
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Tyler was about to snap. He had been rapidly loosing his temper since Marco sat his fat ass between him and his angel. And that wasn't even the worst of it. He was making jokes, making her laugh, they were connecting. For god's sake he had his fucking arm around her dainty shoulders. The pizza had arrived and he finally thought he'd get a breather from his constant flirting. Wrong.

She'd commented on how disgusting she thought it was to put fruit on pizza and the little shit had agreed with her. He loved Hawaiian pizza as much as he did. He couldn't tell if Marco was playing or if he wanted to die young. Either way, he was gonna bite his head off if he didn't tread carefully.

"Tyler," she called in that soft smooth voice that messed with his head. He turned to her.

"What does the word Salvatore mean?" She asked curiously. The owner of the name barked once and laid his head back down in her lap. She giggled softly and continued to run her fingers through his soft fur waiting for an answer.

"Saviour," Tyler answered curtly. Her fingers froze for a second before she resumed. She knew there was a story behind the name and of course she was curious, but she wouldn't ask. It wasn't her place. She looked at her phone to see the time and almost threw up. It was 7:30. Oh God, her mom was gonna kill her.

With her eyes wide, she stood up quickly, looking around for her bag and shoving the booklet inside it when she found it.

"Umm....Tyler," she called to him once again.

"Can you drive me home?" She asked, nervously playing with her fingers. He stood up with a nod and she smiled in appreciation.

"It was a pleasure meeting you," she said to Marco, hugging him goodbye. She was an affectionate person. This was normal for her.

Marco was startled by the unexpected hug but, he wrapped his arms around her tiny frame anyway. She felt nice in his arms. He smiled softly when she pulled away and pat her head, smoothing down her hair. She was cute....like a little kitten.

"The pleasure was all mine kitten," he replied with a smirk.

She flushed red at the nickname and leaned down to pet the huge dog. It barked and licked her hand, drowning out the sound of Tyler grunting at the sight of her bent over. He couldn't help the thoughts that ran through his mind and that's how he knew he wasn't good for her. Well, among other things.

Snow picked up her bag and followed Tyler out.

"Shouldn't you also be wearing a helmet?" She questioned, realising she's was the only one wearing it.

"Well yeah but I only have one," Tyler answered with a shrug, climbing onto the bike and signaling that the conversation was over. She begrudgingly hopped on behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders before dropping them to his waist.

He tensed up and not once did he relax. Not when she told him where she lived, not when she pressed into him, not even as she stepped off when she had arrived home. She leaned up to hug him, wrapping her arms around his neck seeing as he was still on the bike. Her jacket rode up and his fingers grazed her bare waist before he pulled away. She was barely in the house when he drove off, never once looking back.

Her parents arrived shortly after she had changed into her pajamas. She bumped into her daddy on her way down.

"Hey princess," her daddy greeted, scooping her into a hug and spinning her around. She giggled like a little girl. He set her down and she looked up at him.

"You look tired daddy," she said with a frown, noticing his droopy eyes.

"I'll be fine princess," he said with a tired smile, touched by his daughter's concern.

"Where's your sister? Is she still not feeling okay?" He asked worriedly, heading in the direction of Em's room. She placed a hand on his forearm, stopping him.

"Actually, this time she is out with Bennett," she replied carefully, gauging his mood. He sighed tiredly and looked down at her.

"Thank goodness you're never leaving me to be with a boy princess," he whispered, kissing her forehead. She laughed as she watched him walk away. She would never understand what he had against Bennett.

She found her mom in the kitchen preparing dinner.

"Hey mom," she whispered, carefully hugging her from behind. Her mom was very easily scared. She sighed and turned to face her.

"Hey jellybean. How was school?" she responded with a tired smile. Snow frowned, ignoring her mother's question. Why were they so tired?

"What's wrong mom?" She asked softly. Her mother sighed and turned of the cooker, leaning against the counter.

"It's just work honey. I'll be fine," she answered with a shrug. Snow wasn't exactly sure what her parents did but they worked very long hours. Which is something she never understood. Weren't they the bosses? Why did they have such long working hours?

"Fine," she agreed reluctantly," just go freshen up and I'll make dinner," she demanded. Her mom smiled gratefully at her and proceeded to drag her way up the stairs.

They sat down once Snow was done cooking and after they said a short prayer, dug into the food. Em had called about half an hour ago, saying that she wasn't coming home. To say her daddy was angry would be an understatement. He was absolutely fuming, brimming with fury.

"Why don't you like Bennett dear? He's a sweet boy," her mom asked cautiously. He turned his hard gaze on her and he softened.

"They all are," he muttered angrily and she thought of Tyler. She would have to disagree with him there. There was nothing sweet about the sexy Greek god that was Tyler Ace Blackwell. Yes, she knew his middle and last names. They were partners on that hippie project. It was her job to know.

Even as he said goodnight, he was still mad. Her mom playfully slapped his chest and told him that if he didn't shape up, he'd sleep on the couch. She added that she would even book separate rooms for them when they went on their business trip to Spain the next day. That resulted in him chasing her around the house, laughing and screaming like they were teenagers again. Snow laughed, shaking her head as she entered her room. She could still hear her mom's laughter as she drifted off to sleep.