
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Hold, hold on. Hold on to me 'cause I'm a little unsteady. A little unsteady.

~ Unsteady - X ambassadors ~


Snow dusted herself as she rose from the bathroom floor. As usual, she couldn't remember what happened and she'd blacked out. She couldn't check for how long though since her phone was in her bag in her locker. She hastily rinsed the blood off her knuckles and hurried to her locker, praying she wasn't very late for her first class.

She retrieved her phone and swung her bag over her shoulder. She'd only missed the first ten minutes of class. She increased her pace, hoping the teacher wouldn't ask many questions if any at all. The teacher shot her a disapproving look as she threw the door open and the students turned to stare at her.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Miss Murphy. Why are you late?" The teacher asked, momentarily pausing his class. Snow thought of an answer as she caught her breath, trying not to pant like a dog in front of all those eyes.

"I had to take some girls to the nurse's office," Snow offered, wincing when she remembered the state she'd left the girls in the bathroom in. I should have at least called the nurse for them. She thought to herself.

The teacher saw her wince and decided not to question her further. He indicated with a flick of his wrist that she should take a seat and went back to his explanation. Snow quickly settled in her seat next to Jay Jay in a hurry to escape the prying eyes of her peers.

"Not now, please," she said when she saw Jay Jay open his mouth, the expression on his face indicating that he had questions. She managed to avoid all of her friends. She luckily only had a class with JayJay and that worked in her favour.

She was in the last five minutes of her third period and she contemplated skipping lunch. She knew they'd be upset, she knew they'd want answers and it's not that she didn't want to answer them, she didn't know what to tell them. She didn't know if she was okay, she didn't know what was wrong, she didn't know what happened to Em at the party Friday night, she didn't know why Bennett wasn't answering his phone or why he hadn't come to school. She didn't know anything, and she wasn't looking forward to feeling that hopelessness throughout lunch.

So when the bell rang, she remained in her seat and just prayed that they wouldn't think to look for her there. The teacher cast her a worried glance as he exited. She was usually a very preppy happy girl and she participated a lot in his class but today, she hadn't heard him call out to her or even noticed the other students stare when she didn't answer the question. She seemed to just stare into nothing. As worried as he was though, he couldn't approach her. The class was empty, and he wasn't a guidance counsellor. It would look wrong. The most he could do was just hope that she'd be okay.

Snow didn't know how much time had passed. For the first time since she sat in her seat as the class started, she moved. Her shoulders sagged and her head dropped into her hands. She felt like she wanted to cry but her eyes were dry. She wasn't sad, just lost. Since she could remember, she'd always been there for her sister and vice versa. Now, her sister, her other half, wouldn't talk to her, she had no idea what was wrong and therefore didn't know how to be there for her. It was unsettling.

She sighed and remained in her position even when she felt someone enter the room. There was only one person her body had decided to be so attuned to and though she didn't understand why, she was glad that it was neither of her friends who had found her.

Tyler recognised the slump of her shoulders, her aura deflated. She didn't want to talk, didn't want to be asked questions. He settled in the seat next to her and after a moment's hesitation pulled her out of her seat and into his lap. He paused for a second, giving her a chance to pull away and possibly slap him. Instead, she did something that made his heart clench painfully and made him wish he could rid her of her pain. She curled into him, hiding her face in the crook of his neck and fisting his shirt in her hands.

He wrapped his arms tight around her waist, his fingers drumming lightly into her side. Snow couldn't explain it but somehow, with Tyler's arms around her, she felt like everything would be okay. She felt safe, comforted, protected....practically invincible. His solid muscular frame was surprisingly cuddly. She compared him to a giant Teddy bear and the image made her giggle slightly. Tyler's lips twitched up at the sound and his hold tightened.

"Can you please take me home?" Snow asked after a while. She didn't feel like staying at school any longer and his cuddle was making her sleepy.

"Of course," Tyler replied, hesitantly unwinding his arms from around her and Snow had to stiffle a whimper. She didn't want him to let her go. Shaking her head to clear it of that thought, she followed him out of the class and to his bike, thanking the Lord that it was still lunch time and so everyone was at the cafeteria.

When they arrived at Snow's house, she furrowed her brows at the sight of the car outside.

"That's Marco's car," Tyler supplied, calming her. She had asked him if he could check up on Em while she was at school.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Tyler asked when she didn't make a move towards the house. She nodded slightly but still didn't move. With a hand on her lower back, Tyler gently nugged her forward.

As she crossed the threshold, the sound of Em's laughter made her spring into action. She rushed towards the kitchen where the sound was coming from and the sight that greeted her made her come to an abrupt stop, Tyler following closely behind. Em was doubled over, her hands folded over her stomach as she laughed. The blanket drapped on her falling as her body shook. Marco, standing on the opposite side of the kitchen island, was covered in flour. It looked like a flour bomb had exploded on him.

Though the kitchen was a mess, Snow felt relieved. She loved to see the smile on her sister's face.

"Did a flour bomb explode on you?" Tyler questioned his friend with a raised eyebrow. The question made Em laugh harder and Marco huffed, releasing a cloud of white. Snow chuckled, she'd thought the same thing.

"He w-wa-was try-i-ng t-to ju-ju-juggle fl-flo-our ba-bags," Em tried to explain, her words coming out in stutters as she tried to stop laughing. The explanation seemed to drain energy from her as she dropped to her knees, still laughing.

Marco stormed off towards the bathroom, leaving white footprints in his wake. Tyler shot Snow a look and decided to follow Marco, he needed to ask him something. He stood in silence for a while as his friend rinsed the flour out of his hair.

"What happened on Friday?" He asked, breaking the silence. Marco paused for a second, his anger from that day reigniting.

"Some bastards were trying to rape her and film it," he answered, his movements furious.

"Do you have a name?" Tyler continued, his muscles tense. Rape was a trigger for him.

"No, just a face," Marco replied, snatching a towel off the rack to wipe his face and run it through his hair.

"Why didn't you tell Snow that? She could help find the guy," Tyler continued, wondering why he had lied.

"For a few seconds as the drug wore off, Em woke up and she asked me not to tell Snow," he responded, leaving a confused Tyler to trail behind him as they left the bathroom.

When they got back to the kitchen, the twins were on the floor where Em had fallen, their arms wrapped around each other as they hugged. The peaceful expression on Snow's face made Tyler smile and he decided, he wasn't gonna tell Snow either.