
Bleach: Ten Commandments Revival

(Geneart AI cover, all characters belong to their respective owners and the ten commandment abilities belong to the seven deadly sins) For thousands of years, the human and nonhuman worlds were one until they were forcibly separated by an unknown event, now the demon clan, goddess clan, Fairy Clan, and Giant clan are separated from the human world which was now separated into three parts. During their final moments, the former demon king of the Demon Clan sent parts of his curses deep underground hoping to one day revive himself not knowing they eventually form a mind/soul of their own. Eventually awakening in Karakura Town a week before canon starts, the newly born demon with all the power of the cursed commandments explores this new world devouring souls, gaining more power, and getting one step closer to forcibly reviving the banished demon clan. Will they pursue the path of the demon king, taking his maker's place and asserting the dominance of the demon clan once more or will they pursue a different path and live in harmony with humanity?

Dr_Insane001 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Pseudo Body

As they finally realize their true name, in another part of town two destines would clash as Rukia passes on some of her spiritual energy to Ichigo Kurosaki changing their lives forever. This was the energy the demon sense, the awakening of the substitute soul reaper. It was on this night two important events happened, the demon realized its true name shortening it to Utsuri for simplicity and the birth of a new powerful shinnigami. 

Truly a night to remember some because their plans were finally coming to fruition and for others because of the hope one particular being could bring. So while Utusri was unable to fully pinpoint the sudden burst of Reiryoku, it did gain one thing tonight a new name for itself. So to pass the time it began scavenging supplies hoping to create a body to inhabit so that if it ever needed more of its darkness for battle it could easily use it and not decrease its own physical form. 

Of course, it was already late so by the time it made it back to its hidey hole, it burrowed into the darkness and rested. The night Uturi dreamt for the first time, dreaming of a world of darkness and large red, and grey demons with other demons of various forms and sizes. It dreamt of this world of pure darkness, with glee in its mind as they simply lived their lives. 

To all others, it would be the underworld, a place where sinners of all kinds go to be tortured for all eternity not knowing their souls would be simply devoured. Chewed up and spat out once they gained all the power they could from them. Even now the newborn demon craved the taste of newborn souls. Of the power that came with it, and to quickly activate its other commandments. 

As morning rose, the newborn demon awoke and sensed something peculiar, one of the powerful sources of mana from last night was on the move. There was however a weird second one however, it felt powerful but weak at the same time, not a medium level of strength but more like fluctuating between the two. Finally, it settled down on being extremely weak, far more so than the other normal souls wondering about.

It was odd, to say the least, and quickly got the demon's attention as the powerful source of energy and this extremely weak one was probably related in one form or another. So Utusri decided to decompress their form and slip into the shadows followed them, and saw an odd sight. 

It was a short human female with short black hair and a serious look on her face wearing odd-looking long black robes. She also had a sheathed sword on her side and was tactically avoiding the few small hollows and for some reason, the other humans didn't see them. Then Utusri finally saw why, they were weird-looking spirits not like the hollows or wandering human souls, but one fully formed. 

They walked through town, looking for something or perhaps someone, and for what the demon didn't after all at no point during their various memories did they see a being like this. Eventually, they stopped in front of a large empty courtyard with no signs of plant life, nor any place to easily hide and slink into the shadows. He saw a couple of human kids, a male and a female come out and talk to the human female for a little bit before the human male tugged on the long hair of the female kid. 

It was odd to see, but then Utusri sensed a being with an enormous amount of power, something they should've clearly sensed before. It was a tall human male with long hair, wearing black robes with green symbols on the end of them, and underneath them stripped light clothing, and wearing a green striped hat. Just looking at them, Utusri could tell they were strong, even if they didn't show it.

After talking a bit, they went back inside to bring out an exact replica of the female human soul only on the physical plane. They wore grey clothing with matching gray skirt and long black socks, the exact same to the simplest detail except for clothing of course. They talk a little before the female soul enters the body becoming one with the artificial body. It was an odd sight to see, as they moved it around getting used to it. 

Utusri simply stared trying to figure out how humans were able to construct such a thing, or why they weren't creating more for the countless wandering souls. They talk a little more, before the newly inhabited female human leaves with only the others staying behind and talking with one another. There was one thing however that Utusri knew, it wanted one of those. A true physical form to inhabit one not made out of its own darkness, but rather a true physical form. 

That and the human with the green hat knew the Utusri were there, and didn't perceive them as a threat, or at least didn't know what they were. At least Utusri believed they did, as any being with with their level of power could easily notice them. As they headed inside, the human with the green-striped hat stayed behind and looked at where Utusri was hiding. They still had the same happy smile on their face, with no hint of emotion.

Utusri didn't move an inch, simply staring into the human's eyes as well, or at least where they believed they were. Eventually, they went back inside without a care in the world and Utusri smiled and traveled across the side trying to find a good advantage point to try and figure out how they made the body in the first place. Honestly whoever had built the place had picked a very good location as there were barely any hiding spots, none that would've easily hidden the demon's pure dark body. 

Itching closer to it, the demon speedily went across the courtyard somehow getting to the edge of the house. Which honestly confused them as most other beings would've freaked out or had seen them. Yet this human was ignoring them or was just too arrogant for their own good either worked. 

"So what are you anyway?"

Except that wasn't the case as the green stripped hat human looked at them through an open window. The demon smiled inwardly as they ascended up, forming their original human disguise easily towering over them due to their excessive height. 

"Something that would have sent a normal human running away in fear, so tell me what are you?"

Please leave a review, and some power stones as well to show your support, and as usual all anime characters, abilities, and any other things I forgot to mention belong to their respective owners.

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