
Bleach: Animus Arma

Five years after the Thousand Year Blood War, the Three Realms are now at peace. But during one of his research, Captain Mayuri discovered the existence of another Universe and sought to explore it. New species. New possibilities. New research materials. New everything! Gods? Dragons? Devils? Sacred Gears? Captain Mayuri wants it all! Now, how should he convince the Captain Commander to send people to explore this Unknown Universe?

SirChicks · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 6


"According to the creator of Bleach, Tite Kubo; by the time Toshiro Hitsugaya joined Gotei 13, he had already achieved Bankai."

Didn't prevent him from taking L's though.




Mayuri was thoroughly researching the memory banks of BG9 and trying to recover any information about the other universe, while at the same time have the entirety of Twelfth Division work on creating a way there while he oversees it.

Draconic Deus, or DxD universe as they were called, is universe quite similar to their own universe, the Animus Arma or AxA as decided by their Captain Commander.

It has Underworld, which equates to their own Huecu Mundo, the World of the Living, and they also have Heaven, which equates to their own Soul Society.

Most information he gathered were useless, since by the time the Old Gods created the Gogmagog's, humans were still living in caves.

But he did found out that the so-called gods from the other universe have the same name as mythological beings deified by humans in the World of Living from their own universe.

After doing some investigation, those gods from the western hemisphere that ancient humans worshipped were just agents of Western Branch of Soul Society.

Even the gods in the east that was deified were just Shinigamis sent to do their jobs in the World of Living.

Like Zeus, who was deified by humans was an agent of Western Branch Soul Society. Even Amaterasu, a major figure in Japanese Mythology was a Shinigami Lieutenant thousands of years ago and was deified by ancient Japanese people who saw her.

In the other universe though, gods are as real as they could get.

Well, there are also gods in their universe, but they were just scattered remains of the Soul King that gained consciousness and deified by the souls in Rokungai.


Mayuri snapped out of his thoughts hearing the voice of his Third Seat, Akon, calling out to him.

Standing up from his seat, he strutted towards the lab where Akon, along with the best scientist of their division are gathered.

Mayuri expressed surprise upon seeing a rip in space atop a mechanical looking altar, with Akon and others below it and hastily typing something on their computers.

"You succeeded …" Mayuri grinned, before he frowned upon taking a closer look at the portal and shifting his gaze on the monitor of Akon's computer showing fluctuating charts. "It's not stabilize. Hurry and stabilize it! We can't allow this opportunity to go to waste!"

"We're trying captain!" Akon replied, before shouting at other scientist, "You over there! The turbulent energy from portal is clashing with reishi we used to open it, causing it to go berserk! Lower the output of reish—"

"Don't." Mayuri interrupted as he observed the portal, and the charts shown in Akon's computer, "this portal works similar to Garganta, the turbulent energy from it is making it impossible for anything to pass through."

"Yes, and the energy became more chaotic when it came into contact with reishi, we need to lower the output." Said Akon.

"No," Mayuri shook his head, "If this works similar to garganta, then we need to increase the output of reishi and overpower it."

Akon's eyes widened, "That's …that's insane! If we did that it could cause space quake powerful enough to wipe out Seireitei!"

"Maybe," Mayuri grinned, "Or it could create a pathway for us to pass through. I like to take the risk."

"But that's—"

"Increase the output." Ordered Mayuri.

"But sir—"

"Do it." Mayuri frowned at Akon.


"Akon," Mayuri's glare intensified, "I said …do it."

After a moment, Akon relented and ordered the other scientists, "Increase the output! Overpower the energy from the portal!"

"Yes sir!"


Mayuri grinned in anticipation as the "crack" in space glowed brighter while Akon just looked worried.

Suddenly, their lab started to shake and the lights started blinking, causing the other scientist to momentarily panicked before regaining their calm and continue their work.

'Please don't blow up,' Akon prayed to whoever higher power that exist, '…The reishi poured in is already comparable to a Captain-class, just a little more and we would hit the limit of our power source.'

Akon can understand the theory, but this is just insane. If they are wrong, only Ichigo and Aizen would survive the destruction they would cause.

"Sir Akon! Our Reishi Reactor is down to 10%! If we use up more we'd lose energy to power up our lab!"

"Use the reserved reishi battery! We must keep this going until the space crack is stabilized!"

"Roger that!"

Mayuri's grin widened seeing the crack started to grow brighter by the second, the room shook intensely as lightning seems to spew out of the crack.

