
Call You Mine || GXG

Tessa is a 19 year old college student. She's always been second place to her brother, Matthew. In highschool he was popular and played football. Tessa on the other hand was captain of the debate team and didn't play any sports, however, they were close. Now in college, not much has changed. Other than the fact her brother graduated college now. She still has to live up to his legacy though. Her brother is 21 and engaged. Tessa is 19 and hasn't dated anyone since 9th grade, not to mention straight. But what happens when Matthew's best friend, Ruby, waltzes into Tessa's life and messes everything up?

TheWriterGirlSarah · LGBT+
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3 Chs


My whole life, I've been in the shadow of my brother, Matthew. Even as kids, he was the greatest. My parents adore him. The older I got, the more my parents didn't notice me. Always in the shadows. While Matthew now lives with his fiance, I still live at home. Nineteen years old and my life is school and work. That's it. No partying. No friends. No boyfriend.

"Tessa" I hear Matthew call as he barges into my room. I look up taking off my headsets. There stood Matthew and his best friend, Ruby. Ruby is the definition of gorgeous. I mean, lesbian? I mean, I don't know what I mean.

"Yeah?" I question, staring between the two.

"Ma and Pa wants to have a family meeting" he spoke.

"Is that why you're here?" I ask, making Ruby snicker.

"Shut up and just come down stairs" Matthew huffs, walking out. Ruby stayed though.

"Why are you here?" I ask as I tilt my head small.

"Don't know, probably for emotional support" she shrugs speaking sarcastically, looking around my room.

"Okay then" I awkwardly laugh as I get up from my bed.

"This yours?" She asks, lifting up my one and only lace red bra with a smirk.

"Oh my God" I hiss embarrassed. Quickly I snatch it from her and throw it into a drawer.

"I didn't expect you to have such a nice bra" she laughs smirking still. I can feel my cheeks heating.

"Shut up" I whisper, making her laugh.

"Come on" she says still laughing small as she walks from my room. I quickly follow. Once downstairs I see my mother and father sitting at the table. My brother to the left of them. Awkward.

"Soo" I awkwardly start, sitting down across from Matthew. Ruby sitting next to Matthew.

"Tessa, your brother has something to ask you" My mother starts.

"Right" Matthew starts, "So you know how Alexia and I are getting married?" He asks. Alexia is gorgeous, how she ended up with Matthew, I have no idea.

"Mhm" I hum.

"Well Alexia and I want you in our wedding" he mumbles. "Alexia wanted to ask you, but she needed to flight out to visit her family for an emergency"

"Oh" I mumble. Alexia was always sweet.

"So will you be a bridesmaid?" Matthew asks.

"Of course" I nod, "Even though we don't always get along, you're my brother and I'd be honored"

"Okay! Now that that is settled" Our mother starts to speak, "Who's hungry?" She asks quickly changing subjects.

"I'm starving" Matthew chuckles.

"Me-" before I could finish my mom spoke.

"Good, let's go out and eat" she says smiling. "Ruby you're more then welcomed to join us"

"Thank you, but I have to be getting to work soon" she says standing. "But I'll see you all later"

Nodding my mom sees Ruby to the door. Matthew and my dad start to chat. I, however, run upstairs to get my shoes. Quickly I slip on my vans and then head back downstairs. By this point, the house is empty. Did they leave without me? Heading outside I don't see anyone. All that's out there is my car and Ruby's motorcycle. Great.

"Whatever" I mumble, walking back inside. However, before I make it inside I hear Ruby.

"Tessa?" She calls, grabbing my wrist making me quickly turn to face her. She's about three inches taller than me. I stare up at her.

"Whats up?" I ask, tilting my head small.

"They forgot you, didn't they?" She asks, staring down into my eyes.

"Yeah, but it's fine" I mumble, glancing down at her hand that is still holding my wrist.

"Come on, we'll hang out then" She says tugging me towards her motorcycle.

"I thought- I thought you had to go to work?" I stumble out.

"I lied" Ruby shrugs finally letting go of my wrist as we approach her motorcycle.

"I am not getting on that" I mutter staring at her.

"Oh come on" She laughs small.

"No, no way" I huff crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please Tessa" She says giving me a small smirk, "I'll pay for dinner if you do" She chuckles.

"Hm" I think small "Okay fine, only for the free food though" I huff small, watching her climbing onto the motorcycle. That's impressive. Slowly I try to climb on behind her, however, I struggle a little. Making Ruby chuckle gently at me. She hands me a helmet and puts hers on. Slowly I put mine on.

"Hold on tight" she spoke, slowly I lean up against her back and hold onto her as she starts up her motorcycle and we are off. As she drives I couldn't help but hold on tighter. It's scary on a motorcycle. As we pull up to the pizzeria ran by Ruby's parents, I can smell the delicious pizza. They have the best pizza in town. Slowly I climb off after she parks, handing her the helmet.

"Mm" I moan "Best pizza in town" I giggle making Ruby laugh small.

"Yeah, my parents told me you're here a lot" she shrugs "So I figured you loved the food"

"I do, best pizza ever" I giggle walking inside with Ruby. There we were greeted by her sister, Anna, who works here.

"Hey Ruby, Hey Tessa" She smiles.

"Hey Anna" Ruby and I spoke at the same time as we walked past to sit at a table. As we sat across from each other I could feel Ruby staring at me the whole time. Finally I look up to meet her gaze.

"Yeah?" I ask, frowning small.

"Nothing" Ruby spoke "Just admiring"

I can feel my cheeks turning red, awkwardly I look back down at the menu. I pretend I'm reading it. But in reality I am FREAKING out. Did she just say she's admiring me? Ah! My heart is racing. She did not just say that. Why am I panicking? I'm not even attracted to her? I like a guy!

"I know you know our menu" Ruby teases. "So what are you doing?" She asks chuckling small.

"Just making sure nothing has changed" I mumble embarrassedly.

"Nothing has" she assures, "What would you like?" She asks smiling small.

"Hm" I think for a moment "Want to share a pepperoni pizza?"

"Sure" she shrugs small "That works"

"Yay!" I cheer giggling small.

"Cute" she mumbles staring at me. My cheeks go red once again.

"So uhm" I start staring around.

"Yeah?" Ruby asks still staring at me.

"How are you?" I asks giving off a huge smile.

Little did I know, this girl would change my life forever.