
Bleach: Animus Arma

Five years after the Thousand Year Blood War, the Three Realms are now at peace. But during one of his research, Captain Mayuri discovered the existence of another Universe and sought to explore it. New species. New possibilities. New research materials. New everything! Gods? Dragons? Devils? Sacred Gears? Captain Mayuri wants it all! Now, how should he convince the Captain Commander to send people to explore this Unknown Universe?

SirChicks · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10


"According to Tite Kubo, he finds it hard to draw a pair of large tits."

Goddamn, Kubo needs to chill bruh.




Soi Fon was back to the city where she first arrived.

Good news …she secured a chance of being able to have a land to build their base in. She also obtained quite a lot of information about this world without revealing any important bits of information about her Universe.

Bad news …well, there's no bad news yet, but she does need to find some "specimens" for Mayuri or he'd throw a fit and starts to nag at her.

Gods, she hated that.

"Hm?" Soi Fon perked her head up as she felt the presence of that perverted boy she found earlier, "Better get it done."

With that, Soi Fon disappeared from her place.

Soi Fon doesn't want to brag, but she definitely sees herself as one of the fastest out there, surpassed only by the likes of Yoruichi and Ichigo.

"After getting that thing from the boy, I should also start investigating about the other races of this world."




Animus Arma(AxA Universe)

Ichigo remained standing in the Twelfth Division Barracks and observing the situation of the portal which was temporarily closed.

Scientists and researchers were doing their jobs and and keeping the portal maintained and in alert just in case Soi Fon just suddenly called for help.

As Ichigo was observing the portal, he suddenly noticed a green light seems to have enveloped the room, and all the researchers and scientists just stop moving.

Not just that, Ichigo noticed that everything seems to have halted as if time itself was stopped.

He sighed, "Jikanteishi. A forbidden kido that halts the time of anything within its area of effect …a use of this kido warrants a life sentence in the third level of Central Great Underground Prison."

He tilted his head to the side, "What are you doing here, Sosuke?"

A few meters behind Ichigo, a handsome man with slicked back brown hair can be seen. He wears an almost entirely black outfit with white trimming, a large black eyepatch over his right eye and black boots, and a tattered white rag wrapped around his shoulders.

He is Sōsuke Aizen.

"I merely want to take a look …" Aizen smiled, taking a few steps forward until he stood besides Ichigo, "Another universe huh. Fascinating."

"Shouldn't you be in Muken?" Asked Ichigo.

"I am." Replied Aizen, "This form is merely an illusion. Currently I am still in Muken, enjoying my sentence."

"No wonder," Ichigo muttered, "I can't see you nor feel you. I can't even hear you. But for some reason I can understand you, and I just know that you are here standing beside me."

Aizen hummed, "You have become far too strong my Kyōka Suigetsu's passive effect has no effect on you."

As a transcendent being who have long fused with his Zanpakuto, Aizen possessed an ability to put anyone that even as much as look at him into an illusion.

Illusion strong enough to deceive Yhwach's Almighty.

As someone that can see all infinite future, Yhwach shouldn't even be affected by the illusion due to the fact that he can see all different possibilities, and he can definitely see a possibility where he was not under an illusion and "choose" it.

Yet even still, Aizen managed to put him under an illusion.

This means that Aizen has enough power to to Yhwach in an illusion in all infinite timelines or possibilities. His illusion alone has already transcended time and space.

"Oh yeah? Well, considering I'm stronger than you then I guess it's given." Ichigo nodded, giving a small smirk.

"Hoh?" Aizen smirked at him, "If the fight wasn't interrupted by Uruhara Kisuke, I would've killed you."

That was true.

At that time, Ichigo already lost his powers and Aizen was already recovering him. If Aizen just flexed his Reiatsu Ichigo would've already turn to dust.

"Sure." Ichigo shrugs, "And those nonsense you keep spouting because you couldn't even comprehend my existence was proof of how you dominated that fight."

Ichigo let out a chuckle as he continue, "What was it again? I abandoned by Reiatsu to increase my physical strength? Don't get too arrogant because I'm just a mere human?"

"Kurosaki Ichigo, your whole life was my science project. Don't be too arrogant. You are the way you are because of me."


Ichigo wondered if he annoyed Aizen enough. Too bad he couldn't see him, he just knew that he must have the best expression right now.

Maybe he should visit Aizen in the Muken soon.

Speaking of Aizen, Ichigo doesn't know what to say about him. They were definitely not enemies, but they were far from being friends as well.

They were also too close to be just acquaintances, and too distant to even say they are buddies.

