
Breaking Free: A Journey to Love and Self-Discovery

This is my own imagination I hope no one disrespect and it's my first time writing a novel I hope u all support me and motivate me Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, where the cars honk and the people jostle, there is a girl named Zonish. Her heart beats to the rhythm of her dreams, but her feet are rooted in fear. Born into a strict family, Zonish is accustomed to suppressing her desires, keeping her head down, and living a life of conformity. Yet, her heart yearns for something more, something that will give her wings to fly. One day, fate smiles upon her, and she meets someone who understands her, someone who can see beyond the walls that society has erected around her. With his support and encouragement, Zonish sets out to pursue her dreams, but she soon realizes that the path to success is not an easy one. She faces numerous obstacles and setbacks, but she refuses to give up. As she continues on her journey, Zonish's family starts to soften towards her, recognizing her determination and perseverance. With their support, Zonish becomes unstoppable, and her dreams start to become a reality. This is a story of courage, hope, and determination, of a girl who refuses to let fear hold her back and who finds the strength to chase her dreams. It is a tale of a journey towards self-discovery and finding true love and support.

Ange_bella · Urban
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11 Chs

10: "Love, Laughter, and Confessions"

Shan's face turned pale, and he murmured in a shaky voice, "Your brother is a pain in my Ass." My earlier romantic feelings had completely dissipated, replaced by a surge of fear. I urgently turned to Shan and said, "Run for your life, fellow." I didn't want him to get caught in whatever mess Rayan might bring with him.

With determination, I cleared my throat and responded to Rayan, "Two minutes, brother!" My mind raced, trying to figure out what to do. I had to buy some time. As Rayan waited outside, I quickly grabbed Shan's hand and pulled him towards my wardrobe, shoving him inside and closing the doors quietly.

I opened the door and greeted my brother casually, trying to hide the strange feelings churning inside me. "Yes, brother, what do you want?" I asked, feigning nonchalance. He glanced around the room, his eyes searching for something or someone.

"Did you see Shanawer?" he inquired, his tone sharp and direct. I responded bluntly, "No." His frustration was evident as he pressed further, "Don't you know where he is?"

Pretending to be innocent, I exclaimed and started searching my handbag and dress pocket. "What are you doing, Zonish?" my brother asked, puzzled by my actions. With a sly grin, I replied, "Brother, I'm searching for Shanawer. I think he's hiding in my handbag," playing along with the charade.

"Are you kidding me, Zonish?" Rayan asked, still trying to make sense of the situation. "No, I'm not, brother," I replied with a twinkle in my eye.

Unbeknownst to my brother, Shanawer was silently giggling inside the cupboard, thoroughly amused by the situation we had created.

"Brother, why are you searching for him in my room? Zoni, you don't know about Shanawer. He puts up an act to confess his feelings. I'm not letting it happen. I want to punch his mouth before he vomits his feelings," Rayan vented his frustrations.

Suppressing my laughter, I watched my brother's animated reaction. "Brother, call 911 to file a complaint. Let's search for Shanawer," I suggested with a playful smirk. Rayan laughed heartily and added, "Zoni, you are too naïve. We should search for him in a mental hospital. He's a brainless Doberman who might end up there." Our room filled with insane laughter as we playfully teased Shanawer, unaware of his presence in the cupboard.

"Zonish, I'll be back in a few minutes, and I'm warning you not to stay alone until Shanawer leaves," my brother cautioned before leaving. I nodded in agreement, and as soon as the door closed, I rushed to the cupboard to find Shanawer sulking, having overheard our humorous yet slightly cruel conversation.

"Shan," I called out to him teasingly, but he cut me off, accusing both me and my brother of being heartless. I couldn't help but laugh uncontrollably at his childish reaction, trying to reassure him that we were only having fun. However, I warned him to leave before my brother returned and caught him in my room, which would undoubtedly lead to more amusing yet embarrassing situations.

As Shanawer left, I felt a sudden buzz from my phone, indicating a message from my significant other, inviting me on a date the next day. A wave of excitement and anticipation washed over me at the thought of spending quality time with my beloved.

After the dinner party, I sank into the plush sofa in the dimly lit living room, relishing the familiar crunch of Lay's chips between my fingers. The savoury taste danced on my tongue as I enjoyed my little snack, but my blissful moment was short-lived as my mischievous friend, Shanawer, hopped over and stole the chips right from my hand.

