
Broly DxD

Broly is dead... killed by the very people that trained him and tried to help him with his anger. But because of Frieza killing Cheelai, he couldn't hold it back anymore. Once dead, Whis felt sympathy for the Legendary Saiyan who spent a year with the Z Fighterz, so, to help him out, he sent him to the World where Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils are just coming to terms with each other. He's even been so gracious as to give him back his father and mother... but only for a short amount of time. Come find out what happens next. wrote by keymondsanders just a few change

DrinkNozarashi · Anime & Comics
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New student


suddently someone slid the door open, the person was kina peeking her head in.

Kina: Hello there, I've brought your new student!

Teacher: its about time.

Katase: Oh wow! its Kina!

murayama: you look so pretty today!

Kina: Thank you~~

Teacher: what took him so long to get here??

Kina: oh well . he kind of got lost on the way.

She then came in the class saying....

Kina: well, come in, broly, this will be your homeroom!

Aika: ughhh, even his name sounds jerkish.

Teacher: Yes, Mr.BROLY come and introduce yourself to the-w-w-WHAAAA!!!!!

The students confused by their teacher scream , they looked at her then towards the door to see a large boy, turning to the side and squatting a little to get himself through the slide - in door.

Everyone stared at the teen who had a blank expression, he looked like he could destroy a 'mountain' like it was nothing, he was easily taller than most of the guys in the school and the most muscular one.

Broly looked around at everyone in the class and all he could think of was Vegeta, chichi, his mom or Bulma in terms of height. he looked towards the teacher who looked at him with a terrified expression.

walking up to him, he held the paper, making the teacher flinch before calming down a little bit and read it the paper.


Teacher: A- ah yes, that's right... Mr broly, N-now that you're here please introduce yourself to your fellows classmates.

the boy then turned towards everyone and simply said...


Teacher: V-very good, now, as for your seat, please sit in wherever you place you like so I can start the lesson.

The silent Saiyan then made his way to the typical protagonist seat at the of the classroom where the window was with heavy footsteps .

when he sat down, he started to hear a creaking sound as he silently looked at the teacher showing that he had no clue in what to do next.

Kina: well, see ya later Broly~~

kina then walked out of the classroom, closing the door as the teacher said....

"R-right...L-Lest start the lesson."

With the teacher dragging on with her lesson that nobody but Broly half listened to, everyone sighed and expressed their dislike for the lesson but their eyes quickly went right back to Broly.

Katase: so...what do you think about him?

Murayama: well, he doesn't look like a jerk as I had thought.

Aika crossed her arms and said...

"that could be some mask he's putting on."

Katase: huh? but look at him!!

The three and the rest of the girls then saw broly pick up his pencil and smell it, wondering if it was just a pencil. he bite it quickly realizing that it wasn't edible ,he opened his mouth and let it slide out with a look of disgust on his face.

Aika: ok . he may just be a big idiot, he's probably some delinquent.

murayama: I don't know, he looks so nice innocent and he's actually kinda adorable.

looking back at him they saw that he was writing down the school but it was REALLY boring doing that.

Aika: I'm telling you , this is probably a trick.

the girls uncertain by what their friends said kept talking quietly amongst eachother about broly, trying to decipher what kind of guy he was as for the boys and isana, they were mad about this...


Matsuda: yea, who does he think he is??

the other boys came around the three and said....

" I think we need to go ahead and give him a bad rep."

matsuda: RIGHT! he's a guy, he'll be fine.

motohama: Um fellas? I agree with you all but have you noticed how big he is? aren't we asking for death??

?: he's big , but anyone with enough brain cells wouldn't try to eat a pencil. so he must be harmless.

Motohama: You have a good point.

isana: alright, great! so here is what we're going to do....



the launch time came and Aika was getting a little tired of the girls saying they wanted to give Broly a chance so she got up and said...

" he is a jock, mostly of jocks aren't nice- they're dumbs, watch this …..

Katase: AH! W-where are you going?

murayama: Aika! wait!

The entire class saw the girl walking up to broly who had a large amount of food on his table, while eating he glance at the girl who was staring at him. in a quick instant , she grabbed his heavy hand and put it in one her breast, making the all class gasp in shock....

Katase/Murayama: AIKA !!

Our Broly felling the softness of her bobs , didn't know why she was doing this . as she leaned down saying...

" it feels good? doesn't it~~"

Broly: ???

Aika: Go on, give it a squeeze~ i will let you.

