
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


I get dirty thoughts about you, they get worse when I'm without you. Does that mean that I'm going to hell, or are you thinking them as well? ~Dirty thoughts - Chloe Adams~

WARNING⚠️ ⚠️: Mature content.


Snow shifted and blinked awake feeling awfully hot. Tyler's chest was pressed to her back and the steady rise and fall of it told her he was still asleep. He mumbled and she felt one arm fall from around her waist. She gasped when she felt his hand touch the bare skin of her thigh. Her nightgown must have bunched up in her sleep.

Her breathing shallowed when his other hand moved up to cup her breast through her gown.

Heat pooled in her lower belly and a soft moan left her lips as he fondled her breast gently. His hand on her thigh moved further up and she panicked.

"Tyler..." his name came out as a breathless pant. He mumbled again and kissed the side of her neck, his hand now very close to her core.

"Tyler, " she called louder, feeling him stir. She angled her neck to look at him and said his name once again.

Tyler blinked down at his angel, wondering why her pupils were dilated and her breathing shallow. She cleared her throat and coloured pink looking down. He followed her line of sight and was completely mortified when he saw what she was looking at. He quickly pulled his hands away from her and scrambled to put some distance between them.

"Fuck, I'm sorry. I swear I didn't do that on purpose," he apologised hurriedly. The fuck is wrong with you Tyler?! He couldn't believe he was touching...no molesting her in his sleep. Snow saw the guilt and anger in his eyes and she didn't like it....for some reason. She inhaled sharply and turned to face him fully.

"It's okay," she said with a soft smile that turned wicked as a thought crossed her mind. She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him onto his back, straddling him.

She tried to ignore the tingles that spread through her body at the feel of him pressing into her core and suppressed her shudder.

"I did enjoy myself," she whispered and winked, hopping off him and heading to the bathroom. Tyler stared at her as she left, confused and very turned on.


Snow closed the bathroom door and leaned against it, exhaling sharply. Oh God, what was I thinking? She was trembling all over and she didn't need to look in the mirror to know that she was red as a tomato. It felt like she couldn't breathe properly. Her chest rising and falling rapidly.

She remembered the feel of his calloused hand on her bare skin and she blushed harder. Shaking her head, she removed her clothes and stepped into the shower on shaky legs. For the first time in her life, she took a cold shower, feeling like the temperature inside her body was way too high for her to shower with hot water.

Tyler sat up with a groan, rubbing his hands across his face. He couldn't believe he'd done that. At what point during the night had he even cuddled her? He remembered sleeping in the far left corner of the bed. He'd never been so embarrassed in his life.

He got off the bed, quickly pulling on his clothes from the previous day, he'd slept in only his boxers. He didn't want to be in the room when Snow emerged from the bathroom. He couldn't face her right now. He was beginning to regret the decision to sleep over. After cleaning up the kitchen yesterday, they got Sal, went to lunch, went to a dog park and then they went back to Snow's house and had dinner before settling down to binge-watch movies.

The girls were first to fall asleep and Tyler and Marco took Em and Snow to their rooms. Tyler tucked Snow in and as he was leaving, she clung to his arm and asked him to stay. He shouldn't have. She was half asleep, she didn't even know what she was asking me and she probably doesn't even remember. Tyler thought to himself as he arrived downstairs, heading to the sitting room to wake Sal. They were already late for their morning run.

"Come on buddy. We're running away," Tyler said, running his fingers through Sal's fur to shake him awake. The dog woke up groggily, stretching out his legs before getting off the makeshift dog bed with a jump. Tyler smiled, grabbing Marco's car keys. Sal couldn't ride his bike. He pulled away from the driveway quickly, wanting to get ready quickly and get back to Snow.

Snow slowly pulled open the bathroom door about a quarter way, peeking through the tiny space to see if she could spot Tyler. She wasn't ready, especially not in her state of undress. She hadn't grabbed a change of clothes in her haste to run away from the embarrassing situation.

Feeling a mixture of relief and sadness when she didn't see him, she proceeded to her wardrobe and picked out clothes for the day.

She felt slightly overdressed but she liked the combination so she ignored that feeling, heading downstairs for breakfast only to find Marco and her sister there already. She gratefully took the glass of orange juice Marco offered but turned down the pancakes. She wasn't hungry.

"Em, are you coming today?" She asked, hopeful. Madeleine stiffened. She had hoped Snow wouldn't ask her that. She shook her head no, not turning to look at her twin. She wasn't ready yet. She wasn't ready to face him. She heard Snow sigh and a piece of her heart broke a little. She hated not being able to talk to Snow about what happened but she wasn't ready for that either. She couldn't relive that day, not again.

Snow nodded and after finishing her juice, she headed back upstairs to get her bag. She'd concluded that Tyler had gone back to his house to freshen up so she decided to wait in her room. She couldn't be around Em right now. She knew something was bothering her twin and it hurt that she couldn't share her pain but Snow understood that she needed time. She was trying her best not to push.

She went to her group chat with Jay Jay, Leah and Isa. They'd been worried about her all day yesterday but she hadn't felt like dealing with them. She sent them an apology and promised to explain her weird behaviour when she got to school today. The sound of a car engine cutting off followed by loud boisterous barks she identified as Sal's alerted her that Tyler had returned.

"OK, act natural." She said to her reflection in the mirror, grabbing her bag and heading downstairs. She kissed Em's cheek goodbye and waved to Marco as Tyler returned his keys, taking his bike keys instead. Snow couldn't look at Tyler, she was afraid if she did, her face would flame up and she'd die of first-degree burns.

She avoided his eyes as she slipped on her helmet.

"You look beautiful," Tyler complimented, internally smacking himself. He'd noticed she looked a little uncomfortable around him and it irked him. He wanted her to look at him and though the compliment wasn't planned, it did the trick as she turned her baby blues to him in surprise.

"Oh. Ah. Thank you," she said looking away quickly. Tyler smiled faintly and got on the bike, starting it and driving off after she'd settled herself behind him. She ran off with a quick thank you when they arrived, handing him the helmet and disappearing behind the school doors. Tyler sighed. He had made the air around them awkward. Great.