
Broly DxD

Broly is dead... killed by the very people that trained him and tried to help him with his anger. But because of Frieza killing Cheelai, he couldn't hold it back anymore. Once dead, Whis felt sympathy for the Legendary Saiyan who spent a year with the Z Fighterz, so, to help him out, he sent him to the World where Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils are just coming to terms with each other. He's even been so gracious as to give him back his father and mother... but only for a short amount of time. Come find out what happens next. wrote by keymondsanders just a few change

DrinkNozarashi · Anime & Comics
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Kuoh Academy

Up in the was a sixteen years old broly floating Infront of the sun with his eyes closed, he had a green aura all over his body that started to flare up more and more till it stopped.

He controlled his breath, opening his eyes to see that the sun was finally hitting the part of earth stayed in, which also meant that night was turning morning.

he already got his admission to attend this school Named "Kuoh academy" to tell the truth he was a little anxious as this is his first time being around people of his age.

he sighed and went towards the planet , arriving on earth he flew to his new apartment which wasn't all that great but it slightly above average.

Since his father was well respected in his company , they made sure that broly was meet with everything he needs or will need.

Opening the door of his apartment he found his animal In front of him wagging its tail.

Crouching down he started petting him ,seeing that he still had time he chose do a little jog with his little friend. As the jogging came to a stop, he went to his place so he can feed his pet wolf and to get ready, but then he looked at his trademark brand. Bah's ear.

Did he really want to wear it around other people? it was no secret that humans like to stick their nose in everything. controlling his breathing, he decide to put it on to keep his anger under control and not forget to warn people that trying to take it would be bad.

Then he grabbed his admission letter just in case and made his way to school, instantly catching the eyes of a lot students who saw that he had the same uniform as them... and some weird furry thing wrapped around his waist.

Broly found it weird how everyone reacted to him. he looked like any normal teen, Right?? so why was his presence so surprising? Oh well there aren't many teens that are 6'2 and muscle bound.

he stopped and thought about bypassing the crowd by flying but then someone bumped into him.


looking down he saw a very small white hair girl who looked at the place where her brownie had fell. When she looked at broly she glared but he only raised an eyebrow before taking out a piece of candy from his pocket and gift to her.

The girl looked at the candy and although she wasn't craving for it ,she found sweet that he tried to make up for what he did. (W lol)

Koneko: Thanks.

she then walked off as Broly stared at her leaving. This was one of his weirdest experience and he haven't even made it to school yet.

Some girls in the background looked back at him giggled before starting whispering among each other.

?: ok. how many of you think he's-

?: Hot? allow it! he is so... tall!!

?: I don't know, he looks like he was born in a cave. look at how he doesn't know what to do with his bag.

They looked at broly who was dragging his bad then one girl said....

?: Awww so what? , he can learn it.

?: Hmm, if you say so.


Two of the small amount of boys and one girl heard this and became depressed with dark thought and said this....

Matohama: Matsuda. does your father still have his gun?

Matsuda: I'm sure am gonna find it.

then the girl named Isana ( she's leng) said this....

Isana: come guys, there is no need to move like that

matsuda: Shut up !!!

motohama: Shut your damm mouth!! just because you got a date after school it doesn't mean a damm thing ya bastard.

Then they both punched Isana in the head...

Isana: Oi!! its not my fault that my pimp juice is finally starting to affect girls.

Matsuda and Motohama growled at the girl who smiled smugly and said...

Isana: Get on my level, bitches.

Motohama/Matsuda: THAT'S IT! we're killing you now!!

The three then fought amongst one another as the large teen passed through them, it didn't seem like a fight to death, just a...kind of Goku vs Vegeta fight but without power....or fighting skills...athletic build to them.

Making it in the school, he made his way to the principles office... though it took him a while, not being in a school before its normal, he looked around every corner and went into all hallways on the first floor but couldn't find what he was looking for , until he heard a girl's voice.

Turning around he glance at the girl who had a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes not busty but had a nice nyash ,she was accompanied by a long straight black hair girl that had slit bangs and heterochromic eyes, one being violet and the other light brown. on par of that she was more developed in certain areas.

Sona: Do you need some assistance?


Sona: I'm Sona shitori , the Class President, may i ask who you are?


Sona: hmm...no last name?

he now gave her a questionable expression which told her that he really doesn't have one.

Sona: very well, Mr. Broly is it .From watching you i can tell that you were looking for the principles office but your trip would be waste, he is not here at he moment.

the giant saiyan then looked back at the paper whiz gave him the nigh before, talking about finding this principle but wasn't here.

