
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

The Will Of Fairy Tail

"I hate asking for it but I'm going to need help." Drake told Maya in a serious voice as he went into his fighting stance and the dragon watched them carefully as Maya followed his lead before charging towards them with a roar loud enough to shake the town. Both of them pulled their arms back and blood red magic around their hands.

"Blood Dragon's Iron Fist!" The two yelled in unison as they swung at the dragon in an attempt to use its own momentum against it but it suddenly disappeared from sight and they both spun around to prepare for an attack from behind. Drake frantically looked around the area when he saw that the dragon wasn't there until a large shadow was cast over them and he pulled Maya away just before the dragon crashed into the ground. She fired magic javelins as the two slid back and they caused massive explosions on impact. Drake sprinted towards the dragon at high speed as the smoke cleared and Maya covered her face when he delivered a kick to its jaw powerful enough to cause wind to blow through the destroyed street.

"Dad!" Maya yelled as the dragon grabbed him with both if its clawed hands and Drake screamed as it began to crush him. The ground under Maya broke apart as she lowered herself and launched towards them as fast as she could. The dragon strengthened its grip when it noticed her rapidly approaching them until the shine of metal flew past its eye and it roared in pain as it released Drake to hold its slashed eye until a large chunk of pink ice slammed into its side, causing it to crash through several buildings before sliding to a stop at the center of Magnolia.

"Are you alright?" Mira asked her as she set down a now unconscious Drake and Maya nodded with wide eyes as she processed what had happened, "Good. We'll buy some time so he can recover."

"That dragon's too strong." Maya told her as the dragon roared in anger, "If it beat Dad then how are we supposed to keep it occupied?!"

"He acted like he was fine but I knew he was still exhausted and I didn't say anything." Mira said as she looked at Drake until an explosion caused the ground to shake violently and Mira sped towards the source without another word. Maya was torn between going to help the others or staying by her father's side while he rested and after a few moments she steeled herself before following after Mira.

"Where's he at?!" Wendy asked as soon as the two arrive and Maya realized that the other dragons had been dealt with as she watched Natsu and Gajeel kick the black dragon in the chin, "If this thing really did get a hold of him then he's more than likely in critical condition!"

"That way!" Maya told her as she pointed where they had come from and Wendy quickly began to sprint in that direction before the dragon suddenly charged past them as if it had overheard what she said. Gray made an ice wall in front of the dragon but it crashed through it with ease and Natsu rocketed towards it at high speed as he tried to catch up to it, though it was obvious he wouldn't be able to in time.

"Dammmmit!" Natsu yelled as the two were closing in on Drake and the dragon seemed to realize this as it opened its wings, becoming much faster as it began to fly. Panic filled Natsu's body as Drake came into view and the the dragon reached its clawed hand towards him.

"Roaring Thunder!" Laxus yelled as lightning struck the top of the dragon's head, slamming it into the ground and causing a massive explosion of electricity that stunned the dragon.

"Fire Dragon's Claw!" Natsu yelled as he capitalized on the opening Laxus had given him and sent it tumbling away from Drake with a powerful kick to its side. Laxus didn't hesitate to hit the dragon with a bolt of electricity and the dragon convulsed on the ground as the electricity coursed through its body.

"Sorry I'm late but Lisanna was freaking out while she was explaining the situation over the phone." Laxus told him in a serious tone as the dragon began to get up but it was quickly locked in place by iron bars created by Gajeel as the others made it to them and when the dragon tried to break free Laxus hit it with another bolt of electricity, this time amplified by the bars, "Looks like it's weak to electricity."

"Everyone with electricity based magic prepare to attack!" Erza yelled to the present members of Fairy Tail and they quickly gathered to combine their spells into a Unison Raid. The dragon roared loud enough to cause their ears to ring before they even had the chance to begin and those who could still stand saw it break out of its constraints with anger in its eyes. They were confused when the dragon didn't try to attack them as they began to recover and they realized why when a dangerous aura suddenly engulfed them.

"Is that Drake?" Natsu asked as he looked over his shoulder with fear coursing through him and the others followed his eyes to see a nearly unrecognizable Drake, "That doesn't feel like Drake."