"Heyyyyyy... Shan!" I protested, trying to sound stern but failing to suppress a laugh.

Before I could react further, my protective brother, Rayan, swooped in and snatched the chips away from Shan, wearing a wicked smirk on his face. "This is not good for your stomach, Shan. You're under medication and rest, remember?" Rayan reminded him, concern mixed with a hint of mischief in his voice

Shan clenched his teeth in acknowledgement and nodded reluctantly. Rayan plopped down between me and Shan, now acting like a valiant guardian, and theatrically declared, "I'm Rayan. Protecting my sister from an evil bastard is my duty. I'm on a mission Zoni. He's a jerk trying to swap my sister's dreams in the name of love," he said, punctuating it with an evil grin.

As the three of us settled in to watch a movie, Shan and I couldn't help but share flirty glances whenever a romantic scene appeared. However, just like a bull in a china shop, Rayan kept coming between us, blocking Shan's view of me with comical precision.

Amidst the movie-watching, Shan and Rayan indulged in their playful banter about me, their minds linking in an almost telepathic way.

Shan: "You know, Rayan, I think I could help Zoni with her studies. But you're always hovering around her like a mother hen."

Rayan: "Hey, I'm just looking out for her best interests. You, on the other hand, are like a hawk trying to swoop in and steal her attention."

Shan: "Come on, Rayan. Let me see Zoni."

Rayan: "No way, Shan. You'll distract her from her career goals."

Shan: "I won't distract her, I promise. I'll be like a silent ninja, supporting her from the shadows."

Rayan: "Ha! You'd be more like a clumsy oaf stumbling in the dark."

Shan: "Hey now, I may not be graceful, but I have skills. I could be like her personal tutor slash bodyguard."

Rayan: "Yeah right, more like her personal distraction slash annoyance."

Shan: "You wound me, Rayan. I just want to show Zoni how much I care."

Rayan: "And I just want to make sure she doesn't get sidetracked by some lovesick fool."

Shan: "I'm not a lovesick fool, Rayan. I'm a love warrior fighting for what's right."

Rayan: "Oh please, you're more like a loving puppy, wagging your tail and begging for attention."

Shan: "You're just jealous because you don't have a love life."

Rayan: "Jealous? Please, I'm too busy being awesome to worry about love."

Shan: "Ha! You keep telling yourself that, Rayan. But deep down, you're just a big softie like the rest of us."

Rayan: "Oh, shut up, Shan. I'm not a softie. I'm a... a... a tough guy with a heart of gold!"

Shan: "Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that, tough guy. Meanwhile, I'll be over here trying to win Zoni's heart with my charm and wit."

Rayan: "Good luck with that, Shan. You're gonna need it."

I noticed the weird expressions they were giving each other as if they were talking through some sort of mind-linking. Suddenly, I remembered my date with Shan and how my brother Rayan wouldn't leave us alone. I began to brainstorm some ideas, but I realized I had to tell Irha about Shan and me first. I hadn't shared the news with my bestie yet.

I said to Shan and Rayan, "Hey, you guys carry on with the movie. I have some work to do. Have fun, both of you!"

Excitedly, I entered my room and immediately dialled Irha's number. As soon as she answered, I could feel her concern through the phone.

"Hey, Irha boo! How are you?" I asked.

Relieved to hear from me, Irha replied, "Hey, sweety! I'm fine. What about you? Is everything alright? I am damn worried about you. Did you check your results? Did you talk to your dad? What happened? Tell me! I was waiting for your call. Where have you been?"

"Calm down, Irhaa. Everything is fine. I talked to Dad, thanks to Rayan Bro and Shanawer. Dad is calm now, and he agreed to let me go to university. He is happy. Everything is sorted out. Don't worry, my boo," I assured her.

Irha let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God! By the way, how is Rayan behaving with you?"

I giggled and said, "He's turned into my protective bro. Hahaha! It's like someone is giving him attention. Ohooo! Hmm, Irha, what's going on in your mind? Are you willing to give my brother someplace in your heart, han?"

Irha responded, "Hey, I'm asking for you."

Teasingly, I replied, "Haha really? You know what, Irhaa? My bro has a soft spot for you. He loves you. Think about him. Besides, I want to share something with you."