Sona: No need to worry, I have your time table right here Mr. broly.

Giving that paper she said...

"your first class will be upstairs.... all the way to the end then to the left, you understand."

he nodded but honestly he had no idea how he was suppose to find his way there. the only reason he nodded was because he didn't want them to follow him because their energy felt weird. As he walked away, Sona's mouth moved....

Sona: Tsubaki....

Tsubaki: yes, President?

Sona: keep an eye on that boy , and be sure to tell Rias about the new student.

Tsubaki: Of course.

with that she left....

Broly made it upstairs and looked at the map on the back of the paper but he never was good with stuff like this. he looked around for class 8-D but it wasn't anywhere in his sight.

?: are you lost?

he sighed this time because it seemed like he was just meeting nice people who wanted to help him but in a half-assed way, he turned around...

he say a pretty blond girl with a smile on her face and her hands behind her back as she leaned into him letting him take a peek of her moderate chest, he forced himself not to sigh again despite it coming out anyway, and passed her the paper.

She took it and read it over before looking at him and giggling, he sweat dropped at his as she said....

" I get it! you are looking for you classroom right? which means you must be the new student. by the way I'm Kina Yuuto, its nice to meet you umm...

Broly: broly.....

Kina: heh nice to meet you Broly, come on, I will show you where you class is.

Kina walked off with the teen just staring at her before following behind, as they kept walking, she glanced behind her seeing him she thought to herself....

Kina: ' Big, strong, emotionless expression, silent, Analysis...and he is shy heheheh, this should be fun'.

Deciding to tease the innocent looking teen she pretendent to be woozy and fall backwards saying

Kina: AH! I'm falling!

... but unfortunately for her... she actually fell to the floor, Broly standing on the side looking at her trying to understand why she did that, it was like she was really in danger or dying.

Kina just stared at him as he did the same with a blank face. she blinked and picked herself up thinking...

Kina: ' ah... the cruel trait known as denseness...yep, this is going to be something'

She stood up straight dusting herself off and looked at him with a smile before saying...

"come on, we are almost there."


in the classroom a 8-D, a girl was with her two friends, ogling at the girls in class with lustful expressions, drooling like dogs.

Isana: oh man, is it me or do the girl's skirt get shorter and shorter every time we see them?

matsuda: I don't know .you tell me.

they boy then flipped up his best friend skirt a little which made her go red as she punched him in the face.


Isana: I already told you that I'm not into dudes! girls are my desert~~

motohama: that isn't fair ! you already got asked out!

Isana: so what? I can expand my horizons.

She said this, continuing to look at the girl who felt that they need to hold themselves.

?: Ugh. those guys are so weird!

?: Especially Isana!

?: Yeas! I caught those three trying to peek on us while we were bathing.

?: Tell me about it.

That's when some of the males students who were supposed to be cool came over and wrapped their arms around them saying.

"don't worry sweetheart, we'll keep you safe..."

The girls completely ignored what they did and pushed them away as one girl said...

?: Ew!! you're just bad as them.

The boys confused and indignited they ask...

" HOW?!!"

the girl response was...

" you're just trying to protect me just to get something from me !!"

the boy not trying to give an excuse he said.....

"SO!!? IM Protecting you from those perverts!"

Isana/Motohama/Matsuda: HEY!!!

RD boy: the least you could do is go out on a date with me!

?: NO thanks!

AS the teacher got in she said...

Teacher: Alright class, settle down, we going to have a new student today, so please try not to make him uncomfortable with all pf your antics.

The girls looked at the teacher before sighing again....

Katase : Ugh! Another boy?

?: i liked it better when this was an all girl school.

ONE of the boys said...

?: come on. ya gotta get used to us.

One of the girls suddenly stood up and said...

?: I SAW HIM!!!

?: you did?

?: Yea... awww he was soo dreamy~

Motohama: That's it for us.

Matsuda: No more panty shots for us.

Isana: pfff-ahahaha!.... sorry guys!

?: He's big - like Really big , Tall and ripped off.

Murayama: So what, He must be a jerk??…

?: No!... at least I don't think so.

Aika: Hmph trust me, when they're al big and muscular like that... they mostly are a jerk.

Katase: I hope not, it would be nice to finally have a guy here who isn't a prick or a pervert.


Not gonna lie my head hurtsss these days and im feeling hella bad. got to do more 2chap

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