
Breaking Free: A Journey to Love and Self-Discovery

This is my own imagination I hope no one disrespect and it's my first time writing a novel I hope u all support me and motivate me Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, where the cars honk and the people jostle, there is a girl named Zonish. Her heart beats to the rhythm of her dreams, but her feet are rooted in fear. Born into a strict family, Zonish is accustomed to suppressing her desires, keeping her head down, and living a life of conformity. Yet, her heart yearns for something more, something that will give her wings to fly. One day, fate smiles upon her, and she meets someone who understands her, someone who can see beyond the walls that society has erected around her. With his support and encouragement, Zonish sets out to pursue her dreams, but she soon realizes that the path to success is not an easy one. She faces numerous obstacles and setbacks, but she refuses to give up. As she continues on her journey, Zonish's family starts to soften towards her, recognizing her determination and perseverance. With their support, Zonish becomes unstoppable, and her dreams start to become a reality. This is a story of courage, hope, and determination, of a girl who refuses to let fear hold her back and who finds the strength to chase her dreams. It is a tale of a journey towards self-discovery and finding true love and support.

Ange_bella · Urban
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11 Chs

9: Dreams Unveiled: A Journey

I swiftly opened my laptop, my hands shaking as I entered my credentials to access the results. My heart pounded with trepidation as I scrolled down the list, my eyes frantically scanning for my name. But to my utter dismay, my name was conspicuously absent from the pass list. The stark reality hit me like a ton of bricks, and it felt as though the ground beneath me had crumbled away.

Panic took hold of me, and I could feel myself trembling with fear. My fleeting moments of happiness and comfort became distant memories as my mind raced with thoughts of my father's wrath and disappointment, leaving me feeling lost and helpless. It seemed as though I had let everyone down, including myself.

With a heavy heart, I closed my laptop and collapsed onto my bed, grappling with the enormity of what had just happened. It was as if my entire world had come crashing down around me, leaving me adrift with no clear direction on how to pick up the pieces.

Suddenly, I heard voices emanating from the living room. Curiosity got the better of me, and I cautiously opened my room door to take a peek. I noticed that Mom, Dad, and my brothers, Rayan and Shan, were engrossed in conversation. Fear seized my body, and I immediately retreated to my room, sitting in the corner with watery eyes and trembling limbs.

As I sat there, feeling overwhelmed, I heard a gentle knock on my door. My fear made it difficult for me to respond, but the door eventually opened with a gentle force. Rayan and Shan entered my room, their expressions filled with concern.

"What's wrong, Zoni?" Rayan asked, crouching down beside me. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer and hugged him tightly, tearfully confessing, "I failed, brother. I failed the entrance exam and disappointed Dad. I'm terrified of his anger."

Rayan held me tightly, providing comfort and support. Through my tears, I managed to ask, "Brother, will you support my decision to attend FI University?"

Shan and Rayan answered simultaneously, their voices filled with empathy, "We're here for you, Zoni." After exchanging glances, Rayan gently encouraged me to get up, wash my face, and follow them.

Rayan led me to the living room where Dad was engrossed in reading the newspaper. Mom appeared taken aback to see me in such a distraught state, and Rayan spoke up.

"Dad, Zoni didn't pass her entrance exam," Rayan said with a solemn tone.

Dad looked up from the newspaper, his eyes filled with seething anger. "Zoni, elucidate yourself," he demanded, his tone laced with contempt.

Struggling to speak through my tears, I said, "I endeavoured to fulfil your dream, Dad. But becoming a doctor wasn't my aspiration. I was merely following your path to appease you. I'm remorseful for failing," I explained, my voice choked with emotion.

Dad asked incredulously, "Becoming a doctor wasn't your dream?"

I nodded in confirmation, tears continuing to cascade down my face. "No, Dad. I was living in a constant state of apprehension, fearing your anger and disapproval," I confessed, my voice trembling.

I found solace in Rayan's embrace as I noticed the pain in Shan's eyes. However, Dad's eyes were blazing with fury. Rayan stood protectively in front of me, shielding me from Dad's wrath. But Dad bellowed at Rayan, demanding to speak to me alone. But Rayan bro refuses to leave me alone.

Shan stepped in and attempted to diffuse the situation, addressing Dad calmly. "Uncle, life doesn't end with the failure to gain admission to medical school. There are plenty of other professions to choose from," he stated.

Feeling emboldened, I turned to Rayan and said, "Brother, please let me speak to Dad."

