
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 12 [The passage of time (part 2)]

Chapter 12 [The passage of time (part 2)]

The construction of the Verdentia Central Empire took 400 years, even with the help of strong magic, Rune & spirit formation, and enchantment. The Elves combined many rarer and more legendary materials, magic, powerful runes & spirit formation, and enchantment, to build entire year kingdoms and empires. In these 400 years, mainly runemasters and world spiritists have been born in Elves.

if any other individual or race sees these rarer and legendary materials used in the construction of the Elven kingdom and empire, they will die from jealousy and greed.

Rarer and legendary materials are used from houses to libraries, training areas, garden areas, magic towers, the Academy, and the construction of Imperial Castles of the Kingdoms. Every Elven city and building is protected by dozens of powerful runes & spirit formations. Not a single building of a city will be destroyed during the battle between SS Rank Powerhouse.

They also have constructed many interconnected teleportation portals Across the whole Elven empire Which connect city to city, city to Kingdoms or vice-versa, and Kingdoms to Kingdoms.

The most important construction, however, was the joint construction of the Grand Temple of Asoka. The four Kingdoms worked extensively to make sure the Grand Temple of Asoka lived up to their God.

There was an Elven Academy constructed in the Elven Empire, where young Elves would spend their time learning a variety of things. From learning about their Asoka god and other god, and their different names. To learn the Geography of the Island, the different types of Beast and various Intellectual races, and their strengths and weaknesses. The different types of plants and herbs and their effects and use in alchemy.

They also have to learn other things such as Mathematics, technology, biology, geography, and history of Kingdoms & the Empire of this planet, Dance & music, the Elven language, various other races' languages, and lessons on world spiritists, runemaster & their power, and other occupations or professions. Finally, all Elves were given combat training up to the A-Peak level of combat and cultivation.

After graduating from this academy, most Elves would be around 30 years old, which is very young for every race living on this planet. Then, Elves would decide their specialization. They have to decide their occupation routes such as teacher, professor, Inventor, Scientist, researcher Enchanter, Formation Master, world spiritist, army, runemaster, talisman master, alchemist, and many other jobs available for the elves.

All the origin elves have to serve them a hundred years in the army, whether it is king, queen, royal, or normal elves.

The name of this academy is 'Innovator Academy'. They provide education for free to the Elves. Any elves who enter this Academy will be treated equally. It doesn't matter what their background is. The innovator academy is situated inside the inner world of 'World Trees' of life and death. The Academy is protected by the World Tree itself.

After graduating from the Innovator Academy, they can go for higher-level education, which will also be provided for free to all the elves. The institute that provides higher-level education name is 'Aetherlyn Ovasis University', It is situated in Celesterra.

Celesterra is a floating island in the sky that is crowned by crystalline palaces. Celesterra is constructed by the joint effort of the most powerful origin elves. it's situated between clouds and Makes a rotation of Elven island, and It's hidden by the many strong spirit formations, Asoka has personally cast an illusion barrier that can not be even detected by the supreme god.

Celesterra Island contains Aetherlyn Ovasis University, it also contains one of the strongest air defense army bases of the Verdentia Central Empires.

They have also created a research institute which is located under Ocean Water, the place called Luminara. Luminara contains Elven Research Institute and Navy Defense Force of Verdentia Central Empires.

Name of the Elves Research Institute is Mysthaven Research Institute. the institute divided into two sections: research department and secret department. research department is divided into many sub-department like the technology department, economic department, skill creating department, Inventor department, Alchemy department, Rune department, Professor department, etc. Sub-department is also divided into many minor departments. research department does research on various things like Alchemy, Formations, Blacksmithing, etc, and the Secret department is a Hidden department that protects the Elves Kingdoms and empire from inside and outside enemies. Secret departments are also divided into many sub-department such as assassination departments, Shadow department, Spy department, News gathering department, Guardian department, etc.

The economic system of the Elven Empire is totally different from other race empires. The currency of the Elves empire, not gold, Sliver coin, mane stone, but it is digital merit point. The firstborn origin elves introduced this merit system to all the other Elves. They learned about this merit system from an Asoka library and implemented it in their kingdom and empire. digital merit point can only we seen in merit Batch. Merit batch is a device that can take any form of accessories and made with strong material and imbued with spirit formation. This is one of the mystical devices created by world spiritists. Merit devices will show the basic personal information, image of device owner, and merit point, like this

[ Image of device holder ]




merit point:

God point:

[ Note: The value of the one God point is equivalent to one billion merit points]

A person can earn a Medit point by many way such as making a contribution to Elves society, breakthrough in realm, innovation, trading, performing job, exchange items with merit point or vice-versa, mission, any scientific invention,etc.

Bigger the contribution to Elven society, higher the earning merit point.

Merit points of an Elves will also be reduced if a person is done harmful or wrong thing to the Elven Race.

The most highest earning and respected profession in the Elven Empire is the teaching profession, and the test to become teachers and Professor In the Elven Academy or University Tough as hell. Out of five thousand candidates, only one or two can be selected as a teacher, and Professor.


Over 300 years have passed since the arrival of Firstborn origin elves on the island, and over 150 years after the Empire started to operate fully. The Empire was populated by only over 20000 Elves, all of whom had their work. Some Elves built roads, bridges, and pathways whilst others worked in forestry, planting, and gardening. Some Elves worked as scouts with their trusty partners, the Phantasmal Eagle. Phantasmal Eagles were Eagles that would go invisible whenever they wanted. They were much faster than other monsters and had immensely powerful senses that could see, hear, and smell incredible distances. Phantasmal Eagles were the perfect scouts, and the Elven Empire had all of their scouts form partnerships with them and learn how to fight and work together with Phantasmal Eagles.

While origin elves were growing, Alpha Ruler World was also growing. Many looming dangers were coming toward the alpha ruler planets. which will change the trajectory of this world.


As the Elven Race living in the world of Astrea continued to grow more and more. while Asoka's life in his own Divine Realm proceeded smoothly. Currently, Asoka is in the art room situated inside his palace. The walls of the art room were crystalline and filled with various paintings that Asoka had done during the days. for Asoka, only ten days have passed in Asoka's divine realm since all the firstborn origins Elves left for the mortal dimension.

An Asoka has increased the flow of time in this universe except by leaving his divine realm, Asoka has done it because he does not want to die from boredom. An increase in the flow of time in this universe was not even detected by this universe's primordial god and god of time on both sides of the world.

From paintings of ethereal beauties that could topple universes to paintings of beautiful and elegant creatures such as Moon Foxes and Rainbow Coloured Psychic Dream Butterflies Asoka also painted wars, such as dragons breathing tyrannical fire and burning empires to ash. But Asoka thought his most prized painting was a painting of firstborn eight elves live from childhood to adulthood while learning, training, playing games, etc, They all are present in one painting. The size of this painting is 20ft length and 12 feet breath. All the painting which is present in the art room contain some life, just like a weapon spirit. Any single painting of Asoka can cause universal war because anyone who fully comprehends this painting can become a supreme existence in the multiverse.