
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs


Using the Race Bank from the Doctor Who universe I stored the genetic sample within it in case I ever needed it again later. Using the Nadurni gene manipulator I could manipulate genes among other things. It was a lot like the device in this Universe called the DNA resequencer. Using the device I could not only isolate the X-gene, but also give myself the X-gene.

The process was quick and easy. Maybe it's because it was extremely advanced tech? A beam of light carrying the x-gene within it made it's way to my 23rd chromosome, I prepared myself for the worst as I bit down on a rag awaiting extreme pain. It would be weird if you altered your genetic makeup and you didn't feel something.

Only, I felt nothing change to the point I was somewhat disappointed. I tried using my power in various ways as I looked dumb doing so. I was happy nobody but me was in the room currently. It would have been embarrassing. I didn't yell something stupid like "Go go gadget power" or anything like that, but I did make a few stupid movements with my hands.

It took me a little bit until I remembered that most mutants usually gain their powers during puberty due to heightened hormones. Looking around I found an adrenaline pen and injected myself with it. Almost immediately I felt a strange power bubbling up inside, I was at least fifty five percent sure it wasn't gas. Suddenly I was hyper aware of the timer in my hand and when I looked down at it, the timer disappeared. My heart sank. I had no idea where the timer went.

As I walked around trying to figure out what happened I began to feel aware of other technology near me and on me. The hover aspect of my shoes was the first to go after the timer. It disappeared followed by the Kara Kesh and then my phaser and com badge. If this kept up, all the technology I had worked so hard to get would all be gone. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before. I had no way of knowing if it was due to the adrenaline I just injected myself with or the thought of losing my precious items.

Wanting to isolate myself from others out of worry id suck up any machines they had on them, I pressed my chest where my com used to be and tried to call one of my crew. I facepalmed instantly. I had forgotten the com badge disappeared with the rest of the technology. To my shock, I heard a Vi'kogs voice in my head. "Did you need something King Sisyphus?".

Hearing the voice, I spoke up. "How are you speaking in my head?"

"I'm talking to you through coms my King. I am not able to speak into your mind". Vi'kog replied with a confused voice.

After calming myself down and thinking for a bit, I raised my hand, pointed it in front of me, and a portal appeared. Just thinking about opening a portal to a random world I was able to do so. With the same hand I had created a portal with, I pointed at a wall thinking about firing a phaser blast and as I thought about it, a phaser blast fired from my hand and hit the wall.

"King Sisyphus, do you need my assistance with anything?" Asked a worried Vi'kog over the com badge that had now clearly become part of me.

Looking down at my hands, they were still made of flesh without any hint of machine, seeing this my worries eased greatly. "I'm sorry, I accidently hit my com badge" I said out loud to Vi'kog and then cut the com badge off with my mind.

Wanting to absorb more technology, I grabbed the DNA coder I had recently used and tried to absorb it, only to fail. Matter of fact, all of the new tech I had just acquired from the Doctor Who universe could not be integrated into me. After going around and testing a number of different technology, I came to the conclusion that I could only absorb things that I owned, fully understood the mechanics of, and was able to physically touch.

The power to absorb tech? It made me think of Cyborg from DC comics. It had been hypothesized in the past that Mutant power could be influenced by personality. If so, I wondered what this said about my personality? Maybe it was due to gaining a new power through the x-gene, but I could feel a clear difference in my my base abilities as well. I felt two times stronger, faster, and durable than I was before. If I continue to use myself as a biology experiment, maybe I could unlock my full Titan potential in the future.

Apparently I had been sitting in the room for quite some time. Joppi had come inside the room without realizing I was still inside it. "Oh, sorry I didn't know anyone was in here, I was just roaming arou-" Her voice cut off as her eyes focused on my pants. Thinking I was deformed by absorbing the machines and hadn't realized it, I looked down in worry only to realize I had a raging erection from the adrenaline shot.

Joppi crept closer as her whole demeanor changed. "Would you like some help with this?" She asked as she began taking off my pants, not waiting for my answer".

The next twenty minutes, Joppi used me until she was fully satisfied. I could tell she has been holding herself back with me after seeing how hungry she was, I scolded the past me for not catching on and acting sooner.

Suddenly I had an idea and went to Jasmines room to grab her vibrator. It was a simple technology and I easily absorbed it before going back to Joppi and testing it out. I could make any body part vibrate now. I could only vibrate as strong as the vibrator I copied, but now I was going to be a god in bed.

When I was finished with Joppi, I could tell she was happy with the time we had spent together. She had fallen straight to sleep with a content smile on her face.