Broly was confused, maybe this was something that alot of humans do. Bulma would always press herself against Vegeta making him blush before he tells him and trunks to leave. was this action similar to that?

Doing the only thing he could think of, he pulled his hand away from her chest before gentle taking by the her and put her in his chest which made her blush by his gentleness.

The girls who saw this, didn't see any maliciousness on his face. as he petted the girl in the head, this made Aika blush even harder, while the boys and isana who watched this were so angry and cried with cartoon tears.

Suddenly a bird flew in and landed on the saiyan's head. he gently let go of Aika and put his hand up on the creature as it hopped onto his hand and looked at it.

He understanding what it was, he then put him down on his desk, with everyone wondering what he was doing until they him taking the slice of bread off his sandwich and gave it to the bird who started to eat.

In awe they all stared at the gentleness this teen has , who was watching the bird eat with a smile, looking back to Aika he got another sandwich and gave it to her .

Aika: O-oh!...U-uh.. thanks.

She then took the sandwich and left towards her desk where the other girls were, looking up she saw that all the girls had red awestruck faces.

?: He's so down to earth!

?: and dreamy~

?: he cant be like the other guy, right?

Aika: …..

Murayama: you little witch, you tricked us so that you can make a move on him didn't you ?!

Aika: of course not! I really thought that he would fall in temptation and grope me!

katase: we don't believe you! but …..

They all looked at Aika who flinched and said....

" what does he smell like?"

katase: did he smell good?

Aika: W-

?: you were the closest to him, so we wanna know what he smells like.

on the boys side, they growled at the teen who was still watching the bird eat, taking his finger to stroke its body, then the Once physical education came, the teacher told broly that for today he can just sit and watch for now, the saiyan took his words and went to sit down but before he could get seat someone called him....

" HEY dude "

Broly looked at the girl.....

Isana: hey! we never gotta chance to talk! Im Isana Hyoudou, nice to meet ya.


isana: yea , I already got it, But you know, you forgot the orientation assembly and you need to get it quick.


Isana: come on, just follow me and i'll show you.

she then took him by the wrist and pulled him off , Aika seeing this had a feeling that isana was up to something.

Broly was brought to a large cabin in the forest near the end of the school where he saw all the boys there. Matsuda and Motahama gave thumbs up to isana as she gave a wink and pulled broly into the cabin and said....

" this is the Orientation, just look through this hole and you'll be done."

Broly couldn't do-nothing but scratch his head at this but shockingly, before he could do the thing she said, the girls from kendo club were coming out early and ahead of schedule still talking about him.

Isana: OH crap!

motohama: Adios! my man!

They all dash towards the bush but before isana run off, she tells broly.

"U-uh... new orientation...thing. Stay here and let them see you, kay?~"

she then jumped into the bushes, as well, as the girl were talking and laughing they saw broly and gasped.

?: w-what you doing here?!

?:T-this is the girls kendo club and the entrance is on the other side.

?:D-don't tell me that you're... no!

murayama: i-i don't wanna believe this, you're so nice!

katase: T-this was a mistake, right? Right??!


Aika then showed up and said.....

" Relax girls, this is a big misunderstanding. Broly isn't a perv like I thought he was."

katase: really?


isana: Dammit Aika!!

as they were busted they found themselves surround by the kendo club who had their shinais and looking at them menacingly . the boy trembling at their growled and isana trying to escape said...

"U-uh... mercy?"

all the girls looked at her before saying...


Broly watching the girls beating the boys and isana, he tilted his head in a way showing that he was trying to understand what is happening but finaly gave up and started to walked back towards the field.


unbeknownst to him, a redhead lady was watching him with interest from atop in her club.


Akeno: I see you've finally noticed the new student, Rias kaichou~~

Rias: yes... him and that other girl.

Akano: ara~ , i believe her name is isana Hyoudo and the boy is broly.

Rias: no last name?

Akeno: hmm~ , he didn't give one it seems.

Koneko: he's not a perv.

they both looked at the small girl who was eating chocolate.....

Akeno; really?

Koneko: he make me drop my brownie early, so he gave me a candy. he's pretty nice.

Akeno put a finger to her cheek and said...

"well~, from what kina and sona told me, he doesn't speak much and he's pretty dense."

Rias: Hm. and what about the girl?

koneko: Pervert. she's worse than most of the boys.

Akeno: Heheh she is rather adorable though.~~

Rias: There is something about them..... but I cant put my finger on.

Akeno: hm??

Rias: keep an eye on them for me akeno.

Akeno blinked and smiled before saying....

"of couse kaichou~~"

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