Finally, after what seems to be forever, the crack released a wave of radiant light that shattered all electronics in the lab, and forcing everyone to close their eyes due to brightness.

Some were blown away from the force carried by the 'light', but none were heavily injured.

Mayuri remained still, completely unaffected by it, not taking his eyes off the crack, and without even as much as a blink.

Finally, the shaking stopped, and everyone got back up to their feet.

And their eyes couldn't help but widened seeing a swirl of energy where the 'crack' used to be, the surrounding space seems to bend around it as it spun slowly.

"Akon, check the data." Ordered Mayuri.

"Huh—oh, ye—, yeah." Akon snapped out of his daze and returned to his position and observed the data shown in the monitor of his computer, "Turbulence of energy …none. Stability …perfect. Distortion …safe. This …this portal is safe to pass through sir!"

"Heh," Mayuri smirked, "It only took us a week and a half, much faster than expected. But that's fine. Quick, inform the Captain Commander of the situation. No, inform all captains!"

"Right away captain!"

Ichigo is currently with Soi Fon as the two are having a picnic in a of a flower field in a middle of a forest south of Seireitei.

Soi Fon was dressed in a red kimono, giving off this vibe of a noble and graceful noblewoman, without any trace of authoritative and overbearing aura she gives off during her duty.

Ichigo on the other hand was dressed in a simple black kimono, and the way he carries himself would show that he is a person of a higher status.

"We haven't been together alone like this for quite some time," said Ichigo.

"Indeed. I believe we were always joined by the others …though I suppose I can't complain, unlike some of them, I'm merely a concubine."

Ichigo stared at her as she nibble on a bread from Orihime's cafe, "…you know I never did know why you accepted your clan's arrangement. With your status you could've rejected them."

"Curious?" Soi Fon smiled at him, "It is my duty as a female member of my clan. I will eventually be married off someday since I cannot be made into an heir due to my gender."

"That's dumb." Ichigo stated, plainly.

"Don't call it that, there's a reason why only males can inherit that role." Said Soi Fon.

He sighed exasperatedly, "Isn't it just so they could spread their seeds and have more descendants? It's for this reason why as the head of Shiba Clan I was forced by Central 46 to quickly give an heir to not let my clan die off. My whole situation is because of them."

"Whole situation? You mean the situation all men would kill to be in your place? One where you have several wives and concubines?"

Ichigo winced, "It isn't as good as people make it out to be. Don't get me wrong, I love you girls, but you all are a handful."

Soi Fon just chuckled.

"Anyway, you mentioned that you married me out of duty," Ichigo looked at her, "Is that all there is to this relationship? Duty?"

Soi Fon blinked, before snorting in amusement as she stared at him, "Is that what you're worried about?"

"Well, yes. Honestly, I know we have been …intimate a lot of times now, but if you really don't like me, and see this relationship as nothing but business, I can stop it. Of course, we can still keep appearances for your clan, but I won't be forcing you to do anything you dislike."

"Idiot." Soi Fon chuckled, "Do you really think I would give you myself if I didn't actually have some feelings for you? Ichigo, I admired you. When my clan told me they are giving me to you I did not offer an ounce of complain because It's you. Honestly, before all this I wasn't even planning on settling down."

"Just admiration?" Ichigo smiled teasingly.

"It started as admiration. And as we get to know each other it developed into something more. And now I can confidently that I love you." Soi Fon grabbed his hands as she said those words and smiled at him.

She stood under Ichigo's eyes and smirked at him, "Besides, it's kinda late for that don't you think? I had already done all required duties as your spouse. Saying all these now makes it seem like you're abandoning me …seriously, you're hurting my self esteem."

"You know that's not—" Ichigo halted his words as a pair black butterfly appeared before them, "Hell Butterfly?"

The butterflies landed on their shoulders and directly sent a message to their mind.

Their eyes slightly widened at the message.

"So Mayuri succeeded," Ichigo smiled, "Well, let's go, earlier than expected. Inform all the captains to head to Twelfth Division Barracks."

Soi Fon stood up, "I will go and prepare. If there's no complications, I would like to leave today."

"Very well." Ichigo nodded, "Be careful out there, we don't know what's on the other side."

"I know. I'll be fine." Soi Fon smiled before she took a step back and vanished.

Ichigo sighed, "Guess I'll be the one cleaning up the mess we made."

He stared at the picnic rug along with baskets and their left over foods and drinks, and once again let out a tired sigh.

"Let's get this over with."

With that, he started cleaning up.