
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Haki vs Nen

July 5th, 1997

General POV

On the feed atop of Trey's head, in bright gold letters, read the word Haki. Desmond had a similar effect displayed but with the word Nen. A countdown clock started as they each took a fighting stance. Three… Two…. One…. Begin! Jarvis's voice sounded off on the speakers as the fight began.


A visible shockwave was shown as they clashed fists. Desmond took a half step back before throwing three quick jabs at Trey's face. Trey closed his eyes, dodging each punch effortlessly. The boy whispered Shigan, pointing his finger at Desmond's chest.


Desmond jumped back, clutching the bleeding wounds on his chest. Trey lunged at him with a kick. His opponent met the kick with a savage grin on his face. All the wounds on his body disappeared. As Desmond countered, grabbing him by his ankle, spinning him around, & throwing Trey into the sky. Before Trey could recover, Desmond launched himself into the sky for another attack.


Desmond sent an uppercut sending Trey even higher into the sky. Desmond quickly landed, he took a horse-fighting stance, gathering aura into his right fist. When he was about to leap up to attack again he heard a swish as someone landed behind him.

"Let's see you fake an injury after this! " Trey growled, spartan kicking him in the back.


Desmond crashed through three trees. He quickly recovered throwing the closest tree next to him at Trey, who was chasing after him. The boy somersaulted over it, sending a tornado kick to Desmond's face. The latter proceeded to block with aura covering his face. Trey saw a flash of blue light & immediately jumped backwards away.


"Whats wrong can't handle a little lightning?" Desmond laughed as he his hair stood up, with blue lightning surrounding him. He sent two small thunderbolts toward Trey at top speed. The boy closed his eyes once more side stepping the first one along with bracing himself as he took the second one square in the chest.

'He used Tekai to block,' Desmond thought as he shrouded his body in aura. He was prepared to take this fight to the next level. He saw Trey respond in kind with the blackening of his fists in Haki. They both shared a smile while blitzing each other.


The two exchanged a flurry of kicks and punches in rapid succession. They both sent a kick that sent each other skidding backward. Trey then took a Taekwondo stance. Desmond's eyes widened as he recognized that stance.

"Combination Style: Triple Kick Rankyaku!" Trey yelled as three teal air blades came from his kicks. The three combined together, creating a massive air slash that tore through the forest.


"Ughhh!" Desmond cried, taking the full force of the attack. He was sent flying into the forest.

When Trey landed and looked to see if he got him, his sense went off. He rolled to the side as he heard a crackle pass by his head. Desmond, with blue sparks all around him, used his speed of lightning and appeared right in front of him.


Quicker than a blink of an eye, Desmond had hit Trey over ten times. Blasting the boy across the forest. Only when he was halfway across did the sound from the hits register in Trey's mind. He slowly got up, wiping the blood from his lip. He looked over at Desmond whose clothes were in tatters. The assassin stood with his hair spiked from the God-Speed technique he was using.

"I'm gonna end this round with a bang!" Trey told Desmond with a grin jumping into the air. The boy defied the laws of physics jumping higher & higher into the air. Desmond's face grew solemn thinking on how to counter the technique he knew his other self was about to use. He pushed his remaining aura to the max along with taking another horse stance. The air began to shake as he focused his power.

Up in the sky Trey similarly was gathering all of his haki into his right leg. His leg began to glow slightly red with armament haki. He raised his leg as high as possible before glaring at Desmond. The latter met his gaze with a fierceness in his eyes as well. Trey dived as Desmond jumped to meet him.

'Combination Style: Armament Renewal Taekwondo,' Trey thought.

'Combination Style: God Speed Jajanken, ' Desmond thought.

"Red Dragon Tempest!" Trey screamed, sending a powerful red roundhouse downwards.

"God Speed Rock!" Desmond yelled, sending a charged lightning punch upwards.


As the two ultimate attacks clashed, the air around the entire forest began to shake. Loud cracks could be heard and felt as the two clashed. Neither side giving the other side an inch. Trey screamed trying to put more power into his kick when unexpectedly, his senses went off. A big tree branch was headed straight for his head.


'Oww! Was that what I thought it was…..Gahhhhhh.' Trey thought in his mind before he felt Desmond's power overtake him. He was blasted away, losing the exchange. He was losing consciousness as he fell to the ground. Fifteen minutes later, after being healed, Trey woke up furious.

"You cheated!" Trey growled, spotting Desmond, who had a smug look on his face.

"Don't be a sore loser. You of all people should know Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber and gum. If you weren't prepared, that sounds like a you problem." Desmond said with a chuckle.

'I should've known he was gonna use Bungee Gum after he used Texture Surprise earlier. I can't believe I fell for his fakes twice. I need to work more on my combat sense. This fight proved without my combat masteries on, my senses are shit.' Trey thought, going over the battle in his head.

"You ready to lose again?" Desmond asked with a grin.

'Ohh, I'm so gonna kick his ass.' Trey thought as he stared at Desmond with fire in his eyes. They both asked Jarvis to begin the countdown.

Poll: What Should I Do Next?

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Rewrite this Fanfic

New Fanfic (Some ideas I had are Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Marvel, and Multiple fictional worlds)

Never Write again

Take a break and work on an Orginal Idea

Legxndarycreators' thoughts