
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

New Rules

July 5th, 1997

General POV

"Yes, we promise." Desmond & Trey said for what felt like the 100th time. Alexandra spent the past 2 hours metaphorically & literally kicking their asses for what they did. She demanded promises from them never to do so again. Knowing her sons would try to find a way to circumvent this, she insisted they make a magical contract. Desmond & Trey watched as all of their subordinates kicked them while they were down. They all chimed in so there were no loopholes in the agreement, sealing their fates. The contract made it so they could never do something like that again unless it was an absolute emergency. (Fate of the universe depends on it etc.) The other stipulation was that they had to inform them anytime they risked their lives. Of course, there were ways to get around that rule, but they promised to always keep people updated on the important things they do. The rest of the contract was like the one they gave to everyone else. Their parents signed once everyone made sure it was ironclad. Kyla would sign when she got back.

"All right now that, that's outta the way, let's move on to why we're here. The protection you want to give us is not enough for me. I want in on this team & powers, please." Alexandra said after calming down.

"Same goes for me!" Tyson said, holding his wife's hand. Trey & Desmond gave each other a look of reluctance before they could start disagreeing; their mother softly looked over at them.

"I think I and most people in this room know you pretty well. It's not a coincidence that you chose to tell us your secret after what happened yesterday. You want to give us even more protection but wouldn't be able to do so without telling us the truth. Now that I know I can't sit on the sidelines. I don't care how old you are or that you have two bodies. You're still my sons. I won't stand & watch as you fight your battles. If I had the chance to fight with your grandfather, I would have. You can't ask me to just sit back and watch. Cause I'll never do that again." Alexandra said, determined, holding back her tears. Trey flew in front of her looking deep into her eyes before doing something completely unexpected. He started stretching his mother's cheeks, surprising everyone in the room. Alexandra morphed from sadness, shock, and anger in the span of a few seconds. She knocked his hands away, rubbing her cheeks. Trey had successfully stopped the potential waterworks.

"Why does everyone I care about have to be so stubborn?" Trey grumbled in frustration.

'You're the most stubborn person in the room.' The rest of the room all thought. Trey sighed but gave in to her demands.

"Fine, but under my conditions. You can be a member of my research division. Dad can be a member of the combat team but only as a trainer. Kyla still needs you both. You can't spend all your time trying to help me. Neither of you are allowed to be in the field without my permission. These terms aren't negotiable." Trey declared, looking at his parents. Alexandra looked for a second like she was going to argue, but Tyson shook his head at her. She begrudgingly agreed, slumping into her seat. Similar to her outburst earlier, Trey would never budge about her safety. It made her feel incredibly proud & frustrated. As they finished, Kyla & the girls came back into the hall.

"While your family drama has been entertaining to watch, you didn't call all of us here, just to meet them. I'd love to see what else you have in store for us." Red said, taking Agnes into his lap. His comment grabbed everyone's attention.

"I can't hide anything from you, Red. I'm ready to give everyone multiple powers. I had Jarvis & Friday run some tests on some clones with no sentience. The human body can handle only two power systems(Nen, Magic circuits, Chakra, etc.) and one superpower(Technopath, Biokinesis, etc.) Any more, and the body will collapse. Mass effects Combat & Tech powers are the only exception because that comes from the Omni-tool. I can also make certain power systems stronger, you must first train your bodies to be stronger, though. The process is also pretty painful." Desmond explained.

"Define how painful. Moreover, why can't you put us to sleep when using Power Augmentation?" Edgar questioned.

"The pain threshold is too high. The pain is akin to childbirth for women. It's the same reason we don't put every woman under when they give birth." Desmond said bitterly. That made all the women who had children understand how serious this was.

"Can we change powers we've already chosen?" Butler asked. He was starting to regret picking super-strength when he could achieve similar results through Nen.

"Yes, in your case, I don't recommend changing powers again for anyone else though. Every time you change, you'll have to start from scratch. Only myself & my other clones are excluded from these problems. That's mostly due to the system & one of my Nen abilities that would be detrimental to anyone else. One workaround we thought of would be to change races. I currently won't have access to any race that will be worthwhile until I least hit planetary power levels." Desmond said, rising from his seat. Trey followed suit, floating over to him.

"Most of you have read about or have a basic understanding of the power systems available. That is nothing compared to seeing the powers in action. I believe I promised my family a demonstration." Trey said, grinning at Desmond. They both took off at top speed out of the hall to Jotunheim. A few moments later, one of the hall's walls turned into a 4k live video feed. It showed Desmond & Trey face-to-face in a winter forest. A demonstration for the ages was about to begin.

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