"Dad, you never asked me about my dreams. You only insisted that I become a doctor, no matter what. After taking the entrance exam, I was so fearful of failing and wasting a year that I filled out an admission form for FI University in advance, hoping to pursue my passion for studying fashion and interior design. I passed the online test and have been accepted to FI University. Fashion design has always been my dream, Dad."

Dad's face reddened with anger, and he slammed his fist on the table. "You dare to defy me?" he shouted, his voice reverberating through the room. "I sacrificed everything for your future, and this is how you repay me? With failure?!"

I flinched at his outburst, tears streaming down my face. "Dad, please try to understand," I pleaded, my voice quivering. "I have dreams of my own, dreams that don't align with yours. I wanted to make you proud, but I can't keep living a lie."

Dad's eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with disappointment. "Dreams? Do you think dreams matter in the real world? What about responsibility? What about the sacrifices I made? You want to throw it all away for some frivolous pursuit?"

I took a deep breath, summoning every ounce of courage. "Dad, it's not frivolous to me. Fashion and interior design are my passions. They ignite a fire within me that medicine never could. I want to find fulfilment in my path, not the one you've laid out for me."

Dad scoffed, his voice filled with bitterness. "Fulfillment? You won't find fulfilment in a world that values superficiality over saving lives. You're throwing away your future, and for what? A fleeting passion that will amount to nothing?"

Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood my ground, determined to make him understand. "It's not about what society values, Dad. It's about finding happiness and purpose in what I do. I can't live my life to meet your expectations while sacrificing my dreams. I'm sorry for disappointing you, but I have to be true to myself."

Dad's anger simmered, his gaze fixed on me. His voice softened slightly as he spoke, "You don't understand, Zoni. I only wanted the best for you, to see you succeed in a respectable profession. But perhaps I've been blind to your desires, too focused on my aspirations."

Feeling a mix of emotions, I reached out to Dad, my voice filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "Dad, please try to see things from my perspective. I'm not turning my back on everything you've done for me. I appreciate your sacrifices, but I also need you to understand that my happiness matters too. I want to pursue my dreams and make you proud in my way."

Dad sat silently for a moment, contemplating my words. His face softened, and he let out a heavy sigh. "I suppose I haven't been the best listener, have I?" he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I see now that I've been trying to live my life through you, imposing my dreams upon you without considering your aspirations."

A glimmer of hope flickered within me as Dad continued, his tone more understanding. "Zoni, I'm sorry for my anger and disappointment. I want you to be happy, even if it means pursuing a different path. Your dreams matter, and I should have realized that sooner."

With tears of relief and gratitude streaming down my face, I nodded. "Thank you, Dad. Your acceptance means the world to me. I promise to work hard and make the most of the opportunities ahead."

Dad stood up and walked toward me, his arms outstretched. "Come here, Zoni," he said softly. As I embraced him, I could feel the weight of disappointment dissipate, replaced by a newfound understanding and support.

Feeling grateful for his understanding and support, I hugged him back, feeling a surge of warmth in my heart. Dad's willingness to celebrate my admission to FI University filled me with joy, knowing that he was truly embracing my decision.

Dad asked me, "What would you like to have for dinner?"

I replied, "Anything, Dad."

He smiled and said, "Anything you like, my dear. We are going to celebrate your admission to FI University tonight. Now go rest."

With a smile on my face, I headed to my room, feeling grateful for the understanding and support of my family. As I walked, I couldn't help but reflect on the rollercoaster of emotions I had experienced. It felt like a deadly cyclone had been swirling around us, threatening to destroy our relationship, but then it suddenly changed course and transformed into a gentle breeze of acceptance and love. The relief washed over me, knowing that no one was hurt and that we had come out stronger as a family.

Lost in my thoughts, I closed my eyes and continued walking towards my room, relying on my memory to guide me. As I reached my room, I fumbled around, searching for the doorknob. To my surprise, the door was already open. I entered and gently closed it behind me, feeling the familiar comfort of my haven. Without opening my eyes, I embraced my bed, sinking into its softness. It was a silly ritual, but it helped distract me from stressful thoughts.

Cuddling on the bed, still with my eyes closed, I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I reached my room without any bruises on my toes," I playfully exclaimed, savouring the lightheartedness of the moment. It was a reminder that even amid turmoil, there could be moments of levity and humour.

Taking a deep breath, I finally opened my eyes, feeling a renewed sense of hope and determination. The future still held uncertainties, but I knew that with the support of my family, I would face whatever challenges came my way. It was time to embrace my dreams, pursue my passion, and embark on a new journey that would allow me to express my creativity and find fulfilment.

