
Broly DxD

Broly is dead... killed by the very people that trained him and tried to help him with his anger. But because of Frieza killing Cheelai, he couldn't hold it back anymore. Once dead, Whis felt sympathy for the Legendary Saiyan who spent a year with the Z Fighterz, so, to help him out, he sent him to the World where Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils are just coming to terms with each other. He's even been so gracious as to give him back his father and mother... but only for a short amount of time. Come find out what happens next. wrote by keymondsanders just a few change

DrinkNozarashi · Anime & Comics
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A stray

After school, Broly was preparing to go home when he felt the glares from the boys and Isana directed towards him. However, he noticed that the girl in question had another girl waiting for her for some reason.

Despite feeling their glares, he paid no mind since he knew it most likely had to do with the orientation they had tried to involve him in.

Looking up at the sky, he saw a plane fly by, and a smile graced his face as he thought, 'This life isn't too bad.' He had never really taken it into consideration, but he found it nice living here, although he wished that his father and mother could see him.

As he walked back to his apartment, Katase and Murayama came up on his sides and greeted him.

Murayama: Hi, Broly.

Katase: Do you mind if we walk with you?

He just shrugged his shoulders, making the girls giggle as they talked about their day. Although he half-listened, he couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

His face contorted, forming a glare, but he kept it to himself since he knew these girls couldn't do anything, so he decided to stop.

Murayama: Hm? What's wrong, Broly?

He shook his head to indicate that nothing was wrong before whistling. They gave him a raised eyebrow before seeing a big and beautiful white and black wolf running towards them.

Katase: It's so pretty!

Murayama: Does he belong to you, Broly?

The Saiyan nodded and ran his hands through its mane as he licked his face.

Katase/Murayama: AAAAAWWWW!

He then stood up and gave it a gesture, which made it nod as it brushed up against the girls and walked forward.

Murayama: Huh?

Katase: I don't get it.

Broly: Walk home....

They both looked at him, then at each other.

Katase: OH! His dog is gonna walk us home!

Murayama: That's so sweet of you! Are you sure he knows how to get back, though?

He nodded with a smile as they waved at him.

He waved back at them, but once they turned around, he had an intense glare on his face, and his onyx eyes turned amber.

He calmly walked towards the city's forest, keeping his power under control. He could feel himself drawing nearer to the evil creature as he stumbled upon what seemed to be an invisible wall.


Looking behind him, he tried to backtrack but found himself unable to do so. This was a trap, and he walked right into it, but he wasn't worried at all. That's when a large demonic-looking creature crashed down in front of him, laughing menacingly before picking him up since he was trapped inside a box trap and couldn't break free.

?: ZHEAHAHAHA! Serves you right, kid! Mm, you look tasty, all that meat~ will do me some good.


?: Thanks for the meal, kid!

The monster then opened its mouth and tried to swallow Broly. He saw the boy's hair starting to stand up as he began growling.

?: Hm?

Broly: GRRRR!

?: W-what the-


He broke himself out of the magic box. He floated with a heated glare in his wrathful state before giving the beast a light punch to the face, making it fly back. Surprisingly, it wasn't killed, as the beast spread its wings and smiled, saying...

?: Seems that this meal got some kick to it, SUBARASHI!!

He boomed towards Broly and tried to slash at him with his claw-like fingers, but the teen caught them and broke his fingers before taking him by the neck and flying high up into the vast sky so that no one would see them.

He threw the demon off to give it a fair fight and took a stance.

?: A man of honor, huh? FINE!

The beast then roared as it grew even bigger, surpassing Broly in size. It looked at him, saying...

?: You're dead, KID!

The demon started to spew out flames from its mouth, but that did nothing to the Saiyan. Broly quickly got in front of the monster and put his hand out in its face, blasting it with a huge green beam of energy that was so powerful that it lit up the cloudy sky (imagine Ulquiorra's cero).


From below, everyone saw this and wondered what was going on. Isana was currently on her date with another girl and looked up....

Isana: What the heck is that?

The girl also looked around but, instead of an expression of worry, she showed impatience. She got in front of Isana and said...

Yuuma/?: Oh! Sure.

Yuuma's? smile went sinister as her eyes lowered.

Rias, feeling something off, looked out of her window with Kina, Koneko, and Akeno, seeing the light and furrowed their brows, wondering what that was....

Rias: Something is not right.

Akeno: From what I'm feeling...

Kina: That is clearly not magic.


With Broly, the demon grew in size again (wtf?), but that only made Broly push him towards the sky even more. At this point, they were at the Ozone layer, and the demon tried to get rid of this annoying kid with his white hot stuff, being irritated that none of his attacks had worked on the boy.

?: Dammit!

He gave it another booming fist before dashing out. Broly felt it was enough and brought his hand out, forming a small dark green ball...

Broly: Breaker wave!

The demon started to light up in a dark emerald glow before imploding with such intensity that the city below shook violently. The entire sky turned green.

Rias: What is that?

Akeno: It's massive, but I can't feel anything from it.

Right at this point, Yuuma stared up at the sky and decided to not get involved this time with whatever was going on so she left off, leaving a Blood drenched Isana as rias came to her rescue a few minutes after.

Rias: what is that ?


Broly floated down to an empty alley and powered down, breathing out as he walked to his apartment, where his pet wolf was waiting for him.

He scratched its ear and made his way inside so that he could tend to his and his pet's hunger