
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 11 [ The Passage of Time Part 2]

Chapter 11 [ The Passage of Time Part 2]

when all the origin elves have landed on 'The origin' island in the mortal dimension. The Elves looked around, spotting a thin mana barrier surrounding the entire island.

This barrier was designed to make the purified and high-quality mana not leak out of the island and alert other races. The more pure and high quality of mana, the stronger it is to use, and it is also much more efficient. Higher quality mana also increases the health of those who are within it, whether that be humans, elves, dragons, or even beings like flowers or monsters such as Frost Hypostasis and Flame Regisvine. It also worked as a barrier that defended the island against attacks of the SS rank or below warriors and mages.

They also saw a gigantic and majestic tree that gave the expression of holding heaven and earth. It was standing at the center of the island at a height of over 800 meters and a width of over 120 meters.

The eight Elves quickly split into four groups of two. Each group is a man and woman with the same hair color. Then, the four groups split into 4 different directions, planning to explore the island alongside their pegasus and Ariya, and then plan to meet up at the 'Big sister tree' to tell each other what they found.

Thus began the Elves' beginnings in the world of the alpha planet.


With no one to speak to, Asoka spent most of his time doing mundane things like learning drawing and painting, playing how to play the various instruments in existence, and singing. Sure, Asoka could use his omnipotence to instantly learn all of

those to the level of the best in existence but then he would have nothing to do aside from slowly watching his race grow With endless time and resources on his hands, Asoka enjoyed his slow and mundane life quite a lot, learning and watching his Elven children grow. However, to his Elven children, time has passed too quickly.

The first 15 days of the eight Elves and their partners were spent touring the entire island. From the deserts and walking through sandstorms to the cold area and walking through snowstorms to the constantly thunderstorming mountains later named Inazuma.

The Elves traveled the islands in this 15 day, meeting a variety of different monsters formed both naturally by the mana and elements in the air such as Golems, Elemental Spirits, and Frost Hypostasis to unnaturally formed monsters due to the conjunction of two creatures such as Snow Wolves and Thunder Panthers.

Due to the Elves' natural connection to nature alongside their partnership with Pegasus and Ariya, these Elves had no problem befriending all of these animals. To the Elves, the meat of animals wasn't as appealing as natural vegetation and fruits, and since most of the aggressive monsters who attacked Elves were situated in specific points, they rarely ate meat, Asoka had decided to put some aggressive monsters on the island as he wanted to make sure the other Generation Elves had a good understanding of combat between not only each other, but monsters of various shapes, sizes, and combat styles to prepare them for the wider world. That's why Asoka also gave them a skyscraper for training.

The Elves traveled the whole island in fifteen days and already had made the plan for the future course of action. All elves did not waste time in Sightsee or any fun, even while being a lifespan race because Asoka taught that time did not stop for anyone except for the higher being. For a mortal, time is an essential element of their life. If you waste time, time will make you a future waste.

After 15 days, just as Asoka had said, Asoka sent down 1st Generation Elves onto the island.

300 Elves with Purple Hair (150/150)

300 Elves with Golden Hair(150/150)

300 Elves with Red Hair (150/150)

300 Elves with Black Hair (150/150)

The color of their hair, although the same color as their predecessors, wasn't as vibrant as the original eight as Asoka wanted to distinguish the origin eight Elves from the rest of the pack. As time passed, the Elves all got used to their lives on the island. From cultivating crops, learning combat, and studying magic. Due to the racial attribute that Elves were naturally better at weaponry and using magic, the combat ability of the Elves was quickly rising, not only cultivation but actual fighting ability.

Eventually, there was very good news that came for elves, and the good news was that the firstborn Golden Elves 'Ingrid Oliver' had become 1st 'pregnant' woman in the history of Origin elves after 5 years. Many Elves congratulate her and her husband, and an Asoka personally descended to the mortal dimension to congratulate her daughter.


10 years after the firstborn Origin Elves arrived on 'The Origin island', all the firstborn elven females and many 1st generation females have become pregnant, and some have also given birth.

To celebrate 10 years on 'The Origin island', the all-origin Elves threw a massive celebration for all of the Elves.

It turned out the eight origin Elves had already formed their kingdoms, which formed a massive Elven Empire jointly ruled by the 4 Kingdoms. They had learned about Kingdoms and Politics from the Asoka library in the divine realm.

Ken Kaneki and Sonia Agarwal, the Purple-Hair duo, have named their kingdom 'The Veilstead Kingdom'. The Veilstead Kingdom Spoke of, ' a kingdom which is Veiled in mystery, a realm cloaked in mists and arcane riddles'

Ingrid Oliver and Ryker Valorian, the Golden Hair duo, have named their kingdom 'The Ethereal Kingdom'.

The Ethereal Kingdom spoke of, 'A sun-bathed realm, sparkling in gold and warmed by perpetual daylight.'

Ishihara Yoshika and Rye Tatsuya, the Red Hair duo, have named their kingdom 'Azurethra Kingdom'. The Azurethra Kingdom spoke of, 'Lands drenched in the blue hue of endless oceans and cerulean skies.'

Nyx Volthar and Elysian Silvercrest, the Black Hair duo, have named their kingdom 'Eclipsara Kingdom'. The Eclipsara Kingdom spoke of, 'A kingdom hidden in shadow, where light and dark dance in a perpetual waltz.'

Four Elven-kingdom jointly formed the Massive Elven Empire, which is known as Verdentia's Central Empire.

Verdentia spoke of, 'Evergreen expanses brimming of land with flora and fauna untouched by time.

In the middle of the island leads to a massive city, the Capital City of the Verdentia Central Empire, Moonhaven. This City was a city in the middle of the four Empires and would act as a trade city, but also it would act as a city that surrounded the Tree Of Life and Death, Spring of Life, Skyscraper, and the Grand Temple of Asoka.

All the firstborn origin Elves have the plan to create two big educational institutes or academies and one research institute. This education institute will provide free education to all the origin elves.