
Breathing Blue

On a beautiful night as spring began, a woman was rushed to the hospital with her flustered husband beside her. She was going into labour and three hours later, two baby girls were born to the unlikely couple. They went home soon after, their little family feeling complete. The babies looked nothing like each other but the parents quickly realised how strong their bond was. The older would get fussy and the younger would wail if ever they were separated. They cooed and awed and found it adorable. Unbeknownst to the happy couple, the older was born with the power to protect and ultimately, destroy. Something they would find out the hard way.

Anna_Thuku · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


They say I did something bad, then why's it feel so good. Most fun I ever had, and I'd do it over and over and over again if I could. ~ I did something bad - Taylor Swift~


Two weeks had passed since the party, and many things had occurred. Snow and Tyler had finished and submitted their hippie biology assignment, Snow and Em's parents had returned from their trip, and two members had joined Snow's lunch table. After the sleepover incident, Tyler kept apologising. He wasn't good with words, so he sent her notes and flowers and chocolates, despite Snow telling him that it was okay and he was already forgiven.

After the third class a flower delivery guy had interrupted, Snow had approached him during lunch time and all but dragged him to her table before basically commanding that he eat lunch with them every day. He seemed to get along with everybody, but Jay Jay. Snow, however, was optimistic that they'd be the best of friends by the end of the month.

The other new member was Em. That was shocking for everyone in the school, including Snow. She'd only come back to school the day before, and when she passed her table and headed straight for Snow, the cafeteria had gone dead silent.

Em had squirmed in place, miffed by the unwanted attention. Though she was used to attention, it wasn't this kind of attention. Snow, upon noticing her sister's distress, had stood up and shot every table a cold glare. They'd all quickly gone back to what they were doing, and Tyler had found it amusing yet confusing.

Some of them had actually flinched when Snow looked at them. Like they were scared of her. Tyler couldn't understand why they'd be scared of her. He shrugged it off, concluding that the school's population had gotten weirder while he was gone.

Though Snow was glad her sister was back to school, she was conflicted. On the one hand, she'd missed her twin a lot and was worried about her missing classes, but on the other hand, Em wasn't attending those classes. At least not mentally. She was always lost somewhere during the lessons, and it had led Snow to conclude that the only reason Em had come back is because their parents were back.

If Em had stayed home, they would've wanted to know why. Even Snow still didn't know what had happened that Friday. It was so frustrating how easily Em dodged the subject. Snow was clever though. She knew it had something to do with Bennett and that somehow, Tyler had a clue what had happened. She gathered this information by how both Em and Tyler reacted to the mention of Bennett.

Em would freeze up for a few seconds, and Tyler would clench his fist, trying to maintain a neutral expression. His left eye didn't quite get the memo, and it never failed to twitch, alerting Snow that he was angry. What she didn't know was why. Why does Tyler get mad? Why does Em freeze up? Why hasn't she told me what happened?!

Snow was quickly losing patience. That would lead to frustration, which would lead to anger. She couldn't afford anger. She'd come so far, and she'd already messed up once. She couldn't afford another slip up. Her doctors had promised that she was okay now. That she was silent. That Snow had control over her. She wouldn't let them, her parents, her sister or herself down.

She sighed as the bell rang, indicating the end of lunch. She walked with Em to their fourth period class, wondering how she was going to break Em and find out what exactly happened. The sudden shrill sound of the bell ending the lesson alerted her that she'd thought of no way to do that and that she'd been spaced out the whole time. She'd have to read that unit by herself.

She sighed once more, heading to the library for her free period to study what had just been taught. Twenty minutes in, she had a eureka moment. She didn't need to break Em, Tyler knew. The only way he would know what happened is if Marco knew and he'd lied to her. She just needed to play her cards right. She packed up and headed towards the gym.

