
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

One Big Happy Family

July 5th, 1997

General POV

The following day the Carter family gathered in Trey's room. They were getting ready to take the trip to the newly renamed Utopia Island. Jaime had changed it after not liking De Ronde as the name for their shared masterpiece. The Carters dressed up in casual wear, ready to meet the team. Trey made sure everyone was prepared before opening up the vanishing cabinet.

"Can't believe we had a portal to the secret base this whole time," Tyson chimed in.

"You wouldn't have been able to use it without knowing the proper spell. I couldn't let someone like sis find it & be alone on the other side of the world." Trey responded. He earned a 'Hmph' from his sister, who thought he should have shown her this sooner. The Carter Family, one after another, stepped into the cabinet.

"Wow!" Kyla exclaimed as they arrived on the island. The Carters were met with a beautiful view of Asgard from atop Heimdall's Tower. Trey's family was in awe, looking around at the magical city and the rainbow bridge in the distance. As they basked in the view, they saw something approaching them from a distance.

"Is that a bird?" Alexandra questioned, squinting her eyes.

"Looks like a drone or some kind of plane," Tyson commented as it got closer. Kyla excitedly ran, jumping off the platform. Before her parents could scream her name, a figure in all-white robes caught her.

"It's BRO TWO!" Kyla screamed happily in Desmond's arms. He rubbed her head before landing back on the platform. As Tyson calmed down his wife, who almost had a panic attack, Trey flicked his sister on the forehead.

"That was reckless. Even if you knew it was him coming." Trey admonished her. He had shown his family earlier mental images & essential background of everyone they would meet today. Of course, Kyla looked forward to meeting her new brother the most. Trey didn't expect her to run off when he telepathically told her Desmond was coming. After Alexandra calmed down, she & Tyson approached the rest of them. After giving Kyla a small speech about her recklessness, they turned to Desmond.

"Hi… should I call you mom & dad or?" Desmond awkwardly asked. It felt weird having a strong connection with them, but this was their first time meeting. Tyson, without hesitation, hugged him.

"As long as you're the person I know, raised, and love, you're my son. I don't care what you look like, what body you're in, how old you are, or what powers you have. I'm sure your mother feels the same." Tyson said, letting him go. Desmond looked over to his mother, who smiled calmly at him.

"Me & your father had a conversation about this last night. We know you're slightly different from the memories you inherited, but you're still our boy at the end of the day. You have a different face, but you have all the same memories, connections, and familial love we have for each other. You're in just as much trouble as Trey recklessly fighting Gods. I still have doubts & fears about all this. In spite of all that, I'm incredibly proud of what you both chose to do with your powers." Alexandra said, putting to bed any fears, Desmond had about her accepting him.

"Guys, I hate to mess up this moment, but we have people waiting to meet us," Trey said. Desmond nodded, enveloping his whole family in Nen. His family was shocked when they all began to float in the air. Desmond slowly flew over to the Tower. Along the way, he flew high enough so they could see a bird's eye view of most of the island. Tyson & Kyla kept commenting on how pretty the cities looked. Alexandra kept mostly quiet but inwardly was awed by what she saw. As a science & history buff, she wanted to explore each city. A couple of minutes later, Desmond landed atop of the Tower.

"Promise me we'll do this again," Kyla begged.

"Whenever you want, sis," Desmond promised, bringing everyone into the hall of guardians. All of the business team members had gathered, along with a few new additions. One unexpected guest was different from the rest. Wiggling out of her mother's hands, a toddler stumbled over to the Carters. Trey picked up Agnes and started making funny faces. The toddler giggled at him as the rest of his family was confused.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you about her this morning. This is Agnes. Liz and Tom's daughter. Desmond or I sometimes watch her if they or Red are busy." Trey said, continuing to play with Agnes.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Your son is my family's benefactor. We wouldn't be here without him." Liz said with a grin, introducing herself. Trey's parents returned the greeting as Kyla reunited with Juliet and Holly. After a brief introduction with everyone else while in the room, Kyla went with the girls to explore the rest of the tower.

