
Call You Mine || GXG

Tessa is a 19 year old college student. She's always been second place to her brother, Matthew. In highschool he was popular and played football. Tessa on the other hand was captain of the debate team and didn't play any sports, however, they were close. Now in college, not much has changed. Other than the fact her brother graduated college now. She still has to live up to his legacy though. Her brother is 21 and engaged. Tessa is 19 and hasn't dated anyone since 9th grade, not to mention straight. But what happens when Matthew's best friend, Ruby, waltzes into Tessa's life and messes everything up?

TheWriterGirlSarah · LGBT+
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3 Chs


"I'm good" Ruby chuckles as she stares at me. Before anything else could be said Anna walks up and sets down two glasses of ice water.

"Can I get you guys anything else to drink?" She questions.

"Water is good for me" I reply with a smile.

"Same here" Ruby says to her sister. "Uh, just get us my normal but in a large instead of small" Ruby says glancing at me, I just smile and nod in approval.

"Okay, awesome, I'll be back with that" And with that, Anna was off.

"Soooo, how are you? How's school?" Ruby questions, making me smile small.

"I'm good, school is alright, just school" I shrug, "I just want to get my teaching degree already" I giggle small.

"Oh yeah, you've always wanted to be a teacher" Ruby noted, I nod gently and smile as Ruby continues, "Good for you, following your dreams and passions"

"Thank you, my mom doesn't think I can do it though, kind of discouraging" I state glancing down, "But I got this"

"Your mom doesn't know what she's talking about" Ruby states bluntly, "You're going to make an amazing teacher one day" I can help but feel my cheeks heat up.

"Thank you" I mumble staring down, "No one has ever said that to me before" I admit before finally looking up at her with a huge grin plastered on my face, she just laughs small in response. Soon enough the pizza shows up. It was so good. I've said it once. I'll say it again: the best pizza in town. We were able to finish the large pizza together. Im stuffed, though. Ruby grabs out her wallet, making me grab mine as well.

"What are you doing?" She asks, staring at me with amused eyes.

"Helping pay?" I question.

"No" She says, rolling her eyes gently.

"But i want to" I huff, making her laugh.

"No" she says, handing her sister her card, making my huff once again.

"But-" I start before getting cut off.

"You can make it up to me later" She winks, my cheeks immediately turn red.

"Whatever" I mumble letting out a small sighing.

"Awe, is someone blushing?" She teases.

"No" I mutter, glaring down embarrassed.

As Ruby chuckles, she stands up and smiles. "Come on, let me get you home" She says, holding her hand out to me. Slowly, I take it standing up as well. I expected her to let go after I stood, however, she didn't. As we walk out our hands are still intertwined. I can feel my face heating up, but why? I am straight. I mean, Ruby isn't, but I am! Once we get to her motorcycle, she finally lets go to hand me a helmet. Quickly I put it on and then hop on behind her. Slowly I wrap my arms around her waist to hold onto her tightly.

She starts up her motorcycle and we speed off towards my parents home. The sun is just starting to set, I've always loved sunsets. As we race off I can't help but stare off into the sunset. It's so beautiful. Soon enough we arrive back to my parents. Once I am off her motorcycle I take the helmet off handing it back to her.

"Keep it" She says laughing small.

"Why?" I question frowning small.

"You might need it again" She says shrugging gently.

"Thank you, for taking me out" I say just loud enough for her to hear.

"Dont worry about it kiddo" She says, making huff gently.

"Not a kid" I mutter.

"Uh-huh" She says getting ready to take off again, "Have a goodnight Tessa"

"You too" I whisper as I head towards the door. Slowly I take out my keys and unlock the door. Once it's open I hear her taking off. Taking a step inside I let out another sigh, shutting the door behind me.

"And where were you?" Matt asks, standing in front of me.

"Out, since y'all forgot me here" I scoff, walking past him.

"Just be careful Tessa" He mumbles behind me.

"Always am, goodnight" I holler back at him as I climb the stairs. Once in the safety of my room, I change into my pajamas, which consist of shorts and a tank top. I put my hair in a messy bun and walk towards my bed. Walking past the mirror, I try to not look at myself. Finally, I sit down on my bed. It's too early to sleep, but I have no insperation to draw or paint anything. All I can think about is Ruby. Why did she take me out today? Shaking my head of that thought I grab a piece of paper and my colored pencils.

It starts off with me just doodling, drawing flowers and what not. I'm decent at art, not the best not the worse. I use to want to be an artist, back when I had hope and believed in myself. Back before I was told no. Before my dad found my doodles and told me it's a fine hobby, but not a career he'd will let me follow. Then my mom got involved, asked why I can't be into normal things, like Matt. No matter how hard I tried, I always came back to art. Sports wasn't my thing. Debate wasn't, neither was dance. Choir and band I sucked at, too.

But art is different. I'm pretty decent at it. And I love it!