It would be empty right now as the physical education class was usually held outside on Thursdays. She sat down on one of the benches and took out her phone, scrolling through it to find Marco's number. She'd gotten it at some point during his stay at their house to take care of Em. He picked up after three rings.

"Hello kitten," Marco called, delighted to hear from her. He'd stuck to calling her that when he noticed how much it riled up Tyler. Snow got into character, letting the silence last a bit longer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked in the most betrayed voice she could master. Silence met her question, and she felt her heartbeat quicken nervously.

"Tell you what, kitten?" He asked, cautious, praying to every god he knew that she wasn't talking about what he was thinking.

"She's my sister. How could you hide that from me? Do you have any idea how utterly helpless I felt?" Snow continued, letting her voice shake as if she was holding back tears.

"I'm so sorry, Snow. I know it was probably a bad idea to listen to a drugged up person, but she asked me not to tell you," Marco replied, feeling like the worst person ever. Drugged, Snow thought, becoming alarmed. Marco wasn't done though. Snow's betrayed tone broke his heart. He'd been carrying the secret for so long, it felt good to finally talk to Snow. Maybe she could convince Em to press charges.

It would be a long shot since the incident occurred a while ago, but Marco knew people. People who could help her get justice.

"I know I should've told you. Heck I should've called the police on that rapist fucker," Marco continued and Snow's breath caught. Rapist?! Oh God! Why didn't Em tell me?

Snow went from horrified to sad to mad in a few seconds. If Marco kept talking, she could find out who he was talking about and punish him. Effective immediately.

"Why didn't you?" She asked, worried Marco would notice her silence and put two and two together.

"She wouldn't let me. She wouldn't even tell me his name. And I know it sounds silly but she even forbade me from trying to find out who he was. She promised she'd tell me when she was ready and I wanted to respect that. All I had to go on were his green eyes and brown hair anyway," Marco answered sounding frustrated. Snow froze.

No! It couldn't be him. She didn't know what else to ask Marco or what to tell him so she hung up. Marco looked at the phone confused, wondering if he should read into the abrupt cut. He shrugged, deciding not to. He could already feel a headache forming as an after effect of the conversation he just had, he couldn't afford to stress over the way Snow had hung up on him.

Snow had been sitting in silence for the last ten minutes. Her brain and her heart having a tug of war. She hadn't seen Bennett at all since that party. He hadn't been to school. After a moment's hesitation, Snow decided to go to his house and confront him. It wasn't far and twenty minutes later, she stood in front of his house, waiting for him to open the door.

She panted slightly, she may have speed walked all the way to his house.

"Snow," he greeted with a smile, briefly scanning her attire.

"Come in," he said, stepping aside to let her in. She relaxed slightly at the sight of his smile. It just can't be him. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people with brown hair and green eyes.

She walked further into the house. She'd been here before, she knew where his living room was. Besides, she could always just follow what sounded like a video game. Bennett studied her with a smirk as she walked in front of him. How he had never noticed how beautifully curved she was, he didn't know.

She greeted the two guys in the living room before turning to Bennett with a smile.

"Can we talk in private?" She asked softly. Bennett smirked, nodding and asking her to follow him. Snow got a bad feeling as they climbed up the stairs, and when they got to his room and he locked the door, her stomach sunk. He pressed her up against the door, looking down at her with lust filled eyes, and Snow almost vomited.

"What are you doing?" She asked, her anger spiking.

"Isn't this what you meant? Don't be a tease like your bitch of a sister," Bennett replied, wrapping an arm around her waist to pull her into him. Snow clenched her fists. She needed to know before she knocked his teeth out.

"Did you rape my sister?" She let out through gritted teeth.

Bennett's smirk slipped a little. He'd been close to having his tease of a girlfriend. Some jerk had interfered. Now, though, there was no one to stop him.

"What if I did? There's nothing a little thing like you can do about it," he replied, confident that even if the small girl in his arms tried to fight him, he could easily overpower her. That was the last thing Snow heard before the world went dark.