
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 9 [ Origin Elves go to Mortal Dimension]

Chapter 9 [ Origin Elves go to Mortal Dimension]

-----After a 10-year -------

[Asoka's divine realm; In a castle; throne room]

A handsome man was sitting on a throne, and 4 men and 4 women were standing in front of him. All four men and women look somewhat gloomy because they will have to separate from their father today, but also excited to roam the outside world.

The man sitting on the throne was an Asoka. while 4 men and 4 women were firstborn origin Elves, who have now transferred from children to handsome young men and women in a long 10-year period. Now, they appear similar to twenty-one to twenty-two-year-old humans.


Elysian Silvercrest has black hair, deep black eyes, a dashing appearance, a tall build, and a refined disposition. His long, thick raven hair, combined with his smooth white skin with a perfectly carved face. His black eyes had a unique shine within them. His sword-like eyebrows, thin nose, and sharp jawline made his face immortal-like. he wore a black hanfu with Embroid golden stripes. He was standing while joining hands with Nyx Volthar like a life partner.

The Nyx Volthar was wearing a white dress, her black hair descending onto her waist, her skin glistening with the luster of beautiful jade, her appearance as mesmerizing as the full moon, her black eyes shining like the waters of autumn.

She has a fine raised nose, a pointed chin, and a slender jade-like neck. There were simply no flaws that one could see. In addition, she exuded an aura of wisdom and purity, causing an inevitable thought to enter the minds of those who set their eyes on her: A peerless beauty.

She has beautiful facial features, and her eyes are deep and calm. She has a faint red mark between her eyebrows, making him look demonic but also has the grace and nobility of an empress.

. . .

Ryker Valorion appeared somewhat muscular and robust at a height of 185 centimeters. His muscles are densely packed, and each outline can be seen in his muscles. He wore a pant and a white clothes strap around his waist, and from his waist, abs, and chest was covered with dark golden brown armor. both hands are also covered with armor bracelets. He was standing together with Ingrid Oliver.

Ingrid Oliver's entire body was covered in golden armor but was unable to cover up her impressive figure. Her bosom was ample, and her back was as tender as a willow. Her two legs were long and slender, and her entire body dazzled in a golden light. There was an unconventional beauty to her.

Her facial features seemed as if they belonged to a painting, with golden hair and eyes, and her skin was sparkling and white. She was an extremely rare beauty who had a temperament that was different from everyone else's.


Rye Tatsuya is a young man with dark red hair and eyes that make him look dangerous. His red eyes can bewitch anyone, whether they are mortal or gods. He ties his long dark red hair into a bun while the short locks tend to fall on his face. Rye wears a black jacket, loose pants, and a white T-shirt. He is standing next to Ishihara Yoshika.

Ishihara Yoshika is wearing a tight black dress that exposes a lot of skin around her neck. She has two bumps on her chest that give her a wild beauty capable of making any man drool. She also has long dark red hair that seems silky smooth and neat, which falls to her waist.

Yoshika appears to be the goddess of blood, an unrivaled woman who makes all others feel inferior in their hearts. She has an almost perfect appearance and unknowingly exudes a cold and lofty aura. It seems as if she demands everyone to stay at least a thousand miles away from her. This sort of arrogant aura isn't deliberate, but it's merely something she was born with, making it hard for anyone to muster the courage to look at her.


Ken Kaneki has deep penetrating purple eyes and long short hair. he stands at 190 centimeters with a V-shaped Jawline. he gives the feeling of mysterious and enigmatic. He wore a purple-red coat, pants, and

black long boots with golden stripes. he was standing together with Sonia Agarwal.

Sonia Agarwal is a beauty that can outshine even the brightest moon. She was elegant and mature, her stature tall and proud.

She was wearing a sadi of purple silk, and her form was full and round. Her facial features were exquisite, and she had dark purple long hair and eyes and clear white teeth accentuated with crimson lips that gleamed with a crystal luster.

This woman not only had an appearance that could bring nations to their knees, but she also had a temperament as if she were otherworldly, a presence that no one could defile. Just by casually standing there, she naturally revealed a quiet and languid serenity.


During this 10-year long-term period, many things happened between 4 men and 4 women. such as a romantic relationship has taken place between elves. The first Copulation takes place between a purple-haired duo, Sonia Agarwal, and Ken Kaneki. When they fell in love with each other.

They also talked about these to the other elves. first, Others were embarrassed when they listened to them. But just as time passed, all 8 of the original Elves had become couples with their opposite gender with the same colored hair, but no one was pregnant.

Elysian Silvercrest X Nyx Volthar

Ken Kaneki X Sonia Agarwal

Rye Tatsuya X Ishihara Yoshika

Ryker Valorion X Ingrid Oliver

It is very hard to get pregnant for origin elves. the birth rate of original elves is even lower than that of a dragon.

Asoka stood up from his throne. As he made his way to his children, after reaching them, he gave a head pad to each elf, and Asoka praised them.

"You did not disappoint me in anything, my children. As a father, I am really happy and proud to have children like you."

When all the elves hear the praise from their father, they are really happy in their heart but don't show on their face. Because they know their father rarely praised them.

In a long ten-year period, they, of course, can not say that they know everything about their father, but they know that much that their father is not a normal supreme God. They have shown many mystical things at the hand of his father that no supreme, primordial god is capable of doing. Just forget about those mystical things. But which God can keep and grow? The more than two hundred world trees in their garden.

"Your training is over now. Your time has come to go to the mortal dimension. And make a name for yourself and the elves' race. And declare them we have also entered the into a Grand competition." Declare Asoka while he was sitting on his throne.

"Yes, Father, we will never let down you and our race. We are ready to take the responsibility of protecting our origin elves' races. We will not provoke others, but anyone who provokes us shall be removed from existence. WE ALL ARE ELVES, LONG LIVE THE ELVES." Shouted all Firstborn origin Elves.

"You already know the place where you are going to inhabit, and I also know you have already formed a plan for the land and future course of your race," said Asoka with a satisfying smile. "I will give you 15 days to prepare and Tour everything on the land of elves 'The Origin' island. After that, I will send the first-generation elves. You all Alone have to teach the first-generation elves. They will only possess some basic knowledge for life and survival."