
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 8 [Teaching and training (part 2)]

Chapter 8 [Teaching and training (part 2)]

[Asoka divine realm; ln the castle; Meditation room]

Eight children and one man were sitting in a meditation stand in the room.

A man was Asoka and his doting children.

"I have already told you the basic knowledge and your magic warriors' paths and soul paths power-up level,"

Asoka spoke.

"On what level of stage are we currently, master?" asked Ken Kaneki.

"You all are currently in the bone physical stage of the body consolation realms due to taking a bath in cosmic water," said Asoka.

When Asoka talks about a 'bath in cosmic water,' their body shudders at just thinking about that event.

"Master, where can we learn about aether gathering techniques?" asked Rye Tatsuya.

"When your meditation classes are over, then you can go to the library room to select any type of Aether cultivation technique, art, skill, and scripture," said Asoka.


After some moments of silence, Asoka was thinking of something. then Asoka spoke, "Today you all are going to become 'world spiritists'."

All children somewhat look confused. Then all simultaneously, look at Asoka. "They look like they want to ask what this world spiritists are."

World Spiritists are those who have spirit energy and knowledge of spirit formations. World Spiritists have many abilities; forming barriers of spirit energy that can physically block attacks, manifesting World Spirits, creating formation constructs to attack foes, and even "curse" like effects such as suppressing the cultivation of others. They're often unmatched when fighting against non-world spiritist opponents of the same level of cultivation (exceptions include individuals with high-quality bloodlines, divine bodies, forbidden, mysterious technique cultivators, and demonic mysterious technique cultivators). said Asoka.

"Master are world spiritists present in this universe," asks Ishihara

"No, world spiritists are not present in this universe, but there is a profession called a spirit master. A spirit master can make a contract with an elemental spirit or fairy. Spirit master and a world spiritist are two different things totally." said Asoka.

"Master, if this thing gets exposed, then we will become the primary target for gods and various races," said Sonia in Worry.

Sonia was not wrong. If world spiritists things they get exposed, then we will become the prime target for various races and gods. Everyone will want the secret to becoming a world spiritist in pursuit of power. Origin elves will become the research subject for other gods and races.

"If you do not want to expose the world spiritists, then kill everyone who knows about that. it is just as simple as that," said Asoka.

When all the children heard that, they felt a chill in their hearts.

"You will not use the spirit energy. You will use the Evolve form of spirit power, which is known as astral power," said Asoka


Just like the Mana that was used by all awakened beings, Spirit Power, or the evolved version of it, astral power, that will be used by all Firstborn origin Elves, all originated from the Omniverse's Energy Origin Point and was endless. Only World Spiritists were capable of wielding Spirit Power, yet World Spiritists were exceptionally rarer than Mana Users in the sea of multiverse.

To effectively control and wield Spirit Power (or astral for Firstborn Elves), World Spiritists would create their personal World Spirit Space, which connected to the Spirit Worlds the World Spiritist was connected to

The world spiritists can also form a contract with the world spirit. world spirits are spirits who live in the spirit world. the spirit world is a higher plane of existence.

World Spirits cultivate by absorbing Source Energy, which can be found in all living beings and remains in the corpses of most beings until absorbed. World spirits rely on a world spiritist to absorb source energy, which they refine into their power.

Source energy appears to increase significantly in quantity and quality with the cultivation level of the individual it comes from. For this reason, it is highly beneficial for a world spirit to refine equal or higher cultivation realm source energy but of little benefit to refining lower realms of source energy. This is similar to how a mage or warrior's particular realm refines the pill, mana beast core, and mana stone of that realm or the next realm above them, but not lower.

-----After one hour -----

In one hour, Asoka has told all the basic knowledge related to world spiritists and world spirits. and;

7 Young elves have already opened the World Spirit Space and made a contract with World Spirit, while Ryker Valorian is in his World Spirit.

Ryker Valorian world spirit space was a vast galaxy, with a near infinite amount of stars in the cosmos twinkling. In the middle of this vast galaxy was a beautiful black and golden planet. Ryker walked on the planet and explored it. The planet was beautiful, covered in a variety of Spirit Plants, which were plants that had spirit power within them.

Ryker arrived in the middle of the planet, which held Ten Doors, all with a variety of different colors and aesthetics.

Their nine doors represented the Main Nine Spirit Worlds and their strength ranking:

# 1= Eternal Spirit World

#2 = Ethereal Spirit World

#3 = Nether Spirit World

#4 = walker spirit world

#5 = heavenly spirit world

#6 = Asura Spirit World

#7 = Ghost Spirit World

#8 = Mecha Spirit World

#9 = Monster Spirit World

And, one remains door leads to many rarer spirit worlds; however, they are generally seen as too weak to mention.

