
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Ok my lovelies, I've changed the povs and I really hope u find it better, like I have.




Snow stood up from the couch. Her bones felt heavy and her butt was tired. She stretched out, raising her arms above her head and arching her back. She rolled her neck from side to side, feeling her bones crack and release the tension. Sighing, she let her arms fall back down.

Tyler watched the little vixen stretch. God the things he could do to her. He thought to himself as he watched her arch her back and push her full rounded bottom out. The soft globes hidden away from his view by the tiny skirt. At least he thought they were soft.

She turned to face him, hungry for food and was met with the searing intensity of his gaze. It unnerved her, made her feel things she shouldn't for she loved another and it was wrong. But God knows it felt right....so right.

"We should take a break," she said softly into the tense silence. Her smooth light voice only served to fuel his hunger, no his thirst, his need....for her. He gazed at her. Her dark brown hair tumbling down to her waist in the softest of waves. Her big blue doe eyes tired but beautiful. They called to him, soothed him and he found he wanted to wake up to them.

Her upturned little nose that gave her an aristocratic air. Her full lips so red that they stood out against the paleness of her skin. Her pretty hands small and slight. Her body was all soft womanly curves and fiery passion. He could see it in the depths of her eyes. She was beautiful.

"Of course," Tyler answered in that smooth, velvety voice of his that made her shiver. She ignored it, thinking over how she would tell him that she was hungry and craving pizza. Her stomach rumbled and beat her to the chase. She flushed red and looked away.

"I take it you're hungry," Tyler commented with a small chuckle. She laughed uncomfortably and sat back down.

"Yeah. Pizza please," she said quietly, playing nervously with the hem of her skirt. She willed her blush to go away but her subconscious kept replaying the rumble of her stomach over and over again.

"Is hawaiian pizza good for you?" Tyler asked, coming to stand in front of her. She looked up at him and wondered just how tall he was before the question was processed in her brain. Her nose scrunched up in disgust and Tyler wanted to laugh at her expression.

"Eww, who puts fruit on their pizza? I'll have anything else," she stated," as long as it doesn't have mushrooms either," she added, remembering that horrid vegetable. He finished his order and went to the kitchen.

"What would you like to drink?" Tyler asked from the kitchen, looking at the assortment of drinks in his fridge. He had been shocked at first when he opened the fridge, but then he remembered he'd left someone to care for his house while he was away and he thought this was very much like his friend.

"Anything will do," Snow answered off handedly. She didn't really care. Tyler thought of giving her a beer, just for laughs but his conscience intervened. He didn't even know he had one.

She took the bottle of ginger ale he offered and smiled in thanks.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked when the silence became overbearing. Tyler shrugged and she took it as a yes. Excited she walked over to his shelf, glad he had CDs. She was old fashioned. She preferred CDs to Netflix. She picked out one of her favourite movies and put it in. When she settled down on the couch, she was closer to Tyler than before. She didn't notice him stiffen and breathe in sharply.

A few minutes into the movie, the front door suddenly opened and Tyler was on high alert. He stood silently from the couch and walked cautiously towards the door, his fists clenched. Snow paused the movie and watched him with bated breath. He disappeared around the corner and she had a girlish scream followed by loud barks. She rushed in the direction of the door only to be knocked down by something heavy.

It would be miraculous if her back didn't bruise. She opened her eyes, unaware that she had closed them. There was a huge freaking dog on top of her, licking away at her face. She giggled and tried to move the dog.

"Tyler," she called, panicking when breathing became hard.

At the sound of her voice, Tyler rushed to her, afraid something had happened. He stopped short at the sight of her sprawled out on the floor, his dog restricting her breathing.

"Come here boy," he whistled and the dog instantly perked up, looking at his owner fondly. He barked once and went back to licking Snow's face. Tyler sighed and tried pulling him away from her with his leash. He growled and turned to him. Whimpering quietly in apology he let Tyler pull him away. Great, just great. His dog was in love with his angel.

Snow sat up carefully, wincing when she breathed in deeply. Her chest hurt. She stood up carefully and warily eyed the huge dog.

"Wooh! Who's the hot chick Tyler?" A voice she didn't recognize asked from the entrance to the living room. She flushed red and turned to smile at him. He was handsome. He had raven coloured hair, caramel skin a few shades darker than her sister's, full pink lips and he was tall and muscular. What really stood out where his eyes. One was blue and the other was green. She laughed at the image of him screaming girlishly.

"Snow this is Marco. Unfortunately he is my friend," he introduced. Marco smiled wickedly and walked towards the small girl. She was a tiny little thing. She was beautiful with her pale skin, dark hair and full red lips but she was a bit too short for his liking. Besides, he could tell his friend had a thing for her.

He took her hand and kissed the back of it.

"Snow. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl," he said with a wink. She flushed red again and he almost cooed at how adorable she was.

"Thanks. Nice to meet you Marco," she said, removing her hand from his hold with a soft smile. She was really pretty when she smiled, he observed.

"We were watching a movie, would you like to join us?" She asked politely.

"I would love to," Marco answered with a smirk. He could feel the anger radiating off Tyler in waves. This was going to be fun.