
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 13 [Son of luck born in The Alpha Ruler]

Chapter 13 [Son of luck born in The Alpha Ruler]

----1000 years later ---

[In Asuka's divine realm]

For Alpha Planet, thousands of years have passed, while in Asoka's divine realm, only a hundred days passed. Inside a palace, Asoka was watching the live video journey of protagonists from different universes on his super-smart television. In these hundred days, he has watched many movies, the lives of many protagonists and antagonists, anime, and also read books of many mystery crimes from different universes and multiverse.

He also learned many mundane things like painting, omniscience, acting, writing friction, and Non-friction novels, masker artists, 6D and 7D model artists, etc. Asoka has lived over a trillion lives, When Asoka got all the memories of his previous life, he adopted all the talents from other mundane fields from which the other lives.

while Asoka was watching the television, Asoka sensed something and stopped watching. He moves his face in a certain direction. Asoka's gaze passes through dimension barriers like it is nothing and sweeps the entire Alpha ruler in the hope of finding its target. No one could sense this gaze, not even the gods, as he was simply way out of their league.

Finally, Asoka's gaze landed on a gigantic palace. The palace was the Royal Palace of an Empire. The Empire was a human empire and was one of the most powerful empires in the world, the Valerian Empire. which was located in the human continent.

The reason for this Empire's immense power was very closely connected to the Church of Light, which worshipped the Goddess of Light Valeria. It was said the ancestor of the Empire was an Apostle of Valeria and made an entire Empire to worship her.

The Goddess of Light was the goddess of the majority of Humans worshipped, and as humans had the largest population in this world, at least tripling any other race, the power of this light Church was vast and immense.

Inside the Royal Palace, a beautiful human lady has just given birth to a boy who weirdly enough didn't cry. That lady was the Empress of the Valerian Empire, Elizabeth Valeria, and alongside her in the room was her husband, Argus Valeria, and the Pope of the entire Church of Light, Pope Francis.

The newborn baby who still didn't cry was handed to Pope Francis, and after around 2 minutes, the Pope spoke with great vigor in his voice, "My Divine Eye doesn't fail me! This child is FILLED WITH THE POWER OF LIGHT! He is surely our Goddess Valeria's apostle who was sent to this world to spread the great word. The Age of Heroes is upon us as more and more Apostles of God are born in preparation for the future war against the Abyss. I hereby name this new Apostle of Valeria, Aether Valeria, for he shall lead the Church to greener pastures!"

Asoka's gaze lingered on the small newborn child. Even though the boy was the Apostle of one of the strongest Goddesses in this Universe, to him, that fact was completely irrelevant. The most important thing was that when looking at Aether's soul, Asoka saw a Seven-color golden crown on the soul's head.

"The Symbol of A Child of Luck or Son of Heaven!' Asoka thought to himself. The child of Luck or son of heaven they are known by many names in the sea of multiverse but were certainly something that existed in the Omni-Verse. Firstly, they usually had great talent or a great golden finger. From the Old Immortal Grandpa in the Ring To a System, to just having incredible talents.

Aether's golden finger was the system, as alongside being the Apostle of Valeria, he possesses a celestial sword physique and system granted by the heavenly will of this universe. supreme talent in Swordsmanship and alchemy, and a high IQ, granted by some weak Multiverse god for reincarnating Aether into this universe.

'This guy also possesses a replica of the celestial sword physique.' Asoka thought to himself. Any person with this physique can learn any sword art or move in a very short amount of time, Any sword attack will deal 200 percent damage, and it provides high sword comprehension ability. Anyone with this physique will not meet any bottleneck up to the supreme god.

No multiverse god possesses the ability to grant anyone with this type of unique and celestial-grade physique. only one thing can grant this type of physique, and that is the heavenly will of the universe. The heavenly will of this universe must have seen 'True celestial sword physique', and the heavenly will must have tried to replicate it. He has succeeded in replicating it, but not comparable to the true celestial sword physique. Even just being a replica of a True Celestial Sword physique can allow a person to become a generation sword god


while Asoka was gazing toward the child of Luck. In the Consciousness of Child of Luck, the communication was taking place between two parties. The voice of a young man can be heard, and another one is the emotionless voice of the so-called system.

