
Bleach: Ten Commandments Revival

(Geneart AI cover, all characters belong to their respective owners and the ten commandment abilities belong to the seven deadly sins) For thousands of years, the human and nonhuman worlds were one until they were forcibly separated by an unknown event, now the demon clan, goddess clan, Fairy Clan, and Giant clan are separated from the human world which was now separated into three parts. During their final moments, the former demon king of the Demon Clan sent parts of his curses deep underground hoping to one day revive himself not knowing they eventually form a mind/soul of their own. Eventually awakening in Karakura Town a week before canon starts, the newly born demon with all the power of the cursed commandments explores this new world devouring souls, gaining more power, and getting one step closer to forcibly reviving the banished demon clan. Will they pursue the path of the demon king, taking his maker's place and asserting the dominance of the demon clan once more or will they pursue a different path and live in harmony with humanity?

Dr_Insane001 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Striking a Deal

"I suppose saying I'm a candy store owner wouldn't convince you would it?"

Utusri laughed as their formed finalized with all the bits and pieces and was forced to mimic human clothing this time. Which was uncomfortable as it was essentially putting skin on skin, or wearing skin clothing of some kind. Unfortunately for the human in front of him, they had a new permanent smile on their face. 

"Unfortunately for you and me, truth is the only thing that can be spoken between us so try lying and see what happens."

Their smile dipped a little bit and they sighed bringing out a fan and putting it in front of their face, hiding the other vast majority not already hidden by the tipped-down hat. 

"So how long you've been watching anyway, see anything you like recently maybe a certain girl?"

Utsuri leaned nearly staring directly into where the man's eyes were and held out their hand, introducing themselves.

"My name is Utsurikawaru Kage and before we continue our conversation what is your name."

The man held out their hand and shook Utsuri formally greeting him. 

"Welp I'm Kisuke Urahara, owner of this fine establishment and supplier of fine goods to people of all kinds."

Utsuri simply looked to the side, at the area where the human girl entered the artificial body.

"Like that artificial body, you gave out earlier, to that odd-looking soul."

They kept their cool, but even Utusuri could tell that underneath Urahara was trying to figure out the best way to respond. Even if he hid behind a dopey-looking smile, that would normally trick anyone else although eventually they would figure them out. 

"So you say that huh, well if you're looking for something similar I'm-"

Utsuri stopped them before they could continue, and began shifting their body revealing the symbol for the commandment of truth. Urahara looked at the symbol quizzically trying to figure out what it symbolized. 

"I would tell the truth, after all even I'm not above my own curse."

Hearing that Urahara's smile dipped a little hearing that and put away the fan tucking it into a little pocket for safekeeping.

"Well I suppose trying to lie to you at all wouldn't be very good for my health would it?"

Utsuri smiled as their body shifted again, hiding the symbol underneath what was the demon's skin clothing. 

"So I'm guessing you want something from me, maybe a piece of equipment you can't find anywhere else?"

Utsuri laughed a little hearing that, as they released themselves from their confined state revealing their wicked-looking form. Their red eyes stared into Uraharas from their human eyes, and their massive body of darkness still leaned over them. Which was startling for everyone else who saw them except for Urahara who remained calm. 

"No, my form is far more fluid than others, existing on both the physical plane and spiritual plane and I would find it useful to have a storage area for myself."

Hearing that Urahara let out a grin and brought back out the fan waving it a little bit. 

"I suppose I could whip something together, although you're gonna have to do something for me as well."

Utsuri shifted around them nearly leaning in the window next to Urahara's head. 

"Already taking advantage of my little commandment of truth, what do you need for me to do?"

Urahra let out a small laugh and waved their hand more frantically than before out of joy or something similar to that.

"Hey don't underestimate this candy shop owner, I'm smarter then I look."

Utsuri shifted their form curling over them with their red eyes now staring over Urahara's head.

"Which is to say not very much."

Then Urahara acted hurt grasping his chest and refolding his fan.

"That was uncalled for."

Recovering quickly Urahara got into a sitting down position getting back to fanning himself. 

"Anyway, I need you to keep an eye on two people, and make sure they don't die."

Utsuri simply tipped their head trying to understand Urahara's game but even if he could tell that the man was hiding something, even if they were both forced to tell the truth. That didn't mean they could easily discern the human male's true personality.

"As long as I gain a physical body for myself, I don't care what I need to do."

In response, Utsuri could easily tell that Urahara was planning or had some form of an ulterior motive.

"Two students, one orange-haired kid named Ichigo Kurosaki, and you find the same person from earlier with them, her name is Rukia Kuchiki."

Turning a bit more serious Utsuri stepped back a bit, getting ready to retreat back into the shadows. 

"Well, I suppose I could keep them from dying for a few days until I get my body that is but do make sure to keep your promise."

Then they stepped fully into the shadows and shrunk down nearly concealing themselves.

"Just be sure to keep your promise, after all, theirs more to the commandment of truth than you think."

They then let out a sinister laugh as they fully disappeared into the shadows, becoming one with them and leaving behind a still-smiling Urahara. traveling through the town, Utsuri began tracking the extremely weak mana signature knowing they were probably heading to the location of Ichigo Kurosaki. Spreading themselves thin, they began searching various areas, making sure they could keep track of her as she followed behind a small group of people who wore similar clothing to the young male humans they'd seen a couple of times alongside some females wearing similar clothing. 

Eventually after a couple of minutes, they saw where they were all going which was a large building with similarly dressed people. Which was going to make their little job much harder they hid away in the shadows, being careful not to be seen only one thought went through their head. 

"This better be worth it, otherwise I might just kill these two."

Finally they entered the school and already they could tell that entering this place was a mistake. 

As per usual I own none of the characters, or anime and they belong to theri respective owners and to show your support please leave a review or some powerstones

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