
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 10 [Origin Elves on the Alpha Ruler Planets/World]

Chapter 10 [Origin Elves on the Alpha Ruler Planets/World]

"Children, before you all start your journey, I will give you three gifts," Asoka said.

Asoka keeps his hand on his cheek, and he creates a tower-like structure in the air with the other hand, which starts to materialize in existence.

"This is your first gift, called Artifa Skyscraper. It is a Primordial-grade artifact. The skyscraper consists of a hundred floors and is divided into two sections: battle section and Non-battle sections like Alchemy, Formations Master, music & dance, etc. Each floor is consistent with many challenges and learning in both non-battle and battle sections. many resources and minerals can be found on the skyscraper floor. Each ten-floor consists of a training room for both. You just have to place it on land, and it will take its true form, " Asoka explains.

"Father, this will easily get exposed to the gods and other races," said Ken Kaneki, while there was no worry on his face.

Asoka said, "Outsiders can only sense that Artifa Skyscraper is an only divine-grade artifact. A skyscraper will only release a similar aura to the divine-grade artifact."

It is not because there are many divine artifacts. There are only a handful of divine weapons on Alpha Planet, and only the strongest organization can hold a Divine-grade artifact.

Asoka teleported the skyscraper in the hand of Origin elves.

Next, Asoka moves to give them a second gift.

'Rising,' Asoka gave a single command, and the air of the throne room shifted toward the center of the room.

In the center of the throne room, 8 silhouettes started to condense into an existence. When they fully condense Into Existence. All Origin elves gasped in shock when they saw the existence.

Origin elves saw eight white horses who had two big wings and majestic appearance. Their body part was covered with golden armor, which gave them a divine appearance.

Only one word came to that mind 'Legendary pegasus'. Legendary pegasus is different from normal pegasus. Legendary pegasus are born in one in a million, and they are the natural-born alpha of their group.

Origin elves also saw an 8 fairy-like existence that was flying in the air around the legendary Pegasus.

First, they considered it to be a fairy, but after some crude observation, they found out that they were different from the fairy.

Elysian Silvercrest asked, "Father, they are from the fairy race?"

Asoka explains, "They are not from fairy races. These tiny beings are called Ariya. They have no attacking combat abilities and can only lightly support in combat. Their cultivation realm is very simple. they have to go through a 'Nine-death sleep.' But any Ariya who has gone through Nine-Death Sleep will become a combative race, They will directly obtain the supreme god realm with a 'primordial or normal Nature manipulation.'

No monsters will ever attack them, and they can help you build relationships with natural monsters such as Golems. They will work in building the flora and fauna of your home, but you must protect them as they are family to us Elves."

Each origin elves gasped in shock when they heard that Ariya would obtain supreme God Status with the Primordial Aspect after going through nine periods of sleep.

They understood that there is a huge difference between the normal concept and the primordial manipulation concept. A person with a primordial manipulation Aspect can completely dominate the person who has the same normal manipulation Aspect


Asoka created them while considering everything in his mind.

Among millions of Ariya, only a handful of Ariya have a chance to become a supreme God with primordial Nature manipulation.

"Treat the 'Legendary pegasus' and 'Ariya' with care as they will be born rarely. Ariya can only be born near the world tree, and they are also born infrequently, so treasure everyone," said Asuka in a serious tone.

"Yes, Father," all Origin elves bowed in respect and said in a resolute tone.

"And your third gift," said Asoka in a solemn tone, "Your third gift is a 'world tree of life and death' and 'spring of life'.You already know about the features of a spring of life, so I will not discuss that. world tree of life-and-death will be the 'big sister' of whole origin elves. All origin elves will call her with Title 'big sister.' You all have to help your big sister to take his elven form. I will not provide the way or method you will have to find on your own. You do not have to worry about that because the chance will come for you,

All the origin elves' face was filled with shock, They were even more shocked than when they saw a legendary pegasus or when they heard about the primordial concept of Ariya, When they heard about their having a 'big sister'.

Ashoka Sees the faces of his children, who are filled with shock at the moment, but he does not say anything and waits for them to digest what he has said.

After some time, their faces returned to the calmness that nothing had happened, and They said in Unison, "Yes, Father, we will help our big sister to take his elven form."

"Now, all the preparation has been completed. Now you are ready to descend on the mortal dimension," said Asoka. As he taps his foot on the floor, at the center of the throne room, a portal-like black hole opens on the floor, which leads toward the mortal dimension.

The firstborn origin Elves have chosen their pegasus and made a blood pack with them in the name of Asoka ( God of life, magic, contract, and wealth).

All the original elves are ready to go in the mortal dimension. They were standing at the edge of the Portal. When all elves are ready to enter the portal, they hear the voice of Asoka, "Child, Before you all make a breakthrough in the true god realm, you must achieve perfection in the self-supremacy Technique and good luck for your future adventure and journey."

"Yes, Father, We will ascension to the true God realm only when we achieve perfection in self-supremacy ability, and bye Father, See you later, and be safe," said all elves, and they jumped into the portal with Pegasus and Ariya.

The self-supremacy Technique allows the user to fully Enhanced Self-Awareness itself, and have full control over everything that composes it; their cells and biological processes, their breaths and thoughts, their movements and emotions, their conscious and un/unconscious, etc.

This ability also grants the user immunity/resistance to powers and abilities that control their mind, soul, body, emotions, or genetic makeup. The user's body, mind, soul, emotions, psychology, genetic structure, etc, don't do anything the user doesn't want them to, can control everything they do, and is aware of everything about themselves, so there are no unknowns are lurking deep in their body or mind.

This technique also provides the user with god-level senses their sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch have all reached the divine level, meaning that they can also see through disguises and illusions.

All elves can learn this technique. Because the self-supreme technique is in a grave in their soul, but if they want to tell anyone, they can not tell. any person who tries to perform a soul search will not find this technique. It is even possible that there will be a huge backlash.