
Bleach: Ten Commandments Revival

(Geneart AI cover, all characters belong to their respective owners and the ten commandment abilities belong to the seven deadly sins) For thousands of years, the human and nonhuman worlds were one until they were forcibly separated by an unknown event, now the demon clan, goddess clan, Fairy Clan, and Giant clan are separated from the human world which was now separated into three parts. During their final moments, the former demon king of the Demon Clan sent parts of his curses deep underground hoping to one day revive himself not knowing they eventually form a mind/soul of their own. Eventually awakening in Karakura Town a week before canon starts, the newly born demon with all the power of the cursed commandments explores this new world devouring souls, gaining more power, and getting one step closer to forcibly reviving the banished demon clan. Will they pursue the path of the demon king, taking his maker's place and asserting the dominance of the demon clan once more or will they pursue a different path and live in harmony with humanity?

Dr_Insane001 · Anime & Comics
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Watching and Understanding

Utsuri chose to explore the place a bit, as he could already sense the extremely weak energy near the powerful one. The only thing going through the demon's mind was how boring the place was and it took all their willpower to try and not trick a  human into turning themselves into a statue, although there was probably the added risk of turning themselves into a statue. 

They saw a few people talking, making polite conversation about things the demon couldn't care about. Time passed by pretty quickly with Utsuri trying his best to keep an eye on things, but unfortunately, the two targets were in two different classrooms so they had to stretch their body and separate their eyes. Eventually, they started to converge with Rukia heading towards the man with the significantly stronger mana, spiritual energy, or whatever the mortal knew it as. 

So he followed suit slowly reconverging into one small room filled with desks and an odd board at the back. Honestly, it was still learning all the terminology the humans use alongside the names for certain objects so it knew that confusion was appropriate for them right now. So for right now until it could learn more he simply watched and listened, looking for any possible dangers threatening their lives or anything that would kill them immediately. 

Of course that didn't mean he had to protect them, just prevent them from being killed nothing about injuries or anything else. A nice little loophole in the game Utsuri and Urahara were playing or a business deal in this case that both sides must fulfill completely. So they talked a little bit with Rukai whom the demon knew was acting oddly or at least the demon believed they were as they were smiling and being polite, and while Utsuri didn't know them very well, this didn't look real to them. Apparently, Ichigo knew something was off as well, and dragged Rukia off probably to somewhere to talk privately. 

Then Utsuri saw Rukia's true personality as they got all serious and began talking with Ichigo about something. Honestly, the demon only understood a few things, the rest was essentially jibberish as he had no idea what the words meant. Especially the term "Substitute Soul Reaper" which could mean a few different things depending on the context. Understanding what they were talking about however was not the demon's main concern, as that would be protecting their lives and making sure they weren't killed, temporarily of course until they got their body. 

After some time, Ichigo began walking away with Rukai sighing and bringing out a red glove with a skull on it. They charged forward and something interesting and Rukai slammed their palm against Ichigo's and apparently separated their body from their soul. Which only got stranger from there as they were wearing the same black robes, Utsuri saw Rukia wearing earlier with a gigantic sword strapped to their back. This honestly confused the demon, because while shifting through its memories of the Ten Commandments and other various demons he's seen weapons of all shapes and sizes except they were proportional to their body.

Well, that and they were weapons that were built to be massive and hard-hitting, this sword however looked odd on the human as from what they understood they should be straight longswords, with only a few being curved blades. To each their own, what honestly confused it more was the fact that a soul had a weapon in the first place as something like that shouldn't be possible for demons.

They then left going somewhere, leaving behind the now soulless body of Ichigo Kurosaki. Utsuri sighed and grabbed the body, bringing them to a nice little safe area so that the physical form didn't die as the demon could still feel its heart beating. It was odd knowing full well that while the body and soul were separated, the body still wasn't dead.

Setting them up by a nearby column and putting the hands together, making sure they were all neat and tidy. Utsuri felt more like a housekeeper or something similar to that and afterward, they began following them reaching a park with some screaming child and what looked like a spider hollow chasing after them. Before Utsuri could spring into action, the soul form of Ichigo slashed down on them killing the hollow instantly. Utsuri was a little frustrated that they didn't get to eat them but it was supposed a normal human soul would do, but the being known as Ichigo did something, and soon enough the soul vanished.

Utsuri didn't have eyebrows or anything like that but somehow they felt their eyebrow twitching in frustration and turned his back on them for a minute. He then dug a hole into the ground and afterward began screaming down it, hoping no one could hear them. Afterward, he buried the hole back up and let out a sigh of relief feeling a bit less frustrated than before. 

"Remember Utsuri you wanted a body, so deal with it and who knows maybe afterward I can kill and eat them, wouldn't that be fun."

Before Utsuri could follow them back to the school he stopped going into a dark corner to think a little.

"Did I specify what type of body I wanted or if I just need a hollow body I could operate easily."

Looking back on the conversation Urahra and the demon had, they realized that they did not in fact specify anything about the body.

"Fantastic I have to essentially stare myself around these two while they kill hollows and do something to the souls."

"This is going to be a fun couple of days."

Following them back to the large building, Utsuri saw them talking around Ichigo's body probably wondering who moved it, and the demon decided not to get closer so as to better remain hidden. It would make its temporary job easier if they were hidden and had a wider range of sight. Eventually, Ichigo's soul entered its body, becoming one once more with it and essentially regaining conscious as coming back to life wasn't the proper term. So they went back inside, unaware of the darkness following behind them wiht red eyes watching their every move. 

As usual, neither bleach nor the seven deadly sins belong to me and they belong to their respective owners, if you enjoyed reading please leave a review or some powerstones.

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