However, they definitely understand each other, probably more than they understand themselves.

Well, Ichigo do enjoy some banters and jokes with Aizen like this from time to time.

"By the way Sōsuke," Ichigo turned to his side, even though he couldn't see Aizen there, he knew that he stood there, "This question just popped into my mind, why did you surrender yourself after the war? You could've escaped easily."

"Curious are we?" Aizen smiled, but answered him nonetheless, "To answer your question; it is because I don't see the need to do so."

Ichigo furrowed his brows in confusion, "Why? Isn't your goal to replace the Soul King and rebuild the current system? If you had escaped you could've gathered the Espadas once again and start another war."

"Like I said, I don't see the need to do so." Repeated Aizen, "I know that with your power, the Gotei 13 and Central 46 won't let you return to the World of the Living, forcing you stay here, by then your heritage will be eventually discovered and you'd gain enough political power to contend with the Central 46."

Aizen smirked as Ichigo's eyes widened in realization, "Your personal strength and contribution earned you the title of the Captain Commander, your heritage brought the Shiba back to being one of the Five Great Nobles. Status, power, authority, you have enough of them that even the Royal Guards couldn't ignore your words. Technically speaking, you are the king of Soul Society Ichigo."

Ichigo once again felt just how terrible the mind of this man is.

He felt like he was just manipulated into taking the role of the Captain Commander and restoring the Shiba Clan back to its peak.

"…But how's this got to do about you wanting to replace the Soul King?"

Aizen just smiled and refused to answer. His mind drifted off to the time when he discovered the 'truth' about the Soul King.

Soul King, a nigh-omnipotent and omniscient being who created the whole Universe; separating all realms and creating the cycle of life and death.

The Soul King's sole purpose is to regulate the flow of souls into and out of Soul Society and keep the flow stable. Without the Soul King, the balance is lost and Soul Society, as well as the Dangai, Hueco Mundo, and the Human World, will all collapse into one.

Sounds grand, but reality is far from being that.

Four of the Five Great Noble Families that ruled the Soul Society removed the body parts of the Soul King, beginning with his arms, then his legs, and eventually his internal organs.

This in turn stripped the Soul King of all his power, turning him from the most powerful being in all existence, into a 'comatose battery' for the balance of the Universe and a slave to the noble families.

The Soul King was a transcendent, omnipotent being, and using 'a certain ability' granted him omniscience, he could see into every possible time line.

This would mean that he would've known about the families plan to use and exploit him for his power, yet went along with everything willingly without any form of resistance.

That part enrages Aizen more than anything. He couldn't help but want to tear the soul king apart and kill the Noble Families along with the Shinigamis.

He could not believe that someone so overwhelmingly powerful would subject himself to such a pitiful existence as the Five Great Noble Families.

Aizen absolutely refused to accept such an outcome. He would rather kill the Soul King and become the proper, all-powerful king of the Universe than allow that thing to be above him.

Unfortunately, all his plans failed and he was imprisoned.

Though, he was also quite satisfied with how everything turned out.

Even though he did not become a King, Ichigo did become the unofficial King of the Universe, holding the highest power and authority in all Three Realms.

Ichigo was the only one Aizen acknowledged as his equal, and that's saying something. Because even Yhwach, despite proving his superiority, was someone Aizen deemed to be still below him.

It could just be his pride or arrogance, but he did not even put Yhwach in his eyes even with Yhwach absorbing the Soul King.

It's not exaggeration that Aizen would decimate Yhwach before he absorbed the Soul King just by flexing his Reiatsu.

Yhwach was trash, and the Soul King was also trash. Even if you add two trashes together, they would still be trash.

And with Ichigo being the only one in all of the Three Realms that he has acknowledged, Aizen was perfectly fine with him being the king.

"This was a pleasant chat, but I must take my leave." Said Aizen, as the kido that put stopped time was slowly getting lifted.

Ichigo frowned. Why did Aizen just decided to appear here, chat with him, and then leave? No, he must have other goals—

"I have already analyzed the portal," said Aizen, smirking at Ichigo, "I should try recreating this to pass time while serving my sentence."


Ichigo wanted to shout. Mayuri took weeks along with almost all Gotei 13 funds to make this thing! But you just got here and can recreate it so soon?

Not to mention this was just an illusion, just a fragment of his Reiatsu, not even his real body!

"How did you—"

"Farewell, Ichigo." With that, Aizen disappeared, along with the green light that surrounds the room, and time once again resumes ticking.

Ichigo clicked his tongue and returned his gaze back to the portal.

'Now I know why we can't be friends …the bastard was just way too annoying.'