
Bleach: Ten Commandments Revival

(Geneart AI cover, all characters belong to their respective owners and the ten commandment abilities belong to the seven deadly sins) For thousands of years, the human and nonhuman worlds were one until they were forcibly separated by an unknown event, now the demon clan, goddess clan, Fairy Clan, and Giant clan are separated from the human world which was now separated into three parts. During their final moments, the former demon king of the Demon Clan sent parts of his curses deep underground hoping to one day revive himself not knowing they eventually form a mind/soul of their own. Eventually awakening in Karakura Town a week before canon starts, the newly born demon with all the power of the cursed commandments explores this new world devouring souls, gaining more power, and getting one step closer to forcibly reviving the banished demon clan. Will they pursue the path of the demon king, taking his maker's place and asserting the dominance of the demon clan once more or will they pursue a different path and live in harmony with humanity?

Dr_Insane001 · Anime & Comics
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What is a name

After awakening the commandment of truth, the demon's mental faculties had improved exponentially and they began thinking and growing beyond their basic instincts. To understand the place and year they found themselves in, to try and find more of their kind, of the fairy, giant, and accursed goddess clan, all these things were natural to the demon. 

For it only desired their complete destruction same for the human clan who dominated this area. Yet when it tried using its natural abilities to sense other types of souls besides humans and the hollows, it never found them only more of the same. Then it extended its sense trying to go further and further to find one trace of the fairy, giant, goddess, and demon clan. 

To no such luck as they could only sense human souls and the hollows as well. 

"This is odd, where are they, I was sure my hatching would attract the demon clan toward my location by now." 

Going towards a nearby bride and peering over the side, the demon watched the water flow and almost perfectly reflected the nearly clear night sky with only the occasional cloud blocking the stars. Looking at themselves, they saw their humanoid body or at least as human as they could get and began thinking trying to figure their situation out, when a thought popped into their head.

"What is my name?"

While most beings were named by their mother, father, or family member when they were born, the demon remained unnamed as they hatched alone with only the hollow to greet them. With the commandment of truth activated they knew they could speak the truth or risk turning to stone.

"I do not know my name or if I even have one."

Which was refreshing for the demon to say, or to even admit out loud as they could begin understanding themselves. After all, if one has to name themselves, they must first understand who or what they are. All the demon knew was the information provided by their commandments and the being known as the Demon King. Plus the information from exploring the human town known as Karakura Town and even beyond that its understanding of the world was limited. 

So it began experimenting with its darkness, shifting its form and shape alongside the shape of the darkness itself. Trying to figure themselves out and understand at least a part of themselves to understand the full extent of their abilities. So they went beyond basic weaponry, creating a gigantic rose of darkness, trying their best to mimic the intricate details of the flower or any type of flower. 

Then it shifted to other things like trees, buildings, or anything else they've seen since the demon's birth. Even shifting how their humanoid form looked, its size and shape making sure not to tear up their clothing. They began to head back to their hidey hole, where they put the books they had stolen. Sitting down in the alleyway they began reading, understanding after all they had only pursued power until now, only gaining a more introspective mind, one capable of thinking beyond the basic need for power.

With only the occasional cat to keep them company, they stay hidden in the shadows only taking the occasional nap to regain their strength. Yet when they awaken, they only red and experimented, not even going out to hunt until they figured out their name. Figure out the purpose of their existence, beyond what the demon king had planned for them. 

This was odd, to say the least, as the demon shouldn't have been born with a conscious only having basic instructions to grow stronger, to master the power of the commandments. Eventually, it started condescending to their body further making them a tall normal-ish-looking human but it didn't last long as they went back to their original disguise the next second. 

Over the course of the next few days, the demon explored themselves whilst talking, actually talking to a few humans and unfortunately for a few of them creating new stone statues as well. Which had nearly gotten them caught, and for right now they needed to explore the world and understand the current power structure. Then the seven-day mark dawned upon them and it meant another human soul was devoured, a young human girl this time.

While most would find this sad, the demon simply saw more food to nourish them and even then if the spirit didn't pass on already then it probably would've been eaten by a hollow. Afterwards, it jumped towards a nearby secluded rooftop and sighed looking voe the town, letting its true form out for a second. It felt liberating to do so, to not be limited to be truly free for once even at the risk of being seen. In that form, they truly resembled a demon of pure darkness, as their form constantly shifted and turned. 

Becoming monstrous one second and far more human-like the next, was truly an odd experience. For the rest of the day, the demon explored the rest of the town it didn't have time to get to, to try and experience what the humans did even to a lesser extent. 

It was odd to see them chat, eat, and talk with one another some without any ulterior motives, unlike the demon. Every once in a while it would steal a little food and some form of beverage to try. Which didn't agree with the demon as they slid right down to the ground, for the animals to eat well mostly birds as they were the ones mostly around. 

Soon enough night descended and it was odd, the hollows in the area began moving more ferociously, more animal-like than before. While before they behaved like animals, they still had some form of human intelligence to them, something to help them plan out their actions. Then it felt it, a strong REiryoku energy source, something that the demon should've noticed before, something that was hidden from its sight. 

So it moved alongside them and as it did, it went over a river and for the first time saw its form, its true form in the water, and simply stared at its constantly shifting body. So it stopped and simply looked down studying it's form and lifted its hands to the shoulder level and stared at them. Then it came to him, its name, a name it would happily give itself from a combination of words it saw in a book or two. 

"My name is Uturikawaru Kage or the shifting shadow as most will know me."

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