
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Snow's POV

I can feel his stare burning into my back. I remember the way he looked at me in the hall and I feel my face heat up. No one's ever made me feel so....so wanted. He looked at me like he was a starving man and I was the last morsel of bread left.

I remember his cold grey eyes, darkening as they scanned me. I remember the feel of his hands on me, his warm body pressed up against me. I shake my head to rid myself of these thoughts. I rub my thighs together, confused by the sudden need for friction.

What about Bennett?

My subconscious sneers in contempt. I frown at myself. She's right, I shouldn't be thinking of mystery Greek God. Yes, I know he told me his name but I was too distracted watching his plump pink lips. They're so kissable.

There you go again Snow. Have you no shame?

I'm starting to annoy myself so I completely block all thoughts of mystery Greek God.....well...more like I try but you get the point. Once the bell rings, I bolt out of the class, not looking back once. I only stop to look back when I'm in front of the library doors. I sigh in both relief and disappointment when I notice he didn't follow me.

I have a free period right now so I usually go to the library. It has been about ten minutes of peaceful reading when a shrill voice disrupts my reading.

"Pet! Pet, where are you?" I jump when I hear the urgency in Isa's voice. Yes, she calls me pet. No, I don't know why.

I wave her over and she bounces hurriedly towards me, ignoring the harsh look the librarian is giving her. I send her an apologetic smile and she softens, smiling back. Her name is Mrs. Linden. She's nice but very strict.

Isa takes my hand and drags me away from my table to the back of the library, leaving my poor book opened and unattended for. I'm so sorry my love, I'll come back for you. I promise.

"Did you hear pet?! Did you?" She squeals in question, almost bursting with energy. I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Hear what?" I ask hesitantly. Her hold on my wrists tightens and I hold back a wince. That's definitely gonna leave a mark.

"You didn't?! Oh my God! Have you been leaving under a rock. He's back, Tyler is back," she says excitedly, jumping up and down, her grip tightening. I didn't even think that was possible.

I pull at my hands and she notices, letting go but still bouncing excitedly. I examine the angry red prints when something hits me.

"Tyler?" I ask my excited best friend.

"Yes, weren't you listening?" she asks, still running on a high. She doesn't give me time to answer before she's describing how sexy he is.....her words, not mine. Not that I disagree.

Tyler...that's mystery Greek God's name. I remember now. He very rudely answered me then told me to watch where I'm going next time. I laugh quietly, he was so angry. A vein on his forehead pulsed and his fists were tightly clenched. He probably wanted me to be scared, too bad he was so distracting. The way he looked at me as he stepped closer, that shut me up.

"Pet! Pet! Snow! Snow White Adana Murphy!" I snap back to reality at the sound of my full name leaving Isa's mouth. I scan the people around and notice them giving us glares. I smile sheepishly and turn my attention back to Isa.

"Spill," she commands. I open my mouth to deny the fact that I have anything to spill but she cuts me off.

"Don't even try denying it," she commands once more, "you were blushing and smiling to yourself. Now spill," she says with a raised eyebrow. Sighing, I decide to tell her what happened.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh you guys are gonna make the cutest babies," she squeals excitedly just as the bell rings. She hooks her arm through mine as we walk out. I wave goodbye at Mrs. Linden, not bothering to correct Isa.

"Oh wait, I left my clothes in my locker," I remember suddenly, interrupting her....um....actually....I don't know what she was talking about.

"Oh, I'll see you at home then," she states nonchalantly.

"Home?," I question, confused.

"Yes, Leah and I are coming over to discuss your husband," she says as she walks out.

I laugh silently as I head to my locker, shaking my head slightly. I take out my back pack with my clothes in it and shut my locker. I freeze when I feel someone's presence behind me. The scent of grapefruit, mint citrus and warm cinnamon invading my senses. Tyler. I turn around slowly and come face to almost chest with this tall, beautifully sculpted specimen.

I take my time, studying his broad shouldered figure. His muscles bulge from underneath his black shirt. I fear it might rip if he flexed. Something black peaks out from under his shirt and I resist the urge to step closer and find out what it is. His black jeans showing off his toned thighs. His look completed with a black leather jacket and converse shoes.

His caramel hair is in loose curls messily shoved to one side. His cold gray eyes a shade darker than I remember but with no emotion. His nose long and straight and his full pink lips lifted in a smirk. Cliché bad boy right there. I hug my bag to my chest, trying to calm my rapidly beating heart. His eyes zero in on the motion and his smirk falls into a scowl.

"What happened to your hands?" He asks menacingly. I look down, noticing my sweater has slid down my arms, exposing my wrists. I hastily cover them up.

"N-n-nothing, I just bruise very easily," I stutter out. Get a grip Snow. He gives me one last dark look before storming off. Great. Isa's gonna have a field day with this. I think as I walk out of the school.