
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


"Ugh, I'm gonna die," Jay Jay groans in distress, dropping his head onto the table. Everyone erupts in laughter. Math, or as I like to call it the period from hell, just ended and we are now seated at our lunch table.

By we I mean Jayden (Jay Jay), Leah, Isabella, Aaron and me. I know, you're wondering where the witch is. Like I said earlier, she's a cheerleader. The captain actually, therefore, she sits at the popular table.

During our sophomore year, we split up. She joined cheerleading I got homeschooled. She became popular, I blended into the shadows.... mostly. We're still close, I mean of course, we're twins, just not like when we were younger.

Now back to introductions. Jayden and Isabella have been my best friends since we were in diapers. We practically grew up together. We were all neighbors until Isa moved. She's a tall glass of milk that girl. She has chin length strawberry blonde locks, light brown eyes and rose beige skin.

Practically everyone in this school is taller than me so it's given that she also is. I think she's about 5'8. Jayden is a charmer. With his curly light brown hair, deep blue eyes and fair skin, he breaks hearts.....or so he says. He's about 6 feet tall.

Then there's Leah. Don't tell Isa but I like her more. She's not much taller than me at 5'2 and that is why I like her. She doesn't pick on my height. She has jet black hair, mocha colored skin and deep brown eyes. We met in kindergarten. She walked up to me and said, "Maybe you shouldn't eat the apple snow white," we've been friends ever since.

Aaron has long blonde hair that he likes to slick back into a man bun, hazel eyes, more brown than green and tan skin. He's also about 6 feet tall. Aaron and I don't really have a back story. He was my desk mate in the seventh grade and we just hit it off.

"Hey guys," Conner greets, seating next to Isa and kissing her cheek. Conner is Isa's boyfriend. He's slightly taller than the guys, has short blonde hair, brown eyes and is almost as pale as me.

As we eat, I look around the cafeteria to see if Em is okay out of habit. When I spot her, I swear I almost die. She's perched on Bennett's lap, sucking faces with him. I frown in confusion, I thought they broke up.

"Guys, didn't Em and Bennett break up?" I ask turning back to look at them.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" Isa replies. I jerk my thumb in Em's direction and Isa's eyes widen when she spots her.

"Woah, guess they got back together," she says, looking at me sadly.

Here's the thing, I have a crush on Bennett. I mean who wouldn't. He's Bennett Carmichael, star quarterback of the Valley High Bears. He's tall and muscular, has dark brown hair and sea green eyes you can get lost in. I guess it makes sense for him to date Em. Its cliche but sensible. She's the head cheerleader, he's the star quarterback, they should be together. Doesn't mean my heart understands that.

Every time I'm even remotely close to him, my heart flutters and my stomach feels queasy. Isa and Leah are the only ones who know. I couldn't bring myself to tell Jay Jay and I obviously couldn't tell Em, imagine that conversation.

"Hey Em, I'm in love with your boyfriend," yeah right. I like living thank you very much. Jay jay looks at me curiously but says nothing.

"Did you guys hear that Valentine was caught in the janitor's closet with Kyle," Isa starts and just like that, the topic is steered away from Em and Bennett. I don't have much of an appetite after that but I eat anyway.

The bell rings and I sigh. Only two more classes Snow, then you can go home and relax in front if the TV. I'm so occupied by my thoughts that I don't look where I'm going. I gasp when I feel cold liquid seep into my shirt and touch my skin.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," the girl in front of me apologizes frantically. I take deep breathes and try to calm down.

"It's okay," I say with a forced smile and continue walking, heading towards the girls' bathroom instead of my class.

"Snow! Snow wait up!" I hear Em call from behind me. I stop but don't turn. I can feel my anger slowly rising and that's not a good thing. She comes to stand in front of me.

"Hey, it's okay. Just take deep breathes and follow me. I have an extra set of clothes," she says softly, placing her hands on my shoulders and I feel myself calm down.

I smile gratefully at her and nod, following her. She always calms me down.

"Why do I need jeans?" I ask as she hands me the clothes.

"Because," she answers cleverly and I raise an eyebrow but say nothing. I just won't wear them.

"Nope, you have to wear them Snow," she says seriously and I look at her, my eyes wide. Can she read minds?

"No, I can't read minds," she answers my unasked question and I step back. She rolls her eyes, speaking under her breath.

"But just so you have to wear them," she says evilly. I see the cup of reddish looking water in her hand too late to move back. It splashes onto my jeans and I just know they'll stain.

"Em!" I gasp, horrified. She just laughs and waves me off, telling me to change as she walks away from the scene of the crime.

I lock the door behind her, grumbling all the way. I swear she has a good heart in there somewhere. I check to see if all the stalls are empty, which come to think of it, I should have done first. Once I'm sure I'm alone, I strip off my clothes, hating the sticky feel to them.

Once I pull on the clothes I was given, my eyes widen in surprise. The top is way too tight and I feel as if my bra is digging into me, plus it's black. It ends an inch or two below my bra and shows off my waist and flat stomach. The jeans are a pale blue. They're so tight it feels like I'm wearing second skin. At least they cover my bellybutton.

I pace carefully in the locker room, making sure they won't rip as I walk. The wind hitting my bare back and stomach makes me feel exposed. I look back at the mirror and study myself. I can't walk around looking like this. I try raising my hand and I hiss at the pain in my chest. I bruise very easily and right now, my bra is killing me. I can't take it off I'll be even more exposed and.....oh wait! My sweater!

Oh sweet baby Jesus, thank you! I hastily remove the bra without taking off my shirt seeing as I am already 20 minutes late to my class. The instant relief I feel is enough to make me sigh. I roll my clothes into a ball and hug them to my chest. Slowly opening the door, I look around to see the halls are deserted. Perfect.

I speed walk towards my locker and since my class is in the opposite direction, I'm going to be even later. Hopefully, my teacher doesn't care.

I round the corner and collide with a wall. Ouch! I clutch my nose in both my hands, that's gonna leave a mark.

I stumble back and arms reach out to catch me. Warm fingers graze my bare back and goosebumps rise on my skin.

I look up, shocked. Wait, walls don't have arms.