"What type of system are you, and what are the features," the young man asked

Again, emotionless voice answers, " I an Hero class system I have many Function, You just have to open your Status panel to see, You just have to say 'system Panel' and it will Open"

"System, Show me my System panel." The young man said with joy.

'Yes,' an emotionless voice can be heard.

A blue screen appeared in front of a young man, and the young man started to check his system panel

The system panel of the young man shows:

Name: Aether Valeria

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Profession: ??

Mana realm: Not started

Position: Apostle of Valeria (goddess of light ), prince of the Valerian Empire.

Titles: Reincarnator, blessing By goddess of light Valeria

Special Physique: Celestial Sword Physique (only replica)(not awaken)

Normal Element Affinity: wind, fire. (not awaken)

Rarer Element Affinity: Sword and Light Magic affinity (not awaken)

System points: 0

Skill shop(sealed)

Weapon shop(sealed)

"System, why are my all Element affinities not awakened?" asked Aether Valeria

"Host, people of this universe are awakened to their affinity at the age of 8. So you have to wait for 8 years to awaken affinity," explains the systems in the emotionless voice.

"What about my celestial sword physique, system?" asked Aether in a frustrated tone.

"Host, I have already sent the related knowledge of celestial sword physique to your mind. It will also awaken at the age of 8," said the system.

"System, what are the system points and the function of a weapon and a skill shop?" asked Aether.

"System point is the system currency it can be earned by completing system missions and killing individuals, And with the system point you can buy any skill and weapon that will be present in the systems shop," the system explained.

After listening to the explanation of the system and its function, Aether was really satisfied.

"Host, I am falling into a slumber. When your affinity and physique have awakened at the age of 8, I will also wake up," said System. After saying that, the system becomes silent and falls into slumber.

The System of Aether does not respond it does not matter how Aether calls out to him.

A system did not respond to the aether calling, so he started to recall his past. He was just a 27-year-old college graduate who was a national champion in kickboxing. He was a genius martial artist in his past life. From Boxing to Karate to kando, he had mastered all forms of combat in his past life on the planet called Earth or Blue Planet.

He also has a hobby of watching anime, reading the web novels, and Manga

He died due to being caught in the gunfight between two gangs and shot by bullets in the head

Coincident or not, I was chosen by god, and God gave me a second chance and reincarnated me in this fantasy world.


Asoka has already withdrawn his gaze from Aether Valeria and swept across the Alpha ruler world and then the whole mortal dimension. He was looking for the other Apostles of God. He wanted to see them since they were all born within 1 year of each other in the Alpha Ruler world.

There was an Apostle of the Beast God, whom the Beastmen worshipped.

There was an Apostle of the Jotuns God, whom the Jotuns races worshipped.

An Apostle of the Demon God whom the Demons worshipped.

The god of War, the Dragon Goddess, the Dragon god, and the Dwarf Goddess also had their Apostles.

The Apostle is not only born in the world of alpha rulers but also in other worlds that are ruled by another god.

Asoka realized that the gods had made their Apostles in preparation for their way against the Abyss. It turned out that all of those years ago, when the divine Gods and the Dark Gods were engaged in war, it was forcefully stopped by a common enemy, THE ABYSS!

The Abyss was a world of endless darkness that was even deeper and eviler than hell. Abyss Monsters were the monsters that permeated this horrifying Abyss. They were completely black and had immense power within the same realm. Abyss Monster's sole goal was to enter into this universe and corrode it into darkness and despair, and they were led by the 10 Primordial Gods of the Abyss.

The energy of The abyss is called Abyssal Energy, which is violent, destructive, and corruptive in Nature, Any person who is influenced or corrupted by an Abyss energy, will lose their senses and will become very aggressive and bloodthirsty. They can even transform into Abyss lifeforms if Abyss energy is not removed or purified from their body.