Unfortunately, 8 out of 10 of these doors were sealed with chains, with only two doors open. The door to the Eternal Spirit World and door to many minor spirit worlds.

World Spirits are the organisms that come from the Spirit Worlds, and the eternal Spirit World is one of the strongest spirit worlds Less than a handful had made contracts with the Eternal World Spirits in the past thousand years in this multiverse.

Ryker had tried to enter the other chained-up gates, but they were all locked and he could not enter, so Ryker had braced himself and entered the gate for the Eternal Spirit World, which was colored like a Galaxy.

Once Ryker entered the gate, he was transported to a boundless vast sea, and he was floating in the middle of it. Ryker quickly realized he was in his Soul Form and looked around. Floating all around the vast sea were billions, if not trillions of clusters of light, and Ryker could feel all of these light clusters calling out to him

"So, these trillions of clusters of light are world spirits and want to make a contract with me," thought Ryker

Ryker thought about what his father said to us.

Asoka said," For world spiritists, it is very hard to make a contract with world spirit from the main nine spirit world. But you are different from them. You can easily make a contract with world spirit from the main nine spirit world because of your world spiritists' talent but astral power. astral power is the supreme evolved form of Spirit power, and all World Spirits can instinctively tell it would help them increase their power both quantitively and qualitatively, so they all want to form a contract with you.


Ryker comes from his thoughts and focuses on making contracts with world spirit.

Ryker decided to channel his astral, using it to find out the most talented and most useful World Spirit for himself.

Ryker was eventually let in front of one cluster of light that was shining incredibly brightly.

"I'll choose you then!" Ryker said and did not hesitate.

After making that choice, the cluster exploded in a bright light. All of the other clusters disappeared, and the sky immediately changed in color as a serene aura filled the air, the skies having a variety of different colors.

A 50-meter gigantic bird that has a golden color appears and looks similar to a golden crow.

A gigantic bird turned into a 6.5-foots beautiful man and appeared right in front of Ryker and moved her hand across his heart as he gazed at Ryker respectfully, saying,

"Hello, my master. I am Ariel, a white light crow, and I am your loyal World Spirit!"

Ryker was stunned from the moment by the handsome appearance of Ariel. Ryker immediately channels his astral to calm his mind.

Hmm, "I will become more handsome than you in the future, just like my father." Ryker thought in his heart.

Master, I had heard legends about astral power, but experiencing it is better. Even being near you is purifying my Spirit Energy and slowly turning it into astral, improving my strength and talent quantitatively; said Ariel.

"Thank you, master, for choosing me;" Thanks, Ariel, in Gratitude.

Ryker slightly nodded, "What level is your strength at?" Ryker asked in curiosity.

"Master, I do not know your world power-up system. So I cannot relate to your world," said Ariel, but in our spirit world, I am over God's spirit stage.


After some time, Ryker opened his eyes to the meditation room.

All the eyes were focused on Ryker in the meditation room, who had just now opened his eyes.

Ryker gives a faint smile and says, " I made a contract with a white light crow whose name is Ariel."

"Now you all have created your personal World Spirit Space and also made a contract with World Spirit, You're officially a World Spiritist from now on. I also over this class, Now you can do anything you want, go," said Asoka with a faint smile.

"Wait a moment," said Asoka. he created 8 pages, which started to float and approach i n front of each child. Asoka continued, "Before going to training or other things, You first have to perform all the exercises, which are written in this paper Every day.

when all the children read the content of the page, their Legs started to tremble, and sweat appeared on their heads.

All the children thought in their hearts, "This is not an exercise but the daily torture."

All the children also understand that their father will not listen to their excuses. They also understand that this will be helpful for their future.

If they want to become helpful to their father or to become the backbone of their race, they have to become strong. If not, they will just become a burden for their father.

All the children collected their paper and ran out of the room as fast as they could. It looked like They were running from some type of monster, not a monster, but more terrifying than a monster.

One day of the Asoka divine realm consists of 36 hours. So, all the children train and study for 14 hours, 4 hours of mind game against Asoka, 10 hours doing whatever they want to do, and 8 hours of sleep. just like that, the day turning into weak and weak turning into months and months turning into years and the day of departure has arrived.


(Note: World Spiritists' ranking system is Multi-versal)

World spiritists' power-up system/level are:

spirit Awakening realm (equal to Aether absorption realms)

spirit Refinement realm (equal to the opening sea realm)

spirit gate realm (equal to the life and death realm)

spirit Autonomy realm (equal to the Transformation realm)

spirit Sage realm (equal to Monarch realm)

spirit ascending realm (equal to true God)