
Bleach : System? I Refuse!

A boy who had died after refusing the system. A fate? A choice? Sai had land in the Spirit World. Having enough of striving one world after another, will he do it again? Credit for all original world builds, characters and all original indicators goes respectively to the owner, Tite Kubo. I'm just writing a fan fic.

Cute_Melon · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


05 Stones

The moment he learned the technique to practice the reiryoku, Sai felt the nostalgic feeling that he always has, when he started training in his past life. The wild nature of his power. In other words, the Chaotic nature of his rieryoku.

Sitting next to Sai, his classmates suddenly felt the overbearing power that was accidentally released by Sai.

Seeing what was happening, the old teacher immediately stood beside Sai and nullified the reiatsu.

"So, you are the one that they spoke about. Wake up!" He flicked Sai on his forehead.


Sai surprised that he was interrupted. When he looked around him, Sai realised that everyone were looking towards him.

"You are disrupting others. Follow me" Akira instruct him and walked to the side of the field.

Throwing a bag of stones, Akira gave Sai instructions.

"These are Sekkiseki. It was made to block reiatsu. Circulate these stones around you whenever you train your reiryoku."

"Thank you, teacher Akira." Sai bowed and thanked Akira.

"You thank me too early. They aren't free. You need to pay for their monthly rents. Work hard, so you can pay less" said Akira before leaving Sai on his own.

Either way, Sai still bowed down and thanked for Akira's help.

Siting in his self-made 'zone', Sai meditated again and continued with his reiryoku training.

As he had strived for power before, Sai faced the same difficulty to control these types of power in his past life. Even with the help of the [SYSTEM] to gain power, never did he was helped to control any of his powers. Every time he gains power, it's always him who needs to spend the efforts to control them.

His powers were always initially wild and harder to be controlled compared to normal people. However, when he had passed the first difficulty, his path would be smoother than other people. After three life time, Sai realised that his power always had the same nature even though the power system of the world changed from life to life.

Practicing to control reiryoku, Sai felt it was the same type as energy in his second life. The same overbearing power that resided inside him spirit, making him feel the pressure, just to take it under control.

However, the experience that he had with this type of power made him know how to handle them. It didn't take long for him to tame and have them under his control. In a single evening, Sai already had a good control of his reiryoku so they are not leaking away and accidentally released his reiatsu again.


The week continued without Sai or his other classmates having the opportunity to learn Kido or Hoho. They were instructed to have their reiryoku to be under good controls before learning both techniques. Of course the same situation wasn't happen in elite class (first class) as most of them got a good apitude.

While the Kido and Hoho were postponed, Hakuda and Zanjutsu still were taught to them including other lesson class.

After a month of probation period, the students were used to their curriculum and schedule.

After his first month, Sai had decided on what he wanted to focus on. As a former swordmaster, Sai found that zanjutsu was a smooth sailing for him. With some practice, the first basic practice of zanjutsu was like a highway road for him to drive.

It's just the second part of zanjutsu was like climbing a wall that he didn't see its peak. The communication of him and his zanpakuto. In other words, Jinzen.

No matter how hard he tried he try, Sai cannot feel or heard the presence of his zanpakuto spirit. Of course, Sai understood that he was only in his first month. So he didn't feel bad about it.

However, instead of continuing with the zanpakuto lessons, he put his focus on Jinzen and started to skip his class for zanjutsu after the first two months of learning the basic of zanjutsu. He only came once a month to test out his skill with the instructor in charge to maintain his grade or to have some guidance over his Jinzen.

While he already had the basic zanjutsu on his hand, Sai didn't force his way on Jinzen. He kept focusing on doing the routine Jinzen as he felt that the act of forcing, will have harmful effects on his zanpakuto spirit.

What most of the students and teachers didn't know, Sai was already approved the instructor after showing his skill and managed to persuade him to keep it as a secret.

Because of this, except for the zanpakuto instructor, the other students and teachers saw that Sai always neglected and skipped his Zanjutsu classes. Instead he put more efforts in Kido and Hakuda class.

Over the whole year, Sai decided to pursue the skill of Hakuda and Kido to his best during the school sessions. Especially kido. For Sai who never learned any chanting or wizard style of fighting, Kido came as a new type of power that he had to put more effort into.

However, even after achieving some small mastery, he decided to only keep them to himself.

Facing the attentions from people for three lifetime, Sai felt he had enough and decided to graduate the school with ordinary result. Not to say, he knew that this world also had such people especially those two individuals.

While he could do better, Sai limited himself to show only the required level that was needed for any test during his school days. That way, he could grow silently without much unnecessary attention.

Unknown to Sai, one of the division captains already had eyes on him.


6 years passed after Sai entered the Shino School. After a lot of theoretical lessons and practical fights against hollows, Sai ended his school period with an average results as he planned.

On that day, all the final year students were called to the main hall to be distributed and appointed to their respective division.

Standing at the most front line was the elite students. As privilege of elites, they were given chances to choose their division in front the

Unlike the first class, the situation of the second and third class wasn't the same. They didn't get the chance to choose their own Division to enter. Instead, they were just given an appointment sheet to choose whether they wanted to enter the Kido Corp or Gotei13. In other words, they were there just to wait for their appointment from the Gotei13 and Kido corps.

Standing alongside his classmates, Sai had to waited for the representative from each divisions to come in order to receive them. As he was waiting, Sai wondered where would he be appointed to.

Suddenly, commotion happened as the representatives from divisions entered.