As I lay there, basking in the warmth of my room, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement for what the future held. The road ahead wouldn't be easy, but I was ready to take on the challenges and prove to myself and my family that following my path was the right decision.

With a smile on my face, I whispered to myself, "I'm ready, world. Here I come."

"I see," I heard a familiar voice, and I quickly deciphered that it was Shan's. I jolted out of bed and stood in the corner of my room, blinking in confusion at why he was there. Shan burst out laughing as he encountered my tomato face with embarrassment.

"What the hell are you doing here? Who the dash permitted you to enter my room?" I fumed, feeling embarrassed and frustrated.

Shan laughed even more as I yelled at him, and I pouted my face and tried to leave my room. But he grabbed me from behind and hugged me tightly. My fuming embarrassment and anger betrayed me once he touched me, and I felt so light and sparks in my nerves.

"If he keeps doing this, one day I'm gonna become an electric transformer where we get electricity and I'm gonna supply free electricity," I thought to myself in my mind.

As I came back to reality, Shan was still holding me, and his breathing was hovering in my ears, which was relaxing me. With a husky tone, I said, "Leave me, Shan. If my brother sees you like this, then you're dead."

He laughed sheepishly, blew air on my neck, and pecked me, saying, "Zoni, I'm craving for you. Your anger, your fear, everything makes me crave for you."

I looked at him, and his eyes were filled with love and lust. I tried to escape from his grip, but he lost his grip and moved towards the door to lock it. "What is he gonna do? It's an emergency. Take cover. Come on, my moods don't act stupid, and be firm to dodge him," I thought to myself.

As my heart ran on the treadmill, Shan moved towards me, watching my face intently as if he was going to give me an HD makeover. I tried to move away, but it was a dead end and I was stuck like a lizard on a wall. "Shan," I called out to him, but he continued to study my facial features as if he were going to sculpt them.

His eyes moved from my eyes to my lips to my cheeks. He brushed my lips with his thumb and said, "Zoni, you have perfect lips." Then he took the georgette scarf that was hanging beside me, covered my lips with it, and placed his rosy red lips on the scarf. I was dumbfounded and stuck to the wall like wallpaper.

Then he smiled and said, "Let's date."

I pushed him away and started to breathe heavily as if I was out of oxygen. "What's going on, man? This thing is heating up, and I'm out of breath. You're too romantic, I can't take it anymore. Go out of my sight, Shan, you're taking my life with your eyes."

I looked at him astonishingly and asked, "Shan, do you know what you're asking?"

"Yeah, Zoni, I know what I'm asking for," Shan replied.

I stayed quiet for a few minutes and then asked, "Shan I have known you since childhood but to be honest still I don't know anything about you. I don't know what kind of guy you are, or how you treat people around you. I don't know whether you are selfish or selfless. My sparrow's brain does not understand you in a few days. Yesterday, you said to take your time, and now you're asking for a date. What am I supposed to do, Shan?" I paused with puppy eyes.

Shan laughed and flicked my forehead, "Zoni, I pity you that you don't even have a mustard-sized brain. I'm asking for a date to get to know each other, slowly and steadily," he explained.  and Shan burst out laughing. "Don't get the wrong idea, Zoni. The date is just to go out, have fun, and get to know each other,".

Shan took a step closer, gently placing his hand on my cheek, and looked deeply into my eyes. He leaned in closer, his lips almost touching mine, and whispered, "Say yes to the date, Zoni. Let's explore this connection between us. I promise to be patient, to listen to you, and to show you the real me. We don't have to rush into anything, but I want to be by your side and get to know the amazing person you are."

His words melted away my doubts, and I found myself unable to resist his charm any longer. With a shy smile, I finally gave in. "Okay, Shan. Let's go on a date," I said, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness.

He grinned triumphantly and pulled me into another hug, his arms wrapped securely around me. "You won't regret it, Zoni. I'll make sure of that," he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

As we stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us. But for now, in Shan's arms, I felt safe, cherished, and eager to embark on this new chapter of our lives together.

I heard the approaching footsteps, and my heart sank like a stone in my chest. "Hud, .. Thud..." The rhythmic sound pounded through my ears, each thud echoing in my mind. And then, someone knocked on the door with an ominous urgency, and a voice called out, "Zoni, open the door!"

My eyes widened as I recognized the voice—it was Rayan, my brother. But why was he here now?   I saw Shan, and I knew Rayan's antics could get dangerous. "Rayan bro," I called out, trying to sound composed while fear gripped my heart.
