
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

A Turn For The Worst

"My head..." Maya said in a pained voice as she slowly opened her eyes and saw that Drake was carrying her through the forest before noticing how dark it was, "Dad?"

"We're almost home." Drake told her with a small smile and giving her a perfect view of his blood covered face, "Just try to ignore the pain for now. I'll call Wendy when we get there."

"Pain?" Maya asked in a confused tone as she began to look around and Drake realized that she must still be in shock if she couldn't feel her broken leg, "You look more hurt than me."

"Yeah, yeah." Drake said as their house came into view and he quickened his pace while trying to prevent injuring her leg anymore than it already was. He adjusted how he was holding Maya when they reached the front door and she winced as he swung it open. Mira walked out of her and Drake's room to greet to them and her eyes widened when she saw the condition they were in.

"Oh my god!" Mira yelled as she ran over to them and helped Drake get Maya to the couch, "What happened to you two?!"

"We were attacked by a dra..." Drake couldn't finish his sentence as pain and exhaustion over took him and Mira barely managed to catch him as he began to fall. She slowly laid him on his back before quickly pulling her phone out and calling the first number she saw.

"Is Dad going to be ok?" Maya asked as she leaned up, still unaware of her own injuries, and Mira put her phone away as she walked over to her, "He looks like he's in really bad shape."

"He's taken worse beatings than that so I'm sure he'll be fine once Wendy gets here. I'm more worried about you." Mira told her with a smile while trying to get Maya to lay back down, "Just try to get some rest."

"Alright." Maya said as she closed her eyes and Mira gave the two Slayers a worried look. It didn't take their friends long to get to their house and watched quietly as Wendy didn't hesitate to treat them.

"I'm sure Maya will on her feet pretty quickly but if Drake really did carry her all night with those injuries there's no telling when he'll be back on his feet." Wendy explained as she took a deep breath and Mira sighed in relief as Wendy got to her feet, "Did he say what attacked them?"

"It's pretty clear what did." Gajeel said in a serious tone as he looked out the window and Mora noticed that all of the Slayers seemed to be thinking the same thing but he was the only one whi was willing to say it, "There's no doubt that those two fought a Dragon."

"I don't think it was a Dragon." Maya told them as she sat up and all of them realized that she was just as resilient as her father, "It looked like a Dragon but even when its bones were exposed it kept fighting Dad with everything it had."

"Dragons are tough but nothing can be that injured and still give someone like Drake problems." Erza said as she put her hand to her chin, "It certainly isn't natural but the bigger question is why did it come after you two?"

"It didn't come after us." Drake told her as he laid on the floor with his hand on his face, surprising all of them, "It went after Maya and luckily I was out looking for her."

"What if someone created that Dragon and made Maya its target?" Gray asked in a serious voice and, as strange as it sounded, that was a possibility, "Maybe it's original target WAS Drake and it got confused since both of you are Dragon Slayers."

"If Gray's right then your kids could be in danger as well!" Mira yelled with wide eyes and realization hit Natsu and Gajeel like a truck, "Any number of those fake Dragons could be heading for Magnolia looking for you two!"

"Drake can you fly?!" Natsu asked with a panicked look in his eyes but Drake shook his head as he stumbled trying to get to his feet, "Dammit!"

"I'll call Mest and get him to teleport you there!" Wendy said as she pulled her phone out and after a quick explanation she put her phone away. It only took a few minutes of waiting for Mest to suddenly appear between them and all five Slayers grabbed onto him. Mira wanted to protest Maya going with them but knew that she would be safer if she did and silently watched as they disappeared.

"Everyone listen up!" Drake yelled the moment they arrived in the guildhall and all of the members looked at him in surprise, "All of you need to evacuate Magnolia as quickly as possible! Mest you go warn Sting and Rogue!"

"What's going on?" Lisanna asked him as she walked over while he was still instructing the guild and both Natsu and Gajeel ran off to find their families without a word, "It must be really serious if you're getting everyone out of Magnolia."

"There might be Dragons coming." Maya told her in a serious voice and the entire guild froze, "Don't just stand there! Our town could be in danger and it's Fairytail's job to protect it!"

"Like father, like daughter." Lisanna said with a smile as everyone worked twice as fast and Maya was surprise at how calm she was, "As long as Drake is here I'm sure we'll fine."

"You're wrong." Drake told her as the guildhall began to empty and Lisanna looked at him with a mix of shock and confusion, "The one I fought earlier nearly killed me and Maya."