
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

A Turn Of Events

"It's still hard to believe you messed up that badly." Mira told Drake as they watched Maya play with Snow outside and Drake just pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. They had been in the mountains for few months and it quickly became apparent that Snow wasn't an ordinary house cat, though they weren't sure just what kind she was.

"The guy at the pet store just told me that she was a stray cat someone had brought in to be adopted." Drake explained laid his head down on the kitchen table and Mira just giggled at him, "All that really matters is that Maya likes her."

"Where'd they go?" Mira asked as she looked back out the window and Drake leaned up with a confused look, "Maya knows not to leave the yard with Snow."

"I'll go look for them." Drake sighed as he stood up and he could tell that Mira was worried as he walked to the door. Meanwhile Maya was busy chasing Snow after she suddenly bolted into the forest and was quickly falling behind.

"Snow! Come back or Dad's going to be mad!" Maya yelled as she lost sight of the feline and huffed in frustration as she entered a clearing before seeing Snow with her back arched at the other side. Curiosity got the better of the young Slayer and began to walk over to Snow but stopped when the cat suddenly ran to her. Maya shivered when an ice cold fog blew quickly past her and a moment later a light blue dragon stepped out of the tree line, causing her to instinctively take a step back. A million thoughts of how she could get away ran through her head when the dragon roared loudly and she her blood run cold as it shook the entire area. The dragon sprinted towards her before suddenly stopping for what seemed to be no apparent reason and she took that chance to turn and run but froze in fear when she saw that a massive black and red dragon had been standing right behind her.

"Maya very slowly get under me and don't make any sudden movements." The dragon told her in a surprisingly worried tone and, recognizing Drake's voice, immediately did exactly as he said, "Do NOT try to run. If you do then it's going to attack."

"Aren't dragons supposed to be extinct and why are you one?" Maya asked as it seemed hesitant to get any closer to them but his silence told her that he wasn't going to explain at the moment, "Should I call Mom?"

"Maya forget what I said." Drake told her as the dragon began to growl and she instantly understood the situation, "Run as fast as you can! Now!"

"Be careful!" Maya yelled as she and Snow sprinted into the forest and she heard the dragon roared once again before it tackled Drake into trees directly to her left but despite the debris flying past her she kept moving at full speed. Drake was genuinely surprised by the strength of the dragon as it continued to drag him through the forest and blood red magic formed on his fist as he pulled his arm back

"Blood Dragon's Iron Fist!" Drake yelled as he punched the dragon in its side, forcing it to let him go and knocking it away with a powerful swipe of his tail. Maya couldn't help looking over her shoulder when she felt the dragon's magic power rise dramatically and her eyes widened when she saw magic circles appear above Drake.

"Dad watch out!" Maya told him when she realized he hadn't noticed before magic bolts locked onto him and she watched as he sprinted straight towards the dragon without hesitation. Drake slammed his shoulder into it, causing it to stumble back and quickly got behind it as the attacks destroyed everything around them. Maya turned around with an awestruck face as the dragon went limp until Snow suddenly bit into her clothes and she realized that she had almost run off of a cliff because she hadn't been paying attention to what was in front of her. She sighed in relief as the cat pulled away from the edge and turned around to pet the protective feline before the damaged ground gave way under her feet. Drake snapped his head in their direction when he heard Maya scream and instantly knew what had happened.

"Maya!" Drake yelled as he flew towards the cliff and over the edge as fast as he could. He was thankful that the ground under the cliff was so far down and rocketed towards her with hand outstretched. Time slowed for him as he saw the dragon, who's skull and ribs were now showing, fly straight for him and tackled him into the cliffside just as he was about to reach her. She watched with wide eyes as the dragon relentlessly attacked Drake despite the amount of blows it was taking before he swung his fist as hard as he could into its head, making it let go. Blood red magic formed around Drake as he spun at high speed and slamming into it with enough force to begin cutting into the dragon.

"Bloody Ballet!" Drake yelled as he blew apart the dragon's chest and closed his wings to gain more speed, quickly closing the distance between him and Maya. He flipped around the moment he grabbed her, confusing her until she realized how close to the ground they were and with a loud crash everything went black for her.