
Channel Guide Reincarnation

The MC was bored after a hard day facing the Channel guide with dozen of shows and movies anyone who often watches tv in their down time has seen a dozen times or more as he does he hears a large sound behind him just as he reads the first three names the next moment he finds the screen blurring the edges of his sight consumed with darkness as soon as everything goes dark the lights switch back on just as quickly but he finds he is lost in an unfamiliar circumstance and soon finds out he was transmigrated into a world eerily familiar world I own nothing except my mc

Andrew_Alsbrooks · TV
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6 Chs

All work and No Play makes Danny a dead boy

I groaned in happiness as I sat down on my couch. It had been a hard day at work I had done 16-hour shift three days in a row and I just wanted to kick back but at least I wasn't going to be going to work for the next two days.

Honestly even as I tried to kick back I had this weight on my shoulders like a clock just ticking over my head I didn't know if other people felt it but whether I was at work or not at work all I had was the clock slowly ticking down for when I was at work I would picture the clock symbolizing when I could leave and now when I was supposed to be relaxing I saw the clock ticking of when I needed to go back.

I Honestly was thinking of quitting it wasn't like it was an important job I was a security guard of plastic spork factory but hey at least the pay was good but it definitely wasn't what I wanted out of life. I had been there three years after the first year I got promoted to supervisor but don't go throwing a parade for me that just meant I was responsible for when other people called out its ridiculous how hard it was to keep a regular security team there I guess because it was so ridiculously boring people didn't want the job. I partially wondered why they even had a security team. There isn't much worry of mass spork theft I would often image the person stupid enough to rob a spork facility they would have to be some Saturday morning cartoon villain level of stupid.

But then again who is really able to pursue their dreams if you don't have the resources or the innate talent to make be successful quickly how can you pursue it. Personally, I had few opportunities around me, and money was tight even though as many 20-year-olds in my generation I still lived with my mom. It felt like there was just this big hole in my pocket no matter how hard I worked it seemed as if I had even less money and I prided myself on my money management.

Though I loved my mom a big part of me working so much was to save money to get my own place but that would take at least another year though my mom was easy to live with I still desperately wanted my own space. Even though I had a bit of a pessimistic outlook at certain parts of my future, I was still trying to peruse a good future career trying to get a mechanical engineering degree taking a few college courses those were going pretty well but since worked so much I could take only one or two at a time.

I empty my pockets, I put my wallet and keys and bring my phone up I must of missed a text from my mom she had sent me a picture from a cruise she had taken with my mom's best friend amber.

'Danny please empty out the fridge when you get a chance miss you love you.' The text read with a picture of her at the beach. I just sent a quick confirmation a little jealous that I didn't go I hadn't had multiple days off in a row in a while much less a vacation would be nice but I'm trying to be responsible.

I wanted to push all of that out of my head. I grab the remote off the coffee table I focus on the tv putting my feet up on the coffee table. I turn on the tv. As soon I turn tv on a song Blasts from the tv.

Somebody save me

Let your warm hands break right through

Somebody save me

I don't care how you do it, just stay, stay

I let the famous song of Smallville play through out of nostalgia. I didn't really feel like watching the whole show I had watched the entire show twice and specific episode up to four times. I liked the show but there was a few things I didn't love.

I press the guide button and read the first the titles on a list of a dozen or so. the second was Harry potter and the Goblet of Fire The Third was Doctor Strange. I would of kept reading but I heard a loud boom and the words on the screen seemed to blur the edges of sight becoming darker my last thought is that my head feels light headed cutting out to black.


The next second I open my eyes and I don't recognize my surroundings, I sit up wincing, its so bright in here. I look around I'm no longer in my house I know that at least, I'm on a bed I don't recognize with what seem to pillars all the way around acting as bar with this behemoth of a woman standing over it.

The room is ridiculously big as well there is a second bed in the room fit for the giantess, and then I look at a mirror and see a toddler in a crib. the kid is cute I guess Black hair plain skin Asian descent. I raise my hand and the toddler does the same. All at once I realize what must of happen my years at a ridiculously boring job had left me a lot of time on my hands and I had read enough fanfiction to know a transmigration when I saw one.

A smile broke on my face but as soon as it came it fell off my face the thought of my mom. a single tear went down my cheek. My thoughts start to race I started to rationalize the loss. My mom would be fine she has a pretty full life, the house is paid for she has a great job. A few friends might be sad at my loss but I hadn't had the chance to make the impact I wish I would of.


[ Channel Guide System]








[ Please Complete Download]

[Confirm Download] [Deny Download]

I clicked Confirm and as soon as I did, I felt a surge of pain in my head it was like a damn broke in my mind unlike anything I couldn't breathe I couldn't think I couldn't even think and just like that my vision faded to black again.



[Memory fusion Malfunction]

[System reboot...]

[Repairs necessary...]

[Calculating time necessary for Repairs]

[Memory fusion delayed 4 years]


Please subscribe if you can that would be pretty cool of you Thank you. I could use it

if you don't have 3 dollars you can just cash app me $AndrewAlsbrooks1

It does be like that sometimes

I plan to write a chapter every other day or so I'm releasing the first 2 chapters on here and chapter 3 Will add on my patreon when I post chapter on Patreon I will post Chapter 3

ill try to add a chapter every time I post one I might take a break in a week or so after I get the first 5 chapter to add a few more chapters on my patreon and add advanced tiers but that only if people really like my story.