"It was nice meeting you. I'll be giving your daughter a tour along with the rest of the girls. Good luck with the meeting. You're going to need it." She said the last part to Trey & Desmond. Trey cringed before handing Agnes back to her.

"Is there something else you haven't told us?" Alexandra questioned, noticing the odd atmosphere. Her new son coughed, ignoring her question. Trey also acted like he hadn't heard her, bringing them to the table where everyone was seated.

"Everyone, these are my parents, Tyson & Alexandra Carter." Desmond introduced. His parents looked around at all the men & women he had gathered for his cause. There were a few familiar faces.

"You guys have met Artemis, Butler, & Edgar before, so I won't mention them. Allow me to introduce you to my favorite baldies in the world, Red drinking the wine & Eli, the one with the eternal serious face. They run different sectors of business for me." Desmond explained, which earned him an eye roll from Eli. Raymond paid his jabs no mind.

"I'm guessing these two in robes are members of the assassin order you mentioned," Tyson said, glancing at them. Lydia & Altair nodded.

"And you must be the version of Leonardo Da Vinci(AC) he mentioned & Felicity, right? Apart of the research & development division." Alexandra said, turning towards them. Felicity & Leo smiled back, acknowledging.

"Lastly, this man over here is Captain Price(MW2), leader of my combat team. We can begin this meeting with all the introductions out of the way." Trey said hurriedly.

"Now, Now, mate, aren't you forgetting someone?" Price commented, turning his head to the only one that hadn't been introduced. The person in question glared at Trey & Desmond before walking up to their parents.

"Mother-in-law, I'm Jamie Moriarty. It is so good to meet you finally. Can you believe the two people I hold dear tried to stop me from meeting you? Your boys love to hide things from people they care about." Jamie said. Alexandra sent a look-over that only a mother can give you for an explanation. Tyson, who was about to give a thumbs up to whichever son nabbed this beautiful woman, slowly backed away into an empty seat. The boy & his clone looked away, not daring to look back at their mother. They both didn't want to answer because they knew there would be hell to pay now that she was here.

'Jarvis & Friday, you betrayed us!' They screamed together in their mind. The Ais stayed quiet, knowing they hadn't gone against their programming of assisting their master. Their request to lock Jaime at her house was unreasonable.

"Mother, if they won't say it, I will. I'm sure they told you some of what happened yesterday. I'm also sure they didn't tell you Trey contemplated killing the kidnappers for what they've done to children. Not that anyone in this room would mind them becoming a killer, but it's been weighing on them. They refused to confide in anyone of us about how they felt. This first problem isn't as bad as the second one, though." Jamie explained.

"There's more than that?" Alexandra questioned, her face never turning away from her children. Trey suddenly got up & used his secret technique.

"Please, Jamie, I'll do anything. If you tell her, you'll open pandora's box. We'll never hear the end of it. Promise me?" Trey begged, trying to make the saddest face possible. Jamie nodded, lifting him into a hug. The room went quiet as they had a little embrace. He relaxed, knowing the crisis was averted.

'The puppy dog face never fails,' Desmond thought, watching Jamie put Trey back down. His mother looked confused at this new development. Jamie looked over at Desmond & his danger sense started to tingle.

"As promised, I won't tell mother-in-law what happened. I will, however, ask Jarvis to play the footage from October 25th, 1996, at the Tower." Jamie said with an evil smirk on her face. Trey & Desmond knew it was all over for them. The video even started with the suicidal speech Desmond made. The footage followed all the way to their conversation in the Med bay. By the time it was over, Tyson had finished a prayer for his sons. There are three old sayings about women. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned. Never anger a mother, for a mother's rage is something no one can gauge. The two sons learned about the third one today. Anger your mother & your wife(potential). Run for your life!

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