
Blood Bound to Elias

[Warning: Mature Content R18+] "My blood is keeping you alive, so from today onwards...you belong to me." - Elias Stone --------- Do you know the story of the boy who cried wolf? Amaira was the girl who cried, vampire! Of course, no one believed her because vampires don't exist, but how else would you explain what she saw that night? Her sexy and handsome neighbor, Elias Stone devouring a woman's exposed neck! "You're crazy!" they said. "Stop reading so many weird books!" they said. But Amaira knew what she saw and she was going to prove it! After many failed attempts, she finally got into his house disguised as a babysitter for his baby brother, Kenneth. 'Don't put your hand near the baby's mouth was the only rule given to her by Mr. and Mrs. Stone, but what choice did she have when the baby started choking on God knows what? Amaira stuck her finger in baby Kenneth's mouth and one bite from him changed her life forever because it was how she became a ghoul and ended up being bound to the devil. ----- Excerpt They told her to stay away, he was unstable under the curse of the red moon, but being bound to him, Amaira could feel how much he needed her and could hear his voice in her head begging her to come to him. Without seeing her, Elias could tell she was there when a surge of sexual desire infiltrated his body. "You shouldn't be here?" he started, keeping his gaze solely on the ground. "I could hurt you." Despite his warning, Amaira didn't leave but instead went closer to him. "Look at me, Elias." When he rose his head to look at her, she met his red eyes with her blue ones, "You won't hurt me." With those words, Amaira slipped off her coat before pulling her turtleneck blouse over her head and unhooking her bra. Her jeans went after, shortly followed by her lace panties. She was fully exposed in front of the horny devil chained to the wall. His hunger for her increased tenfold, but while the rest of his body betrayed him, words of concern still managed to leave his lips, "You'll freeze to death." Amaira had no idea what took over her, but all she knew was that she needed to please him. She smiled innocently before tracing the bulge in his pants with her index finger, "Then how about you warm me up?" {This story contains r-18+ explicit content, BDSM, horror, and gore} [Please check the author's review before proceeding to the story :)] Check out my other novels: Never A Bride [Ongoing] Blood and Butterflies [Ongoing] Let's connect: Instagram: dolly_.roma Discord: DollyRoma#7887 ** The beautiful cover art belongs to me and was commissioned by elkshan (Find her on Instagram)

DollyRoma · Fantasy
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269 Chs

The Gateway to Hell

The early morning sun was hotter than ever and the terrain was hard, but Amaira never stopped running even after already reaching deep into the woods of Roma City.

Sharp rocks, broken twigs, and thorny plants bruised the skin of her already aching feet, but physical pain wasn't the reason for the tears that were flowing like a river from her eyes.

The built-up guilt, confusion, and anger from what she did to Jenna were eating away at her from the inside.

Amaira never intended to run; when her mother arrived, she would somehow explain what happened to Jenna. She was sure her mother would know that she would never purposely do such a cruel thing regardless of how annoying Jenna is, but then she heard, from her own mother's mouth the accusation capable of ruining her life completely.

Amaira wiped the blood that was flowing slowly from one of her nostrils before relentlessly cursing at herself for being idiotic, naive, and actually thinking that the woman who gave birth to her would listen to her side first before dishing out accusations.

'The police won't believe my side of the story, they already think I'm out of my mind!'

Amaira knew her chances, it was her word against Jenna and her mother's, and to her, she trying to kill Jenna is a lot more believable than her trying to kill a vampire that somehow ended up being Jenna.

She couldn't even understand what happened, how was she supposed to explain it to the police?

'This is all so fucked up,' she internally complained.

Her attention was diverted from her thoughts and dodging low-hanging limbs when she felt wetness flowing from her ear down to her neck. Amaira slowed the movement of her bare legs and with two fingers she touched the moisture.

'Is this blood?' Amaira thought looking at her fingers in horror.

Her legs kept moving forward, but her eyes were on her fingers so she didn't see the tree root that tripped her. She fell face-first to the ground and with a pained groan, she managed to get herself on all fours, but just as she was about to stand, nausea took her, forcing her back down.

Amaira breathed heavily as her insides churned, holding back the tears that were leaking from her eyes like a faucet wetting the dry leaves below her, but with that clear, salty liquid, there was blood.

Amaira felt something rise in her throat, it was choking her, constricting her breathing! She held her throat as she squirmed amongst the grime and leaves, silently praying that the pain would end, but there was no redemption for her.

Dogs barked in the distance and the crunching of leaves under heavy boots was loud, indicating that the police officers were near and with them were the nosy neighbors that were approaching from the adjacent end armed with stones, home rifles, and other various objects to enact retribution onto Amaira.

Though being told countlessly by the police to not get involved, they were encouraged by ringleader Natalia to take part in the search and get justice for Jenna as well as herself for the beating she got the other day.

Convincing everyone wasn't hard since each person had their own bone to pick with Amaira, but while most only wanted Amaira locked up behind bars once and for all, there were some including Natalia and her friends who wanted her out of their lives completely.

Not wanting to dirty their hands, they hired professional hitmen disguised as residents of the community that would get the job done without fail.

Amongst the mob of people were two men and a woman dressed in hoods, one of the men had an expression of genuine amusement and the other a stoic expression, but the woman kept her head lowered as both men conversed.

"The killing intent is very strong here." Oliver looked at his brother, "These people wish to kill Amaira."

The smile never left Elias' lips as he went on to say, "She's in transition, she'll die regardless."

Oliver narrowed his eyes at him, "What are you planning, brother?"

"I don't want to jinx it so I won't say anything." He looked at the quiet woman latched on to Oliver's arm and chuckled before looking ahead, "Tell your woman she doesn't have to be so terrified of me, I have no intention of hurting her in any way."

"I do not have the ability to sway fear, Elias."

Their conversation was interrupted by a woman's high-pitched scream. By the foot of a tree, there was a pool of blood and a piece of bloody pink fabric amidst stained leaves on the ground.

Natalia was the first to step forward and took up the piece of fabric, she smirked before turning to show the people what was found. "Mrs. Hendrix said Amaira was wearing a pink nightgown, this is a piece of it which means we're close."

Muttering followed and the level of fear increased tenfold at the sight of the blood soaking the root of the oak tree.

"So much blood."

"A wild animal must've gotten her."

"The woods aren't safe, we shouldn't be here."

"The blood leads further into the woods, Amaira must still be alive," Natalia tried to convince them, but a vast number of people were already leaving without even looking back.

"That blood most likely leads to the home of the wild animal that attacked her, there's no way I'm following that trail," one elderly man commented and many hummed in agreement before scurrying away back to the entrance of the woods.

Natalia's face twisted as she spat, "What a bunch of cowards."

Their numbers were a lot fewer than before, but Natalia proceeded nonetheless, wild animal or not, she was not going to give up on finding Amaira until she sees her corpse.

They followed the trail of blood and it led them to the darkest part of the woods that was nicknamed by hunters 'The Gateway to Hell.'

Thank you for reading!!

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