
Bastard Of Thanos

Sisyphus the bastard trash son of Thanos and brother to Thane was nothing like his family members. While they were powerful beings, the only thing Sisyphus inherited from his father was his gigantic stature and semi immortality unfortunately. Sisyphus was used as a slave by his father Thanos until one day he found a device he recognized from his past life. A device that would change his life for the better and make him the most powerful being in all known universes. Join him on his journey of interstellar and interdimensional domination. Authors Notes: The MC is neither a good guy or a bad guy. This story contains a small amount of smut and gore. No romance, but a small group of sexual partners that are loyal to the MC. The majority of the story will take place in the Stargate Universe.

Level1Goblin · TV
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61 Chs

Magic or something else?

Back in the Stargate Universe, we found ourselves in New York. Activating my com, I gave instructions to my crew to beam Truman to Ephyra. He had a com attached to his shirt still and that was enough to pinpoint him. I also told my crew to have him moved to Ephyra Academy where he would be the first ever to get a personal recommendation from myself and be allowed to join after the school year had already started. 

Truman's magic potential was higher than anyone else's I had ever seen and it was worth cultivating such talent. After sending him off, I grabbed both of my new Goblins from their training and told them to accompany me. 

I transformed into my natural big and red form and equipped my new Helmet and power gloves that I had made using the vibranium. I believed I was now powerful enough to revisit the star wars and star trek universes. I had changed so much since the first time I dropped in to the point that I had little to fear now. 

"Stay on my right and left behind me at all times and only come forward when I ask. The place we are going is extremely dangerous and at times unpredictable." I said looking at the two fully armored Goblins in front of me. One a small hob Goblin in a pull over hood and the other a regular sized man with a mask that seemed to be laughing and mocking you at you at all times. 

Tapping my com, I spoke. "Beam me up to the ship." Immediately after saying those words, I found myself in my custom puddle jumper that had both warp and hyperdrive along with ancient weapons and other technology that would be useful. Nobody was on board the ship and I usually just let it float above earth cloaked these days because nobody could see it or access it without the proper gene to do so. Earth was so backwards that they would never be able to detect it anyway. 

The ship was small, but powerful. On board where the captains seat usually rested, my powerful hover chair was in it's place. I would use it to get around on the planets this time around instead of my puddle cycle. My goblin soldiers had hover technology in their armored feet so they could just float behind me when I used it. 

I opened a portal to the Star Wars universe in front of the ship and then piloted the puddle jumper through it while cloaked, because I had no idea what would be on the other side waiting for me. The last time I had visited I wasn't anywhere near earth and had landed on a planet with Jedi. 

Coming out of the other end of the portal I saw an earth still below us which surprised me because Earth had never been mentioned in any Star Wars work as far as I knew. Almost immediately after thinking this I had an immense headache and my veins burned hot like they were on fire as my heart started to pump fast. 

Something was invading my body at an alarming rate and all I could do was clutch my head in pain. "What the hell is this." I couldn't help but say, prompting my nearby Goblin Soldiers to notice and worry."

"Awaiting your orders my King!." Spoke Vi'kog who continued to stand at attention with Yuto behind him. 

Finally the pain started to go away and I raised my hand to signal everything was fine, but when I did so Vi'kog went flying towards the side of the ship and slammed into the hull. I hadn't meant to do it. Something inside me had changed when it came to my magic. I could feel it and use it more freely than before to the point that I only needed a thought or gesture. 

Vi'kog started to stand back up and dust himself off. "Apologies, I did not mean to offend." 

I shook my head at his words. "No, that was not on purpose. Give me a little while to collect myself and then we will land on the earth below." After saying that, I stood up and willed my magic to pick up my hover chair, right away it started to float off the ground like it would normally if the power was on. Because my magic seemed more sensitive than normal I did everything in a slow and calm manner. 

After confirming that my magic had indeed gotten stronger just from arriving in the Star Wars universe, a thought entered my head. Was my magic basically just a way to use the force? Were they the same thing, but different universes just gave it different names? 

If what I thought was what happened, then I had been practicing my magic any chance I got in the stargate and marvel universe to the point that I had primed my body to be the ideal body to use the force. The big difference was that the marvel and stargate universes did not have as many midichlorians throughout space to use like the Star Wars Universe did.

I had always been straining my body to use midichlorians, but because there were so little, I had become more adept in absorbing and using them than someone who was born where they were abundant. When I arrived to the Star Wars universe this time, my body began to be flooded with nearby midichlorians which was more abundant here than in the Stargate or Marvel universe. 

Using the Escafil device technology that I had absorbed into my body that allowed me to transform and alter myself, I searched around looking for microscopic midichlorians and within seconds I found them, many of them. Curious, I used the Escafil power further and duplicated the midichlorians inside my veins. 

Instantly my magic started to grow stronger once again. With this knowledge and the power of the Animorph Escafil technology, I could create my own midichlorians in my blood in the future and even spread them around me. Doing so I could be just as strong in other universes as I am now in this one. 

Feeling I had a proper understanding of the changes my body had undergone, I sat down the hover chair/throne lightly. It was time to get back to my original plan. "I'm landing on the earth below, be ready for any and everything at all times."