
Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

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What is Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Read ‘Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest’ Online for Free, written by the author PancakesWitch, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, SYSTEM Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Have you ever felt like you wanted to live a new life as someone else? Have you ever desired to experience a new life wi...


Have you ever felt like you wanted to live a new life as someone else? Have you ever desired to experience a new life without the limits that our daily lives always put us through? Have you ever had the crave for adventure and to soar across endless horizons? Brand New Life Online, a new Full Dive VRMMO promised to make all these dreams come true. Said to be a brand-new experience at life, an incredibly realistic game and acclaimed to be fantastically complex yet simplistic enough for just anybody to understand and enjoy, this virtual reality game quickly took over the entire world of video games, with new players soaring the tens of millions in its first year of launch! Elayne, a young mother, is suddenly thrown into this game because she wanted to reconnect with her daughter, but she’ll quickly find herself delving into endless conflicts, fights, action, and a world filled with history and mysteries… Will our protagonist be able to progress through these challenges all while taking care of her farm, protecting the forest, and also seeking her daughter? Who knows? Maybe she’ll even end up defeating a World Boss! Over 100000 Words available for FREE! Daily Chapters Note : Vote for the Novel for extra weekly chapters. 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 500 Power Stones = 3 Extra chapters per week 10 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra chapters per week 20 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra chapters per week 50 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra chapters per week

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 8
Volume 9
Volume 10
Volume 11
Volume 12
Volume 13

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  • Overall Rate
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I’ll start my review of this novel by saying outright that Pancakes is my favorite author on webnovel, and I throughly enjoy their novels, so there may be some inherent bias in my review. And everything written below is personal opinion. I have currently read up to chapter 132, and really enjoy this novel as it differs from Pancakes other works like Epic of Caterpillar, DQR, and World Traveling. I really enjoy the balance of slice of life elements that are vital to the understanding of the MC Elayne and the other supporting characters like her daughter Elena, friend Rika and others. Mixed in with the action elements that occur through the VRMMO that is the key element of this story. The main reason that our MC started to play is quite admirable as she wishes to get closer to her daughter after passing of her husband 5 years ago. None of the characters so far feel one dimensional or flat and each adds a unique aspect to the world building and overall story. While some readers may question certain relations between characters I found overall that the characters are very well thought out. The world building in this novel has been developing at a steady pace throughout, both in elements of the “real world” and BNLO VRMMO world. Pancakes has an extremely firm grasp on mythological and fantasy elements as seen throughout their writing and other novels. The hinted possible fusion of the “game” and “reality” hints to more elements to be revealed about the world and universe at large that Pancakes has constructed in their other novels. While having read the other novels provides more insight into these foreshadowing elements it is not require at all in order to understand and enjoy this novel. The pacing of this story may seem slow to those that enjoy quick paced and action packed stories. The slower pace of this novel really fits the characters and the world in my opinion. As I mentioned earlier the slice of life elements and action come together to form in my opinion a cohesive plot line. Pancakes has great update stability, and in my time as a reader of theirs I cannot remember a time that they missed an update ever. In terms of writing quality grammatical errors are few and quite rare, however my own grammatical knowledge isn’t the greatest. Give the novel a try!


I, the great Siros had blessed you with a 5 star review. Be honored.............………….................................................................


Any book that came from Pancakes is bound to be Good, especially like Glitched System and EoC.🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩🧩


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the story is really well designed, using both our fantasies and the relatable reality. I think the fact that the daughter has become cold towards fer mother (the MC) after her fathers death is verry well made, as normally it happens. Also get Rita one of these


I like the story, it is something new to see a mother as a mc, hope she will get closer to her daughter again, I like nearly everything, just not Mark(love interest?), I find him annoying and an age difference from 16 years seems big, hope he will just get friendzoned, will see how it will continue, for now I will read more😁


I'm writing this second review after catching up to the latest chapter of 404. And my opinion on this series has improved! The slice of life elements are less overdone now and actually feel like they contribute to the character development rather than just being there for the sake of being cute or filler. I also appreciate that the main character and most of the side characters are pure good as a opposed to the chaotic good of most other Pancakeswitch protagonists. This also means that unlike most of them, the evolutions of the main characters of this novel are far more positive and good for the world and less demon lord/cosmic horror/eldritch abomination type evolutions and skills. There's nothing wrong oth that, we've just seen it done a lot in Pancakeswitch novels. It's a nice and welcome change of pace in my opinion. Also, despite the fact that this is one of those novels where the game eventually merges with reality, it doesn't go the typical route you've seen many times before. It's a gradual process and there's a lot of mystery as to why it is happening at all. Definitely check this one out!


i really liked the theme its just that i cant relate mark being romance candidate or am i like a father that dont want his daughter get married hahahahah but anyways the way i read is that i imagine my self being the mc and my dao heart is only for female if the fmc have male partner ill imagine myself bieng the ml but i cant relate to mark hhha maybe this heavenly test to my dao heart ill persevere i will read this just for the mother and daughter duo!!!!!!!!


finally a novel where the mc is not a male,i cant find any of these anywhere


Yes! Thank you! Finally a vr novel, no harem, with a female character, no yuri, and an unforced romance. Just for that I am a fan of this novel😂. Mark seems like a nice guy I hope he gets more development, otherwise I love this novel❤️


Wonderful story... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓


hehehehe I love this book and this book has become one of my favorite books. always happy and healthy always. I don't want you to get sick which is why this novel will stop for a while. stay healthy. 😄😄😄👍👍👍


interesting to see the author take the VR angle, I approve.👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


i have already read this story on scribblehub i love it. [img=faceslap][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


BEST CONCEPT I EVER KNEW! The customization of the world and mc is just so lovely. This gives me the satisfaction I always get from typical LN but it also gives me a sense of refreshment with the uniqueness of the mc. I recently discovered her other works which are super good(tho this is still my fave). Pancakes Witch is now my favorite writer T-T


Best Videogame based novel read in a while. The balance between the real world and in-game world is amazing 😍.


los personajes y el mundo en general están muy bien construidos , espero que continúe con la historia hasta el final.


this is the kind of novel I've been searching for. I love this author. ALL HAIL GOD KING PANCAKES WITCH. GREATEST AUTHOR OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


gostei muito , acho muito fofo como ela tenta se aproximar da filha


So I do really enjoy the story, its good and its fun to read and I plan to read all of it but there is a big con that people should know before going in. Its inconsistent, things in the story change a lot, many things become not canon anymore or changed, it could really use a big edit to fix it. So enjoy but don't take anything too seriously like the backstory or how things work in the game.


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