Curious, Irha asked, "I will think about it. What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, sweety, Shan proposed to me. He indirectly told me before when he exposed Rayan Bro's feelings for you. After that, so many things happened, and I accepted him. Tomorrow, he wants to go on a date with me so we can get to know each other. But the problem is Rayan bro. He is not leaving us alone, even for 1 second," I confessed.

Surprised, Irha exclaimed, "And you are telling me just now? Tell me in detail, Zoni, about you and Shanawer."

I laughed and said, "Uff! I will tell you everything when we meet, but for now, I need your help. I have an idea. You just stay on the phone call. I'm going to Rayan bro, and just listen. Don't speak. Stay on the phone call. I'm going to hide my phone in my pocket."

Amused, Irha questioned, "Why do I feel you are going to fix me up with your bro? Anyway, whatever, it's just that you need help."

"You caught me!" I chuckled, "I know you want to know what he thinks about you!" We both shared a lighthearted moment.

Excited to have an opportunity to tease Rayan and share the truth about his feelings, I joined him and Shan on the lawn. The mischievous glint in Shan's eyes didn't escape me, and I was curious about what he was hinting at. Nonetheless, I decided to focus on Rayan for the moment.

I said, "Hey, what's up, guys?"

Rayan replied,   "Nothing out of the ordinary." Both Rayan and Shan looked at me, clearly wondering why I seemed eager.

I replied,  "I see, that's good."

Rayan bro asked,  "Hey, Zoni, would you like to discuss something?"

I replied,   "Well, brother, I'm interested in knowing your feelings towards Irha. I understand you hold a special place in your heart for her. You care for her, have affection for her, and even love her deeply. I'm just curious when you first time realized you had feelings for her and how it happened?"

Rayan blushed, a mixture of embarrassment and happiness evident on his face. He smiled before responding.

Rayan replied,   "When we were children, I treated her like my sister. However, I noticed a spark in my heart during a video call between her and Owzan. It was the first time I saw her adulthood and realized it, and we were in our first year of university. I felt the urge to snatch the phone from Owzan and start talking to her, At that time I didn't know what was I thought it was attraction nothing else and  I restrained myself. After that phone call, she was on my mind all the time. While eating and sleeping, in my dreams, I was going insane. Later, during her vacation, she visited Owzan in America with her parents, and I saw her in person. She had grown into a beautiful young girl, and I was staring at her. Suddenly, Shan noticed me and grabbed my hand, saying, 'Control yourself, Rayan. You're going to dig a hole in her face by staring at her.' Haha. After that, she was on my mind all the time I couldn't control myself, and I didn't want to see anyone else except Irha as my life partner. The third time I saw her was with you at the coffee shop, but I didn't get the opportunity to talk to her. I observed that she had become a stunning young woman with long, beautiful black hair and captivating eyes resembling deep oceans. I wanted to lose myself in them, and her rosy lips and blushing cheeks were all the more enticing."

As Rayan shared his feelings, it was evident how deeply he cared for Irha. His emotions were raw, and his love for her was undeniable. My heart swelled with joy for my brother and my best friend, but at the same time, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of concern for Shan. He had also developed feelings for me, and I knew I had to handle the situation delicately.

Rayan continued telling me, "You know what, Zoni? I would do anything to win her heart. My feelings for her were not something that I could easily put into words they were too complex and too deep to be expressed in a few simple sentences."

Listening to Rayan, Shan, and I were captivated by his emotions. Shan's eyes were filled with a mix of admiration and empathy, silently acknowledging Rayan's love for Irha.

I replied, "Wow, you sound like Romeo. Brother, my blessings are with you. Go talk to Irha and try to win her heart and make her your life partner. I'll give you her phone number. Don't wait too long, or someone else may steal her heart."

Rayan chuckled, hugged me, and kissed my forehead. "Thank you, my dear doll."

Feeling playful and knowing Irha would be listening, I decided to call her and reveal Rayan's feelings.

Then I take out my phone and turn on the speaker and start talking to Irha I revealed  that Irha is is listening, "Hey, Irha boo, did you hear how much my beloved older brother Rayan loves you?"

Irha's voice erupted with surprise and embarrassment, "Zoni, you wretch! Just wait, I'll get you back for this!"

I couldn't help but laugh and said, "Hey, boo, the speaker is on."

She quickly hung up the call, leaving Shan and me laughing heartily while Rayan looked both astonished and amused.
