
Call You Mine || GXG

Tessa is a 19 year old college student. She's always been second place to her brother, Matthew. In highschool he was popular and played football. Tessa on the other hand was captain of the debate team and didn't play any sports, however, they were close. Now in college, not much has changed. Other than the fact her brother graduated college now. She still has to live up to his legacy though. Her brother is 21 and engaged. Tessa is 19 and hasn't dated anyone since 9th grade, not to mention straight. But what happens when Matthew's best friend, Ruby, waltzes into Tessa's life and messes everything up?

TheWriterGirlSarah · LGBT+
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3 Chs


I must have fallen asleep with my art book again. As I lift my head up off the sheet of paper, it sticks to my face. sighing, I just pull the paper away, my eyes scanning the page. A sketch of Ruby scribbled onto the page. As I examine it, I hear a knock on the door. Quickly, I put the paper face down, and then I get up and open the door, seeing Matt standing there.

"Morning sleepy head"  He says, handing me a specialty coffee. 

"Thanks" I mumble, taking the coffee.

"Get dressed, Alexia is going to be here soon" He says, walking away, I just nod and take a sip of the coffee before shutting my door. Quickly, I change into some blue jeans and a black v-neck tee. I tuck my shirt into my pants. Standing in front of my mirror, I brush my long locks, staring at myself. Sighing, I put my brush down and pick up my perfume. I spray a little on before heading downstairs.

"Hey girl" I hear Alexia say as she walks into the house.

"Hey!" I giggle, embracing her into a hug.

"How have you been?" She asks, hugging me back.

"Pretty good, you? Is everything okay  back home?" I ask, frowning small.

"Everything is okay now" She assures me with a smile.

"Okay good" I chirp.

"Alexia" I hear my mom call as she walks into the room, walking past me to hug Alexia. As they start to talk, I walk into the kitchen with my coffee. Walking into the kitchen, I see Matt, our dad, and Ruby. As they talk, I just sit down on the counter, sipping my coffee. No one seems to notice me yet. As they talk, I just listen. They are talking about Matts wedding. My eyes are staring down as I listen. Soon, someone is standing in front of me. Looking up with the straw in between my lips, Ruby is standing in front of me.

"Hey" She whispers, staring at me.

"Hey" I mumble, glancing at Matt and our dad, however, they weren't paying attention.

"You hanging with us today?" She asks, basically standing between my legs.

"Don't know" I shrug.

"Yeah, she is" Mattt interrup,  making Ruby turn to face him.

"Cool" She states calmly. I hop off the counter and walk back into the living roo. It was more quiet in here. As everyone is in the kitchen. I start skrolling through my phone just to pass the time. Soon enough, Matt, Alexia, and Ruby walk in. They were all talking and laughing. I dont really fit in. They all click so well. All extroverted. I'm definately not. I'm more shy and quiet.

"You ready?" Matt ask, staring at me, I just nod and get up off the couch. I slip my shoes on before we head outside. We all pile into Matt's car, Matt and Alexia up front, Ruby and I in the back. They are all talking and joking around. I just politely listen. After we have been driving for about thirty minut, s we pull up to the ma. Greatat. As we all get out and head inside I stare around, I hate malls. They are always crowded and loud. Once inside, Matt and Alexia take off, leaving me alone again with Ruby.

"Looks like we have been ditched" Ruby comments, staring around before looking at me, "You okay? You look uncomfortable"

"I hate crowds" I whisper, shuddering small as someone walks by accidentally bumping against me.

"Watch it" Ruby says to the guy, making him scoff.

"Its okay Ruby" I mutter, grabbing her arm gently. She seemed to immediately relax.

"Fine, he isn't worth it anyways" She mumbles grabbing my hand and leading me off. I can feel my cheeks heating up as we walk through the mall, hand in hand. I'm not a lesbain, but I can't help but feel protected with Ruby. But I swear to God, I am not a lesbian. I like men, only men. I mean I have only dated one guy back in high school, but still, I've only been attracted to guys. Even though their private parts are kinda...scary.

"Whatcha thinking about?" She asks, letting go of my hand as we walk into the wedding, bridal store.

"Uh, nothing in particular. I'm just thinking" I know my uh gives me away, but i couldn't help it.

"There they are" Ruby says, walking off. I guess she wasn't that interested. As I walk up, Matt, Alexis, and Ruby are all talking. However, they all shut up as soon as I walk up.

"What?" I question staring betweeen the three.

"Would you be our model today?" Alexis asks, smiling innocently."It would mean a lot to me"

"Model? For what?" I ask, frowning small

"Bridemaids dresses" Matt butts in.

"Today?" I question making Ruby laugh small.

"Yeah, our appointment is in ten mintues" Alexis says with an innocent smile

"And you're just now asking me?" I ask, frowning even deeper.

"Tessa, please" Matt says, sighing small.

"Okay okay" I mumble, making Alexis squeal and grab my hand, running off towards the person who, I guess is helping us today. I stand there, not really listening to Matt and Alexis talking about the vision for their wedding. Eventually, they are talking about the bridesmaid dresses they want. They are having a very formal wedding. Alexis tells the girl helping us she wants long elegant dresses for the wedding, I didn't hear what color, though.

"Shall we get looking?" The girl asks, smiling small at us all, Alexis and Matt nod as we all head towards the bridesmaid dresses.

"You ready to be a model for today?" Ruby asks, smiling small at me.

"I guess" I mumble.

"Just relax" Ruby says as we shuffle through dresses, "It'll make things easier"

"Okay, I guess" I murmur. After about thirty minutes of looking at dresses, Alexis asks if I can start trying some of them on. Nodding the lady helping us leads me back to the dressing rooms. She hands me a light pink dress. I shut the door and change into the dress. It goes all the way down to the ground with a sweetheart neckline. The dress is stunning, biting my lower lip I head out to see everyones opinions. As I step out, all eyes are on me as the girl helping us describes the dress. No one is really saying anything, though.

"Well?" I ask after a minute or two of awkward silence

"Wow" Ruby says, "You look amazing"

"I agree, but I dont know if that's what I want for my wedding, but damn, that looks so good on you" Alexis says, almost in awe.

"Well, we have plenty of dresses she can try" the consultant says. Great.