
Blood Bound to Elias

[Warning: Mature Content R18+] "My blood is keeping you alive, so from today onwards...you belong to me." - Elias Stone --------- Do you know the story of the boy who cried wolf? Amaira was the girl who cried, vampire! Of course, no one believed her because vampires don't exist, but how else would you explain what she saw that night? Her sexy and handsome neighbor, Elias Stone devouring a woman's exposed neck! "You're crazy!" they said. "Stop reading so many weird books!" they said. But Amaira knew what she saw and she was going to prove it! After many failed attempts, she finally got into his house disguised as a babysitter for his baby brother, Kenneth. 'Don't put your hand near the baby's mouth was the only rule given to her by Mr. and Mrs. Stone, but what choice did she have when the baby started choking on God knows what? Amaira stuck her finger in baby Kenneth's mouth and one bite from him changed her life forever because it was how she became a ghoul and ended up being bound to the devil. ----- Excerpt They told her to stay away, he was unstable under the curse of the red moon, but being bound to him, Amaira could feel how much he needed her and could hear his voice in her head begging her to come to him. Without seeing her, Elias could tell she was there when a surge of sexual desire infiltrated his body. "You shouldn't be here?" he started, keeping his gaze solely on the ground. "I could hurt you." Despite his warning, Amaira didn't leave but instead went closer to him. "Look at me, Elias." When he rose his head to look at her, she met his red eyes with her blue ones, "You won't hurt me." With those words, Amaira slipped off her coat before pulling her turtleneck blouse over her head and unhooking her bra. Her jeans went after, shortly followed by her lace panties. She was fully exposed in front of the horny devil chained to the wall. His hunger for her increased tenfold, but while the rest of his body betrayed him, words of concern still managed to leave his lips, "You'll freeze to death." Amaira had no idea what took over her, but all she knew was that she needed to please him. She smiled innocently before tracing the bulge in his pants with her index finger, "Then how about you warm me up?" {This story contains r-18+ explicit content, BDSM, horror, and gore} [Please check the author's review before proceeding to the story :)] Check out my other novels: Never A Bride [Ongoing] Blood and Butterflies [Ongoing] Let's connect: Instagram: dolly_.roma Discord: DollyRoma#7887 ** The beautiful cover art belongs to me and was commissioned by elkshan (Find her on Instagram)

DollyRoma · Fantasy
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269 Chs

On the run

Panic and confusion took Amaira's mind as she watched her sister squirm on the ground in pain with her hand over her bleeding eye.

Her chest rapidly heaved up and down as she looked at her trembling hands and the bloody scissor that fell from them. "N-No, how did...how did this happen?"

Jenna's loud and pained cries resounded through Amaira's head, driving her to the brink of insanity. She pulled on her hair as she internally screamed, 'What have I done?!'

Amaira anxiously looked around the room in a state of panic, looking for the vampire she stabbed in the eye, but it was just her and Jenna in her bedroom. Her heart hammered harder and harder against her chest as an anxiety attack took her, and to make matters worse...mom was home.

"Jenna?" she heard her mother call.

"Mom! Mom! Please help me!" Jenna screamed through her harsh sobs.

Katherine's eyes widened when she heard her daughter's strained voice coming from Amaira's room and threw her phone and car keys to the side before rushing up the stairs to her daughter's rescue.

"I'm coming, sweetie!" she yelled with her heart heavy with panic and worry. She already lost her beloved, losing her daughter as well would be too much for her to handle.

After many slips and falls from her feet twisting due to her rushing, Katherine finally reached Amaira's room door, and despite the possible dangers that might have been awaiting her inside, she didn't hesitate to open the door.

Her wide eyes traveled the room, there was no Amaira or demons in sight, but her daughter!


Curled up into a ball and quietly sobbing, was her precious daughter. Katherine rushed to her side and fell on her knees before scooping her crying daughter into her arms.

She released a sigh of relief when she saw that no bones were broken and Jenna's limbs were still intact, but why was she hiding her face?

"Sweetie, what happened?" Katherine gently questioned. "Please look at me."

"I-I can't," Jenna choked out.

"Sweetie, please."

Jenna hesitantly rose her head from her mother's chest which was damp with her blood and tears before slowly removing her bloody hand from her left eye.

Katherine's bottom lip quivered as she opened her mouth in shock, horror, and much confusion. She brought her hand to Jenna's face, "W-What happened? Who did this to you?"

Jenna returned her hand to her eye and started sobbing harshly again into her mother's chest. Katherine affectionately caressed her hair while whispering hushes and reassuring her that she was going to be okay as her eyes traveled the otherwise empty room.

Her eyes caught the bloody scissor on the floor and a conclusion immediately came to her head. She couldn't guess what could've happened that caused such an outcome, but she was sure Amaira was the one to blame.

Katherine gently detached herself from Jenna, "I'll be right back okay, I'm just going to get my phone so I can call for help." Jenna nodded and with that, she rushed down the stairs for her phone and quickly dialed the police.

"This is the Roma City Police Department, what's your emergency?"

Katherine took a breath to calm her raging nerves before saying, "Amaira tried to kill my daughter." Tears streamed down her face when the realization of the situation hit her like a brick to the face. "There's blood...a lot of blood." She sniffled, "So please send help quickly."

"Understood ma'am," the female officer curtly responded. "A team of officers, as well as an ambulance, has been dispatched, please remain calm until they arrive, and do not engage Amaira if she is still in the household."

"She's not her-" Katherine started, but cut herself off when she heard loud footsteps clambering the stairs and turned just in time to see the tips of blonde hair escaping her vision.

She dropped her phone to the ground and rushed behind the blonde. "Amaira! Wait!" she breathlessly yelled, but when she returned to the room, Amaira had already escaped through the open window.

Katherine rushed to the window to see the outcome of the jump from such a height, but what she saw was Amaira racing down the empty road with a limp in only a pink nightgown covering her body.

It was a short while after Amaira disappeared into the distance that the police finally arrived. Sirens echoed throughout the quiet community of Roma Estate, drawing the attention of the neighbors who slowly spilled from their respective homes to see what was going on.

"Isn't it too early in the morning for Hendrix's family drama?"

The police yellow-taped the area and surrounded the house, making it hard for the nosy neighbors to see anything, but there was this one man that was looking from the roof of his house and shouted, "Is that Jenna on that stretcher?!"

For a second, the chattering stopped before the curious men and women of the community started pushing against the officers.

They needed to see if the man's words were true and they were because on a stretcher being pulled into an ambulance, was a crying, trembling brunette with her hands on her face.

"Where's Amaira?" an officer questioned a visibly drained Katherine.

Her blank stare fell on the officer before her, she didn't have the emotional and mental strength to speak, so with a trembling hand, she pointed down the road where Amaira disappeared into the light of the rising sun.

After the ambulance rushed away with Jenna and multiple police officers raced to their cars and piled in before speeding down the road in the direction of the woods, the speculations began.

Natalia was the first to voice her conclusion, and not-so-surprisingly enough, it was the same conclusion everyone else came to.

"Amaira tried to kill Jenna and now she's on the run."

Thank you for reading!!

This chapter was such a thrill for me to write, I hope you enjoyed it! Leave your thoughts in the comments :)

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