
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Tyler's POV.

Fucking hell.

It's two in the fucking afternoon. Today's my first day back to school and I'm late. I've missed first, second and third period and lunch. Awesome. I scowl at my stupid alarm. Fucking piece of shit.

After finishing my morning routine. I grab a clean black shirt and a pair of black jeans. I slip into my black converse shoes and shrug on my black leather jacket. I slam the door to my room shut behind me, heading to my garage. I decide to go with my motorcycle. You can never go wrong with the cliché bad boy look.

Hopping onto my bike, I head to school as quickly as possible. By the time I get there, its twenty minutes into fourth period. I sign in at the front office and make my way to class with a late slip. Time for my dramatic entrance back into this hell hole.

I take my time, loving the peace and quiet of the deserted halls. No random girls drooling and trying to look sexy. Just the thought makes me cringe. No stupid guys trying to seem unaffected by me, no fuc..... My train of thought is suddenly disrupted when someone crashes into me. My scowl deepens.

"Ouch," I hear the person say as they drop something, stumbling back. I automatically reach out to prevent them from falling. I look down at the person and I stop breathing. She's beautiful. Dark brown hair tumbling down her back in soft waves. Her pale skin looks soft to the touch and I resist the sudden urge to bite her. Weird.

Her eyes are closed, her lashes brushing her high cheekbones. Her tiny hands clutching her nose and her lips, god her lips, are red and set in a pout. I want to kiss it away. My eyes travel further down to her neck, her collarbones and finally her chest. My eyes widen when I notice she isn't wearing a bra. Fuck.

Her nipples show through the tight black shirt and I smirk slightly when I notice they're taut and pebbled. She's aroused. A gasp brings my eyes back to her face. She's looking at me, shock, confusion and embarrassment lining her eyes. Her beautiful big doe eyes a light blue.

"W-who a-are y-y-you?" she stutters out, her voice is smooth, light and instantly makes me hard. There's an innocent aura about her and that's enough to soften me....or it should. Unfortunately, she's still pressed up against me, my hands are still resting on her hips and I'm still turned on. A draft blows her hair over her face and I smell coconut and strawberries. It's a heady combination. It makes my head spin and I want to bury my face in her neck or her hair and smell her.

"Umm hello? Is anyone in there?" She asks. Her stutter gone and annoyance dripping from her tone. I realise I haven't answered her question.

"Tyler. Watch where your going next time," I tell her rudely, letting her go while I still can. Willing my eyes to stay focused on her face.

I step back and go around her. I stop when I feel her grab my arm, turning with my eyebrow raised. She's no longer holding her nose and I notice its small and pink tipped. I frown at the thought of hurting her then scowl at the thought of protecting her. I feel her poke my chest and I realise she's talking to me.

"Are you even listening to me mister?" She asks, sounding really annoyed. I can't help it, my eyes trail down her body once more. Her chest rises and falls harshly with every breathe she takes. She has a flat stomach and her waist made small by the way that her hips flare out deliciously, something those tight jeans don't hide, and my hands itch to hold her. To hear her say my name under me, above me, in front of me, anyway I can have her.

She stomps her foot childishly and I almost smile at how cute that action was. Her face is flushed and the heat has traveled down to her neck and chest. I step closer to her and she stills, looking up at me from her long lashes. I almost ravish her right then and there.

I take another step closer and she takes one back, still looking at me. She unknowingly pins herself to the wall behind her and I take the opportunity, pressing myself against her. Placing my hands on either side of her head, I cage her in my arms. I lean down and rub my nose up her neck, sniffing slightly. Mm, strawberries.

She shivers and I smirk, pulling back to look at her. Her eyes are dark with desire and something else. Something I can smell a mile away. Fear. I rip myself away from her and turn around, walking away. She doesn't stop me this time and for some reason, that pisses me off even more. Of course she's afraid of me. I scowl at myself, wondering where my common sense ran off to. I practically assaulted the girl. She was shivering because she was scared.

But she wanted you. You saw it.

My subconscious chimes and I glare at him. She's innocent, I'll taint her. Stupid, stupid, stupid. What were you even thinking? What is your problem, Tyler? Leave her be.

Great, now I'm talking to myself. My scowl deepens as I notice that I've arrived at my class. I push open the door and people flinch at the loud sound it makes. The teacher looks up from her phone, frowns slightly and goes back to doing whatever the hell she was doing. Guess I didn't need the slip. The class watches me as I walk to the back to take the one seat available.

Girls pull their shirts down lower, twirl their hair, bite their lips. Guys glare at me others watch in awe. Normally, I'd bask in their unwanted attention but I'm too angry to care.

A few minutes later, the door opens softly and a figure walks in, her head hung low. She approaches the teacher who waves her off. She visibly relaxes and looks up. Our eyes meet and I cuss under my breath. It's her. She's wearing a cream sweater on top of her outfit but it's not enough to cover the very sensual curve of her hips. Fuck me.