
Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest

Have you ever felt like you wanted to live a new life as someone else? Have you ever desired to experience a new life without the limits that our daily lives always put us through? Have you ever had the crave for adventure and to soar across endless horizons? Brand New Life Online, a new Full Dive VRMMO promised to make all these dreams come true. Said to be a brand-new experience at life, an incredibly realistic game and acclaimed to be fantastically complex yet simplistic enough for just anybody to understand and enjoy, this virtual reality game quickly took over the entire world of video games, with new players soaring the tens of millions in its first year of launch! Elayne, a young mother, is suddenly thrown into this game because she wanted to reconnect with her daughter, but she’ll quickly find herself delving into endless conflicts, fights, action, and a world filled with history and mysteries… Will our protagonist be able to progress through these challenges all while taking care of her farm, protecting the forest, and also seeking her daughter? Who knows? Maybe she’ll even end up defeating a World Boss! Over 100000 Words available for FREE! Daily Chapters Note : Vote for the Novel for extra weekly chapters. 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 500 Power Stones = 3 Extra chapters per week 10 Golden Tickets = 1 Extra chapters per week 20 Golden Tickets = 2 Extra chapters per week 50 Golden Tickets = 3 Extra chapters per week

PancakesWitch · Fantasy
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1160 Chs

Many Incredible Titles!


These seeds I had collected were my pride and joy! And… well, now that I got them here, I should plant them quickly. Yesterday I had already harvested half of my things, but I still have left the other half, so I quickly decided to get moving. Oh right, I had gotten three new Titles after the whole quest with the Dungeon of the Mushroom Hero… they're quite crazy, to say the least. Although some are strangely written and I can't really know what they do aside from the stat boosts and whatnot.


[Guider of Heroes]

Acquisition Conditions: Guide a group of [Heroes] through a Quest that changes the World.

Equip Bonus: +10% EXP, +5% To All Stats, You're more likely to find new [Heroes] to Guide.