I realize that even though intellectually my mind felt more like 20-year old Danny Stevens emotionally I was more like Ronan maybe so it was like I was Danny but if I/He reverted to a 12 year old. The more I sort through Ronan's memories the weirder they get. From what I can see I was raised by my mother in this life, and she is a quite odd British woman. What really stands out about my mom is that she is a witch. I'm talking full on broom potion making wand waving witch.

She is also really rich. I am talking batman rich. Speaking of Batman from what I can see the DC Universe is in full swing here. From what I can see I'm definitely in some kind of weird mix of Harry Potter, Avengers and Smallville. My mother she is part of some group called Veritas. Once a year she would take me to meeting of the Veritas council.

She would often take me to the meetings and my mother had close to connections to several big names and we would often spend time with some familiar names to the show Teague's, Queen's, Luthor's, but there were a lot of other powerful members some magical like The Malfoys, the Greengrass's, the Nott's.

Veritas was different from the show where the group was supposed to be a few of the extreme elite but rather than like the show veritas was a real Life secret organization where my mother she was leader of one of the four different factions. The Light magic faction, The Dark Magic Faction, The Muggle Faction, and the Sorcerer faction. Though I definitely wouldn't let my mother hear me say in the factions where pretty equal in power, money, and influence.

A thousand year ago before the factions where truly defined there were only 9 members:

Dark Faction: Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin

Light Faction: Godric Gryffindor and Helga Hufflepuff

Muggle Faction: Arthur Pendragon and Vandal Savage

Sorcerer Faction: Agamotto and the Ancient one

The last one acted as leaders to the council Merlin Ambrosius though the council could not tell which faction he actually fell into he was a ridiculously powerful individual that they all respected, but he was even more mysterious then the sorcerers. They controlled the world for a time behind the scenes But one by one they all died or disappeared. After Arthur pendragon died Vandal savage incited the church to nearly destroy the other factions. The Sorcerers withdrew and were barely affected by the witch hunts.

The Church almost killed all magicals but after a few years some of the church members changed their mind believing that Magicals had a gift from god and took in certain families and children and the families soon flourished soon making their own Government with the help of the church and the monarchy.

When The newly formed ministry of magic set out to make all magicals align with the church and in a way they succeeded the dark was completely suppressed the leaders of the dark faction the dark wizard were gone forcing most of the monster sub factions into hiding though they would pop their heads out once a year at the veritas council that was only for the Parts of the faction that were some semblance of immortality like Vampires, High dragon's, and Demon's. The others like werewolves, Giants, and goblins had to make alliances with the newly formed magical government or get wiped out. 

The British Wizard council made hereditary council seats that had limited powers of nobility. That was made for families who at the time had seats on the veritas council to show they had control of the government. Though there were a few of members who were somewhat dark on the newly made wizards council most of the really dark wizards died The magical standards of the time of the first council was very different today in comparison Godric Gryffindor would of been deemed dark magic today and because of that fact traditional families creeped more and more into the dark faction even though they were initially more neutral. so the longer the council existed the more "Dark Wizards' were part of the council.

The Veritas council changed along with worlds political climate but after the first few years of the first magical government other governments allowed suit forming their own magical governments and school. But most of the magicals they similarly introduced specific families lines to control the various magical governments. That was when the ICW was formed where certain representatives made the big decisions of the wizarding world 85% of all wizards were light and neutral wizards, They all supported the ICW The remaining 15% were Dark wizards that didn't die in the crusades they mostly kept their heads down dealing in the dark put on a smiling face and kept most of their actions in dark corners a great example would be my family line descendant Morgana le fay who changed their last names to black.

The biggest difference between The seats of any specific wizard council or even council seats for the ICW that represents wizards as a whole was that The Veritas Council could be bargained, bought, or even stolen among the faction. If you were among the Veritas Council you were the elite of the elite despite if were muggle, magical, demon, alien or spy.

There were so many underlying groups and sub factions like the death eaters were a sub faction of the dark group, so was the leader of most 'Monster' factions, The leaders of the vampires, werewolves, goblins, giants, and demons. Each faction was secretive to each other faction and had limited interaction Honestly this meeting of the leaders of veritas was the only time most of the factions met peacefully.

The Dark faction though disliked by most of the members of the other Factions had hard connections with each of the other three faction they controlled 83 council seats. My mother was the main leader of the Dark faction.

You would think that the Muggle faction would be the weakest seeing that the other faction had access to various forms of magic but no in the muggle faction they not only had their own brands of magic from the Homo Magi who used magic in a whole different way then the rest of the world they also had sub factions involving the church that had once nearly destroyed the dark and light factions. They had gotten even stronger over few hundred years the only reason the scales where balanced was because the Muggle faction was so splintered.

Though the largest faction the group that maintained most of the power pf the muggle faction was run by Vandal savage. After his trickery trying to destroy veritas didn't succeed he decide that he might for control within the group rather than destroy it. I had met him once he really did live up to his name less man more a wolf in sheep's clothing. The Muggle faction maintained control of 148 council seats.

The Light Faction had the fewest sub-factions of the four, but they were about equal in numbers to the Dark faction most of the worlds magicals the leaders were most of the leaders of the ICW and a few well-known experts like the Flamel family, The Scamander Family. Albus Dumbledore was the leader of the light faction. They controlled 75 council seats.

The Sorcerer faction was the most mysterious of the four faction's. Their sub faction's included a big portion of the eastern magicals, TH martial arts user of Kun Lun, The Hand, The Inhumans and the ten rings. Even though on the surface they seemed to have at least the same level of strength as the Muggle Faction they were less interested in ruling and more about protecting the world though most sub factions seemed sketchy about their definition of protection. The ancient one was the leader of the sorcerer Faction. They maintained control over 61 council seats.

All the faction had their own criteria for members,

For The dark it was about power if you had power the dark respected you.

For The light they mostly wanted magicals who rejected the dark side.

For The muggles Wealth, Political power, and influence. 

But the sorcerers most of their veritas members were immortal or at the very least gifted with extremely long lives and so there wasn't much turnover for those positions. 

I hadn't even gotten to the most surprising part my Mothers name is Bellatrix Black.


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It does be like that sometimes

I plan to write a chapter every other day or so I'm releasing the first 2 chapters on here and chapter 3 Will add on my patreon when I post chapter on Patreon I will post Chapter 3

ill try to add a chapter every time I post one I might take a break in a week or so after I get the first 5 chapter to add a few more chapters on my patreon and add advanced tiers but that only if people really like my story.