
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

A Powerful Foe

"I guess bringing them here works to." Drake said as Mest arrived with Sting, his son Dash and Rogue, "If there really are more Dragons coming they're probably searching for us by smell and have all of us centralized was probably the best call. I'm surprised you came Erik."

"Well I'd rather not have to fight a Dragon alone." Erik told him in a calm voice, "That doesn't sound like a fun time."

"I'll leave it to you. I'm not really built to fight Dragons." Mest told him with a wave before disappearing and Drake looked at the younger Slayers. There was Maya, Nashi, Emma, who was Gajeel and Levy's daughter then Dash and Drake wasn't sure if they were completely up to fight Dragons yet but there was only one way to find out.

"Damn Gray was right after all." Gajeel said when they heard multiple roars in the distance and Maya and all of the older Slayers had the same thought, "Reminds me of the Grand Magic Games."

"How about we start this off with a bang?" Natsu asked as the Dragons came into view and Drake counted six in total, which didn't bode well for the town.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Sting said with a grin before magic circles formed in front of all of them and they all fired breath attacks, causing a Unison Raid that forced the dragons to split up, "Go!"

"I'm fired up!" Natsu and Nashi yelled as they both sprinted further into the town and the others, with the exception of Drake and Maya, followed their lead. The two quietly watched everyone begin to fight against the dragons with calm expressions before the Emma and Dash were fighting started to overpower them and Drake knew they weren't ready to fight dragons yet.

"Don't hold back." Drake told her with a sigh and she grinned as a blood red aura started to flow around her. He smirked when she broke the ground at her feet and a blood red streak shot towards the dragon.

"Woah!" Emma yelled as Maya landed a fierce knee to the dragon's chin just as it prepared a breath attack and they watched as the attack was sent high into the sky. Maya followed up with a kick to its face and the dragon stumbled into a building from the impact.

"Let's go!" Dash told Emma as they both dashed towards the dragon and landed two powerful blows to its chest. Drake realized that the younger Slayers just weren't prepared to be face to face with a dragon and scolded himself for thinking they wouldn't be able to handle one. He wondered if he would even be needed as he watched all of the Slayers handle their dragons fine and he sighed as he leaned against the guildhall door. He was honestly surprised that the dragons that had shown up were far weaker than the one he had fought earlier and wondered why. Was the one that came after him and Maya made specifically for their strength or did the person that made them have inadequate information. If that was the situation then as soon as the person behind all of this found out that he had killed the first one they may send a stronger one to finish the job and that worried him. His suspicions were confirmed when all of them heard a loud roar and even the dragons seemed to stop fighting. He could feel the new dragon's strength long before he was able to see it and when it came into view his eyes widened at its size.

"Can you handke that thing?!" Natsu asked as he and Nashi knocked their dragon back and Drake gave him a nod, though he was unsure himself, "We'll leave it to you then!"

"Let's see what you got!" Drake yelled as he entered his second Dragon Force form and rocketed towards the dragon without hesitation. He landed a fierce kick to the dragon's chest but it didn't seem to be fazed by the attack before it grabbed him and sent him flying back into Magnolia, causing him to crash through several buildings. Maya was about to run over to him until she saw multiple blood red javelins shoot out of the rubble and explosions filled the sky when they hit the dragon. The dragon landed in the middle of the town as if nothing had happened to it and it seemed to be patiently waiting for Drake to recover. Drake pushed the remaining debris off of himself and was slowly getting to his feet when the dragon Maya and the others were fighting turned its attention to him. Timed slowed down for the four of them as the dragon lunged at Drake before the bigger one suddenly bit into its neck and slammed the dragon into the ground with enough force to break it apart, blowing the four Slayers back.

"Why are they fighting?!" Maya asked as she and Drake landed on their feet and watched the big dragon pin the other to the ground, "Aren't they on the same side?!"

"Something isn't right about this." Drake told her as the small dragon struggled to get free until, with a one quick motion, the bigger one snapped its neck and it roared in victory before looking at them, "It would make since that the dragons wouldn't like each other but it only attacked the small one when it tried to interfere."